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Callista Gingrich is a fucking alien!

Say hello to your new first lady!

Newt Gingrich knows about history and shit. He’s a historian. Preparations to return America to the way the founding fathers envisaged – allowing only white landowning men to vote – are already underway. Unconstitutional features of modern government such as Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare will be wiped away as blacks are re-enslaved. That’s how the founding fathers wanted things, and we all know God inspired them.

But what we’re not paying attention to now is Callista Gingrich’s fucking insanity. This woman will peck your fucking eyes out and her face is made of plastic because she’s an alien. Newt Gingrich is also an alien, as we all learned in Men in Black.

Its the MIBs – unh. They won’t let you remember.

But no one cares that these fuckers are aliens, because they’re too focused on who is more of a conservative. It just dawned on me, Occupy Wall Street is today’s Boston Tea Party, but in an Orwellian twist the modern Tea Party is actually a bunch of regressive aliens. Think about it, dumping corporate swill into the Ocean in protest of the abuse of power and hatred of the British King. Basically that’s how I feel about that.

Anyway, back to the aliens. Will Smith doesn’t have to cuss to sell records and that’s what makes him great. It’s guys like him that the aliens, following the example of our founding fathers, will be kind to. He will be a house slave, spared the pain of the cotton field.

5 replies on “Callista Gingrich is a fucking alien!”

Shes looks G R E A T – and hes a W I N N E R – ( sorry guys but hey, this couple have obviously got you really really scared huh ? how reactive you are when feeling threatened ! you poor things :)

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