Legendary columnist Old Brutus of the Internet Chronicle exploded with Rage Friday after investors pulled funding to the popular underground hatesite. His alcohol fueled blackout comes on the heels of reports “not even children were reading” his publications, according to information leaked by a Thursday hack against chronicle.su webservers.

Brutus reportedly knocked a hole in his office wall with the butt of a rifle after drinking himself into a racist stupor.
“Young kids just don’t like double-black-cock-penetration anymore,” said Brutus. “They’re only satisfied if the girl is throwing up, crying, shitting herself – or doing everything at the same time; like this.” Brutus proceeded to soil himself, and vomited blood onto his trousers before crying himself to sleep in the arms of staff writer Frank Mason.
Mason said Brutus will sleep for a few hours but ultimately repeat the cycle of abuse and self-loathing. “But he’ll wake up some time tonight and remember why it hurts, then he’ll start drinking again. All Brutus feels is a spectrum of pain. His eyes have grown icy, lifeless. The only thing left in his emotional toolkit is abuse.”
Insider reports suggest no amount of death hoaxes or falsified celebrity nudes could possibly bring the Internet Chronicle into the end of the next fiscal year. The FY will bring crippling debt that makes suicide appear to be the only promising option left in the Chronicle vocabulary. Brutus has threatened suicide on multiple occasions, but as bill collectors and hosting dues draw near, sources claim the suicide threats have increased in frequency.
Mason said he expects “a brief return to his old self again” in the early afternoon, when Brutus usually wakes up and begins a campaign of starvation-enhanced Civilization V domination.
“But for now,” Mason said, “we’re just praying.”
5 replies on “Media Mogul Grows Abusive As Website Ratings Fail”
Totally off the topic but I needed to tell as many people as I could.My father is a 59 year old irish taxi driver and Wednesday night he was @ work in ireland and he was attacked by a American marine who was with two others that where out on leave..He decided that he would kick in my fathers window covering him and cutting his face with the shattered glass….The local law enforcement was called and these men where found only for the MP to take over and arrest them…Now how brave was a trained weapon attacking a innocent civilian who never in his life has had one day of combat training….O ya my dad was also told to stay away from the papers..What a hero ye have there..
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