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Nuclear bomb detonated in Ukraine – nuclear blast detected

Ukraine nuclear bomb blast detectedUkraine — Ukrainian government officials confirmed a nuclear blast was detected in Ukraine Sunday. No other news is coming out of the area.

Three videos just uploaded show the small nuclear blast below. Nothing more is known at this time, including who launched the weapon or against which target.

The materials appear to have originated from the war-torn region of Ukraine, where separatists are attempting to return control of the former Soviet nation to Russia.

The attack comes after Britain’s defense minister voiced concerns Russia may have “lowered the threshold” for using nuclear weapons.

In their criticisms, Britain warned Russia’s nuclear strategy was being integrated with conventional forces in “a rather threatening way.”

Russia’s new military doctrine reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in a conventional attack that endangers the state’s existence, but some in the military were reportedly calling for a “first strike option.”

By Hatesec

I am the hatest

188 replies on “Nuclear bomb detonated in Ukraine – nuclear blast detected”
Couple interesting articles for ya to read.
I like the part where Kiev says it was a dropped cigarette but. Lmao.

This one here is pretty funny?
Since when do troops carry passports?
Very hard to tell who’s telling the truth. So many deceptions. One thing is for sure. Tee world economy is on the Fitz. That usually signals the beginning of a world war. Kinda seems like US is down to there last chips and it’s all in or bust. Should have seen this coming with the development of the BRICS Bank
Lots of countries dumping the us dollar and not taking there shit anymore was bound to get some people all ralled up. A world war in this day and age could destroy our planet and our civilization completely. It’s unfortunate that the people in charge of all these countries are psychotic lunatics blinded by greed. Keep on keeping on my friends. As for what it was. Who knows who cares? Never should have happened. But if you ask me. That’s a 1000lb jdam smashing into a chemical plant full of anti Armour ordinance. Thanks. Take care. Good luck. We should all prey for peace tonight when the sun goes down.

it wasn’t a “tactical nuclear weapon,” as some social media users claimed, but just a big blast–reportedly Ukrainian army artillery fire hitting an ammunition depot held by the rebel Donetsk People’s Republic.

Just a big blast? Lol. If I wanted to be told what to think or believe I would go watch some fox news like you bud. Get your head out of your ass and start thinking for yourself you dumb fuckin American sheeple.

go get fucked by youre dad some more you stupid communist twat i hope someone comes along anc chops youre fucking you head off and i hope u have to beg a solider to try and stich youre worthless cock gobbler back on.

Do us all a favour & go hang yourself you dumb sick american! You’re a fine example of exactly what is WRONG in this world.

It certainly looks like a nuclear blast to me. But be prepared to face deeper realities here. Stop treating each other like enemies…. there are some malevolents here on this planet who want to lower the population- those of you who want to play war games with words here are the ones they will leverage for the destruction of many- including yourselves…. recognize the larger aspects ~ do a little research so you have an intelligent platform to stand on, rather than calling each other names like little children.

Um… what’s wrong with decreasing the population? Nature has a perfect system of balancing its ecosystem. We as humans have gone against nature. Our medical and technological advances are causing people to live longer thereby undermining nature and her perfect balance. Research the experiment where scientists allowed rats to continually breed until overpopulating their environment. They went insane. Started attacking, killing and eating each other. I don’t see much difference in the issue of overpopulation and the effects upon the fragile human psyche that are now exhibited everyday.

LOLOLOL – I believe you DP. “Tomorrow it’ll be a kitchen fire at mcdonalds.”

That shit was a nuke – for real.


Who the fuck are you , you
Anti American. Piece of shit were you there at the explosion you dumbass how the fuck do we really know what it is you communist pig

The mushroom cloud would heavily suggest it was a nuclear explosion. Also, why does not believing every word of the mainstream media make someone a communist pig? Wishing violence on someone for having a difference of opinion would most definitely make someone a fascist pig and not someone who truly believes in freedom.

communisism is just a system idiot. As is capitalism and socialism. I’m not saying that communism and socialism is what america needs, for it definitely isn’t. All I’m saying is that, no matter what system it is, there are people behind it. It is the people that really tell if the system is corrupt. Those people who are corrupted are the true communist/socialist/capitalist pigs.

Oh… and as for the bomb… sorry about that. I just really had to fart.

Proud American? What are you proud of, please tell me? Perhaps being a resident of a nation that has broken every treaty it’s ever made? Perhaps because America attacks its own in concert with the sicko’s of Israel as on 9/11? Because it supports genocide of Palestinians? Because it lies to invade Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Ukraine and soon Syria? Only a moron in denial would be proud to be an American in light of the criminals in power for the last 3 decades that have made the once great USA the greatest criminal terror state in the history of the entire world! I served my nation did you? I was in DIA “cover”, were you? I KNOW the things these sick, psychopaths will do for wealth accumulation, power and hegemony, do you? Apparently not! You know nothing! If you did, you wouldn’t be a “proud” but very stupid, American!

