INTERNET — Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford admitted to smoking crack on Tuesday, but a sex tape featuring Ford was released shortly following his tearful apology. Mayor Ford quickly issued a second tearful apology after deleting the first, leading some to compare Mayor Ford’s apology to the recent incident in which Paula Deen cried in multiple revised and deleted apologies for racism.
The women Mayor Rob Ford was seen with on the Internet sex tape appeared to be “incredibly expensive” and possibly underage Asian women caught up in sex trafficking.
Some critics call Toronto North America’s “Mecca” for the sex slave trafficking underworld. Every year, tens of thousands of underage sex slaves arrive in Toronto, where they then are trafficked to major markets in North America.
After deleting his second apology, Mayor Rob Ford issued a third apology in which he promised to clamp down on sex trafficking in Toronto. Mayor Ford will be making the rounds on the television talk shows to cry for audiences.