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Why Chronicle.SU is completely irrelevant

In the wake of cablegate, one pathetic excuse of a blog decided to go to war on Anonymous. This blog is known as Chronicle.SU, and its writer(s) are insanely delusional egomaniacs who think they make a difference. There is almost no comedic value to this “satire” blog, which is dedicated to spinning every event in cyber war as a victory for the enemies of Anonymous.

This all began when a writer for Chronicle.SU was banned from the AnonOps #AnonNews channel for complaining about the threatening public relations of Anonymous. In response to this ban, the writer attacked AnonNews with criticism of their advertisement sales. This was met with massive derision from Anonymous, and the author claimed it was an epic act of “trolling”. We all knew he was just butthurt, so we left hundreds of hateful comments and veiled threats on Chronicle.SU to prove it, as their traffic spiked into the tens of thousands. We decided not to follow through with our threats because it would have just given the troll more attention.

This butthurt failtroll then released “dox” of himself in a desperate plea for more attention, after the initial wave of Anon hatred wore off. These dox included a gay e-mail to a gay ex-girlfriend, replete with the deepest levels of faggotry ever seen on the internet. It was posted on AnonNews hundreds of times, but the shameless Chronicle.SU continued its campaign of spamming anti-anonymous propaganda. The quality and style of writing were barely above Anonspeak. Anonymous now had its very own Rush Limbaugh, combining entertainment and propaganda in a single mind-warping RSS feed full of paranoid conspiracy theories laced with impossibly vast quantities of narcissism.

As a final act of complete desperation, the writer(s) at Chronicle.SU began a fearmongering campaign to scare Anons away from both AnonNews and AnonOps. Citing the privacy gap of Google’s reCAPTCHA service – as implemented by AnonNews – Chronicle.SU successfully scared away many negative commenters who were critical of their “satire”. Chronicle.SU broke a story accusing Barrett Brown of leading activists into the “FBI infested” AnonOps chat rooms. Brown retaliated by calling the writer at Chronicle.SU a faggot and subsequently quit Anonymous to continue his own project elsewhere.

Despite the “dox,” it is still not clear exactly who is behind Chronicle.SU. Some have alleged that they are a collective of unknown individuals who write only when they feel Anonymous has overstepped its bounds. Others believe they are a psy-ops campaign run by the CIA or the KGB. However, the “subversive” Chronicle.SU is not important at all, and has had no effect on Anonymous whatsoever. The most likely scenario is that Chronicle.SU is one angry butthurt faggot who got banned from AnonOps and is a virgin because he has no girlfriend. Also, he has no idea how to hack. Hence, Chronicle.SU is completely irrelevant.

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Boycott Student Loans

Found yourself struggling to find work after college? Paying off loans while living at home, and unable to afford your own life?


The SWAT team will come to your house and kick down the door, and then choke-slam your ex into their police car and lock the door for a few hours.

You are being extorted

Education doesn’t cost this much. The secret police cannot extort us all at once.

Don’t Pay

You will be able to move on with your life, even as you are forced into underemployment. It is your right to be free from indentured servitude. Sadly, this has become what education is all about.

You are not a slave to your education


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Anonymous completely infiltrated by FBI and Secret Service, Iran promises Cyber War, and the LulzBoat sails on

Rather than making mass arrests that would force hackers into hiding, the FBI and Secret Service have been quietly knocking on doors and making threats. Eric Corley of 2600: Hacker Quarterly claims 25% of all hackers in the US are working as informants for the FBI. Mass hacker arrests will surely come sooner than later. 2600’s IRC servers have recently been DDoSed by LulzSec over a Twitter spat with Martijn Godlang, a hacker who bungled a LOIC DDoS attack by accidentally targeting a Dutch Government web server.

The revelation of such pervasive infiltration has not been fully digested by what remains of Anonymous. AnonNews is currently down because of unexplained DNS issues, but is still accessible at Barrett Brown commented for us just days before he left his position as the spokesperson for Anonymous, “They  have the right to decide if they want to get involved with Anonymous, knowing full well that the FBI is looking into us.”

Today, Persian state servers were taken over by Anonymous. A message from the Persian military threatened offensive action in retaliation. “The instruments required for the presence in cyber space are being prepared by the Defense Industries of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan. It appears that the Persian Military believes Anonymous is only a proxy for the United States government.

LulzSec recently accessed Infragard’s user database. Infragard is an information sharing service for the FBI and private security companies. Members of LulzSec attempted to extort information and money from the CEO of Unveillance, Karim Hijazi, leveraging embarrassing data from Infragard. According to LulzSec, Hijazi used the same password for Infragard as he did for Unveillance. The “extortion” was only intended to troll Hijazi into revealing his willingness to comply with threats.

LIGATT Security’s Gregory Evans claims to have the dox on LulzSec, which he will publish sometime in the near future. Evans cites the attack on the FBI as his primary motivation in doxing LulzSec.