DAMASCUS — Much of Syria has been transformed into a “Sea of Glass” after sources reported an enormous nuclear blast Wednesday. President Obama addressed the American people from the Oval Office, saying, “We cannot permit the use of weapons of mass destruction against innocent civilians anywhere in the world. The Assad regime has been annihilated and can no longer threaten the peace and stability of the world.”
Early estimates suggest as many as 5 million Syrians died instantly, and nuclear fallout specialists suggest that nearly a million will die slow, painful deaths from cancer and mutations. People around the globe have taken to the streets in mourning for the civilians killed by the Assad regime’s vile chemical attacks.
Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a furious statement to President Obama, “Next time we’re looking for a new source of oil and have to drop a nuke, the world should know who to blame. Obama has set the precedent, and now we’re just looking for our first target. The Russian people are as thirsty for oil as the Americans, and we have even more powerful nukes!”
5 replies on “5 million dead after Obama orders Nuclear Strike on Syria”
Why you publish lies? Why?
Why publish obvious lies to any sane aware person? Do you not know you are falling to the fascist trap and passing on lies that reminds me of fascist propaganda? Wake the Fuck Up! @Peta_de_Aztlan
I’ve been waiting for something like this for years!
You’re all going to die you fascist pigs.
He’s publishing the future
He’s publishing the future…