axisflip cryptofinancial


the inernet

the chronicle rape tentacle has scraped glistening hate from the crusty bowels of your fucking internet for you

#lulzsec were the finest group of trolls that ever lived but most of them are in jail awaiting trial or FBI informants now #TROLLD2DETH #xx420N0SC0P3xx

#destructivesec was cool but their main mission was to destroy enough law enforcement online activities to get arrested, which they finally accomplished. just mindblowing.

now #rustleleague are attempting lulzsec status but failed due to infighting

now there is [email protected] which is the hardcorest of them all. They recruit new m3mb3rs exclusively through the Internet Chronicle’s comments section, found here. On the underground soviet hatesite

#b3rensteinB34rs no know limits. NNCSATANN feels no pain. he  is the devil in hisself.