News Special Interest

AnonNews allows Google to track commenters with reCAPTCHA

This was a real Captcha, sent in by a reader. The Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart has gained a consciousness of its own, and is warning us.

The Internet–Chronicle.SU went on the record before reporters Tuesday to apologize for months of unauthorized data-mining of hundreds of thousands of readers.

A Chronicle.SU insider, known only as Media Mogul, spoke on-stage from behind a curtain. He said, “A particularly scathing piece of anti-Google propaganda from our friends at p2pNet graced AnonNews early this morning. This led Chronicle.SU to the conclusion that we must boycott the data-mining malware known as Google-Analytics completely, along with any and all similar forms of spyware which compromise user data – and more importantly – the golden integrity of the infallible and glorious Chronicle.SU.”

And in a flash of light he was gone, followed immediately by the appearance of Kilgore Trout, Executive Editor of the Chronicle.SU.

Trout said, “We will gladly publish any details upon request,” adding, “those who use noscript are not affected by our leak to Google.”

“As should be expected,” Trout said sneeringly, “this highly interesting piece from p2pnet wasn’t ‘relevant’ enough for AnonNews. But I believe many of you will be shocked to find out AnonNews currently employs a piece of Google code to ‘keep out spammers’ known as reCAPTCHA. Its privacy policy leaves much to be desired.”

reCAPTCHA Privacy Policy – by Google

Those who use noscript are unable to comment on AnonNews without disabling their security to Google tracking cookies. forces users to either compromise their anonymity or hide, like cowards, behind a proxy, which still does nothing to prevent the cookies.

Should Anonymous fear its own “news source?”

Geographical distribution of Chronicle.SU readers who don't use noscript.
News Politics

New Obama Documents Reveal Lapse in Judgment, Fraudulent School Funds

The documents released on President Obama, including an alleged birth certificate obtained from the state of Hawaii, indicate that Obama’s mother was underage when he was conceived. They also reveal that Obama received foreign-exchange scholarships from Harvard.

Donald Trump heroically involved himself in the three-year quest to ascertain Barack Hussein Obama’s Presidential eligibility. Trump deserves credit where it is due. We may not always agree with everything Trump says, but he is a man of conviction who put everything on the line to force these important documents upon the public. Well done, Mr. Trump.

The documents indicate Barack Hussein’s mother was underage when he was conceived, suggesting that Mr. Obama’s father was, and possibly still is, a pedophile.

New doubt has been cast on the validity of the original birth certificates released by the State of Hawaii. The indisputable evidence proves Obama received Harvard Law scholarships intended for foreign exchange students.

Hawaii is notorious for its strict policy against releasing personal documents to the public, but made an exception for Mr. Obama.

It seems we’re making a lot of exceptions for Barack Hussein Obama these days, doesn’t it?


News Special Interest

Barrett Brown's character assassinated by Kilgore Trout

Yesterday, Barrett Brown was Anonymously provided with alleged leaks from the US Chamber of Commerce. Brown did not pass the documents onto Anonymous. As expected, Anonymous did not take caution and widely publicized the documents before they had been examined.

The documents were encrypted and could only be read by entering the password BarrettBrown. This simple trick implicitly associated these bogus documents with Brown and gave them the superficial feel of sensitive information. As Anonymous wasted their time digging through the massive dump, they wrongly cursed the name of Barrett Brown.

These documents were nothing more than the Chamber of Commerce public record. As the only celebrity to be associated with Anonymous, Barrett Brown is an important target for those who would turn public opinion against Anonymous. Making Brown look incompetent is a painful blow directed at the name of Anonymous.

Some have speculated that contractors like HBGary are at work. It is not clear whether they may have been hired by the US Government, Sony, or the NZ Government. What is clear is the intent to squelch online democratic uprisings. This move fits their strategy and was possibly intended to dethrone Barrett Brown as spokesperson of Anonymous. However, our inside sources have found a different answer.

A writer for Chronicle.SU has taken credit for the phony leak.

“As the world’s greatest troll, I am myself untrollable. However, Barrett Brown is not such a savvy troll. I took it upon myself to troll Barrett Brown and make him look like a failure. It’s part of a psychotic plan I have to assert dominance over Anonymous. Having trolled the entirety of Anonymous ten times over, I have finally set my sights on their great leader. Anyone who takes documents to Anonymous instead of Wikileaks should be instantly ignored.” ~ Kilgore Trout