We don’t want to see these fucking homeless people congregating at Occupy events because their existence is illegal. Just like the encampments, it’s illegal. Since when is camping in public places the freedom of assembly? Shit, if you’re out of work, go find it. It’s as simple as that. Not working is illegal – it’s called vagrancy – and you have no excuse not to have a job. Get off the streets.
Now motherfuckers are getting shot, and when you bring all these homeless and mentally ill drug addicts into one area without giving them the business, that’s what should be expected. Rapes, overdoses, murders, shootings – these things are all the fault of the Occupy movement and not a symptom of a failing economy that leaves its less fortunate children to the streets. If anything, this economy gives more opportunities than any other country in the fucking world because America’s fucking great and you’d be stupid to say otherwise. Would you rather be in China? If so, get off the streets and go to China. Enjoy communism.
I mean these monkeys are out there smearing their shit into the sidewalk and fucking openly on the street. What kind of sick fucks think this is okay? This is how they demand free money from the government? Sickening. You know what these creeps are? They’re a bunch of whining uneducated kids full of first world problems. Again, get off the streets and read a book. I suggest starting with Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.
But oh no, my bowel’s prolapsed from too much anal fucking, can you please pay for it with some Obamacare? Yeah, now waste that government money researching a cure to AIDS, which I got from my reckless and impulsive behavior. Mmmm yeah I’m getting high on this government cheese, payin’ for my medical marijuana. Obamacare’s soooo dank.
These feces deserve what they get and I don’t want my tax money wasted on their lavish entitlements. Shut it all fucking down. All we need is a military and a president to send them at our enemies (Muslims). That’s what the founding fathers imagined. Business will sort itself out. All this regulation does is waste money turning people into limp-dicked Occupy types who live off of food stamps and cry bloody murder when they aren’t handed a free sex change operation.
These Occupy fucks obviously never knew discipline as children. They were brought up in an age when spanking (necessary) was frowned upon. Now look at what’s happened. People are dying in the streets just so they can get MORE handouts from a government that’s TRILLIONS in debt.
One reply on “Occupy Wall Street lobbies for prolapsed rectum coverage under Obamacare: Get the fuck off the streets”
you’re a retard and this article is gay and full of aids