Today the United Angry Bird Nations instituted a no-fly zone above Pig territories, citing the need to protect Pig civilians from their evil leaders. However, the Pigs have not attacked any other group of animals despite their own state of revolution. The civilian death toll in Pig territories skyrockets as endless cluster bombs of Angry Birds rain down upon helpless Pigs.
Warning, this is a graphic depiction of the violence over Pig territories. The end result of the no-fly zone is thousands of dead civilians who are left unprotected by even the most sophisticated fortress.
Meanwhile, Angry Bird media outlets continue to broadcast their message of hate towards the Pig nation. The Angry Bird Network blames the Pigs for the increasing scarcity in eggs. However, Angry Birds still bombard Pig fortresses using explosive eggs. It is a testament to the hypocrisy of the no-fly zone that so many eggs should be wasted when Pigs have actually stolen so few. Expert analysts claim that as few as one hundred eggs are still held by the Pig army, yet every day thousands of eggs are turned into explosives and unleashed upon the innocent Pigs.
Pigs have begun to construct increasingly complex fortresses of ice, wood, and stone. Reports of concrete and steel fortresses are starting to trickle in, purported hideouts of the Pigs’ high-command.
The death toll for the Angry Birds has been just as terrible, if not worse. Conscripted out of the nest, Angry Bird soldiers are forced into kamikaze attacks where few survive. The few who come back from the war are unable to integrate themselves into Angry Bird society because of the traumatic stress they have been through.
Pig rebels at first welcomed the no-fly zone, but now that the terrible consequences are manifesting, they have begun to join with the other pigs in building fortifications. The Angry Birds have resorted to attacking all Pig fortifications whether they be friendly or unfriendly.
Here, we see our founding fathers dressed in racially insensitive mock-native garb. The crowds cheer on as they waste perfectly good tea. In America, we drink coffee.
The discussion at Tea Party Nation’s forum is so controlled by hateful moderators that there is in fact no discussion at all. This is why the “forum” is in fact closed to the public. “Forum” is a poor excuse for a Judson Phillips’ personal social media outlet. Sure, the vestiges of a fair forum are retained, and quickly buried by Judson Phillips. It is by design. Judson Phillips has a team that churns out a large quantity of vapid and incredibly short messages meant to keep the Tea Party updated on how to think about every single issue.
The recent attacks by Anonymous induced a war of lies between the two entities similar to the Westboro Baptist situation. It will never be clear who initiated the media shitstorm. All that is known is that both Judson Phillips and Anonymous have been benefited with free publicity out of the new internet hate-machines that are built to pit themselves against one another covertly and without repercussion.
Usually I disagree when Anonymous takes actions against such irrelevant groups, but this time I feel quite satisfied. Too long has the Tea Party condescended the world with their self righteous version of common sense. In their mind, they have divine consent to rule. This is the kind of common sense that condones and actively creates death and slavery. I will stoop to the level of Anonymous. Fuck Tea Party Nation. No one cares except your little cult.
The cowards on the forum immediately report any idea that is in disharmony with Judson Phillips’ brilliant messages. They are tattle tales. He has a small book of slogans and a team that applies it to events in real-time. Tea Party Nation is a brainwashing outfit. They cater to fringe elements of society who are fanatically resistant to our President. Their core platform is the belief in conspiracy theories. They close their forums to hide it from the world, and immediately kick anyone who disagrees in the slightest.
One day, the Tea Party dreams of a Berlin Wall across the Mexican Border with armed guards. However, the party is just politically correct enough to hold back from dressing up like Mexicans and burning down buildings that were built by Illegal Immigrants. Racial epithets, however, they are NOT above.
Tea Party Nation is a humble grassroots endeavor. At it’s founding fundraiser party, 600 supporters showed up. This doesn’t quite compare to the marches on the Capitol building in Madison, but the activists at Tea Party Nation paid $549 to attend a speech by Sarah Palin that cost the Tea Party $100,000. There is plenty of money to throw around for the Tea Partiers. Although the event was untaped and held in secret, an informant from Anonymous has provided proof that Palin actually stopped speaking twice in mid-speech to have txt fights with her daughter.
This is indicative of a man who believes that only property owners should be allowed to vote. Am I surprised that I was censored by someone who doesn’t believe I should be able to vote? Of course not. Judson Phillips is an enemy of Democracy and he even says so in the most explicit terms possible. This is why Tea Party Nation is irrelevant: Chronicle.SU gets more traffic. He has thrown away his fortune for a vile ignored little corner of the internet that only affects seething rageheads. Tea Party Nation is a hatemagnet. “Tea Party Nation,” FAIL.