INTERNET — In a show of solidarity with Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker, Anonymous hackers targeted and infiltrated infamous FEMA camp servers. FEMA camps imprisoned millions of Japanese citizens in the last century, and some believe the camps are part of a contingency plan which will be used for population control in the possible event […]
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Glenn Greenwald’s top 3 terrible clichés
When he’s not out fighting the panoptic gaze of the government with Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, the Internet’s best mirror-image of Rush Limbaugh, spends much of his time starting feuds with other journalists. He’s incredible at winning arguments partially due to his looming influence but is also excellent at a “death by a thousand cuts” […]

Glenn Greenwald’s Journalism
INTERNET – The Snowden case has raged so far out of control that it has many on the Internet scrambling to redefine journalism. In large part, this is because Snowden has been working primarily with Glenn Greenwald, a popular opinion columnist, to publish his leaks. But that’s OK, writes Benjamin Cosman of Policymic, in an opinion […]