Don’t confuse proud Americans with corrupt politicians! Right now the giant is sleeping so don’t confuse what our pshycopathic government does. We still say what we think with being drug off and tortured for it. Your government is as involved in the new world order movement that’s taking place. One world one Goverment and we will all be global citizens. I think it’s all a load of bs. Regardless of what BS our government says, there is not one American yet that plans to go along with. Our American government is now trying to convert to fascism or communism and planning an attack on our own country as we speak. They have 100,000 Chinese troops stationed south of our Texas border, Obama bright in 100,000 Syrian refugee terrorist here and our borders have been left wide open leaving it up to Americans to protect themselves from terrorism tyranny and every other security our should be protecting. Your right we should have not gotten involved in the Middle East. When Iran kidnapped Americans in the 80’s and held them in Lebanon, we should have just nuked them out of existence leaving not one thing alive in that country, we wouldn’t have all these problems now. When America wakes up and starts taking back our country from the international terrorist Barrack Obama, his real name is Barry by the way. Too vain to accept his own name and be proud of it. The next people will be in control and we will have the nuke button then and will use it on any nation that has invaded our country. America wants nothing to do with communist UN and we will cut all funding and foreign aid. Funnny that some people hate our country but love our handouts, I’m sure even you benefited from America at some point in time

It wasn’t a nuke, Jesus Christ! You fire some artillery at a weapons depot, what do you think is gonna happen? Besides, you can’t take a decent picture of a nuke from that distance without losing some body parts.

Thats not true. A good portion of nuclear tests were conducted with observers at that range.
And an ammo dump doesnt go up as one explosion.

John. You’re either a CIA operative or a fuckin moron cock sucker. Actually you’re probably both. Get over here and suck on mommy’s dick.

good indication is sound almost simultaneous with light which means that it occurred at a low distance and that the fireball took a little while to erupt after the blast …. consistent with an artillery shell hitting explosive material … moreover the shock wave occurred well after the sound so not supersonic at low distance like a nuke shockwave

good indication is sound almost simultaneous with light which means that it occurred at a low distance and that the fireball took a little while to erupt after the blast …. consistent with an artillery shell hitting explosive material … moreover the shock wave occurred well after the sound so not supersonic at low distance like a nuke shockwave


Unless somehow they’ve managed to change the laws of physics.

They release EMP at any altitude, even subterranean.

The strategic advantage of high altitude EMPs is that less of them are projected into the ground and, therefore they have a larger area of effect.

And fake confirmation of a nuke strike in the Ukraine by tbe Ukraine gov’t would have absolutely nothing whatsoever with deliberately fueling a large scale war between Russia and the West.

Nope. Nothing to do with it at all. A fake confirmation wouldn’t serve an ulterior Ukrainian agenda at all.

Why is it so hard to believe its a Nuke? Over 3000 nukes have been detonated around the world in the past 100 yrs.

Doesn’t matter if the nuke hasn’t been around 100years, the guy didn’t claim there were nukes 100years ago.

Read his post. He said “There have been around 3000 nuke detonations in the last 100yrs.

Now correct me if i’m wrong but 1944 is still within 100yrs.

I’ve actually shot 2000 rabbits within the last 1000years, but i’m only 40. still it’s within the last 1000years.

No Nuke, No EMP. That camera would have fried the second it went off and there would be no video. Plus the sound just takes about 14 seconds to get there, so about 3 miles.

They used film. You know, cellulose and other special strips of material designed to hold a light exposure onto print. A modern photo takes the light, converts it into data, then stores it as a file. A modern cameras optics are not equipped to handle super bright flashes and are susceptible to any electromagnetic field interruptions.
Jeeze, don’t you guys know anything about how your modern day technology works?

Geez, Don’t You know anything about how an emp works or what could cause the emp to be minimal or possibly non existent?

The last guy should have shut you all up. Nuclear weapons create an electromagnetic pulse that will fry any and all electronics within the blast area. As you can see, all three recorders continues to function. So, it wasn’t a nuclear device. :)

Yeah Emp’s usually only have effects on long lengths of metal like power wires, I-beams, pipes, antennas. Very small circuitboards would generally be safe at that distance (about 10 miles)except in a high altitude explosion that was a large yield. Done some research on EMPS and protecting against them.

And since they can make very small devices and strategically launch them near the ground to reduce collateral damage. IF the only argument you have is lack of EMP then you simply have lack of an argument. To me it seems like it would send a strong message if nothing else.

WHERE IM I %%!%%$/%?t$”?y , SOME ppl here should be a goat ,,

the emp produced by the detonation is relative to the quantity of core used in the bomb ,, so a 10 kilotons nuclear detonation will make an emp exemple in a 15km radius ,,
a 10 tons explosion will make an emp at 1km maybe ,, did anyone have a brain ?

no buildings went down watch it again, you can see the black outline of buildings to left of the screen …a nuke would have created a #@$! storm of heat and wind flatening everything with in

You’re stupid. Please read up on nuclear devices and explosions before making uneducated guesses of what YOU think would/should happen.

Yeah, go watch the documentary on Netflix about the bombing of Hiroshima. you will see there is no way that was nuclear.

You know, not all Nuclear weapons are be-all-end-all tsar bombas. There has been a lot of development into tactical nuclear technology over the past few decades, nuclear weapons small enough to be able to be used on the Battlefield. This is certainly consistent with at least the possibility.

For all the people around asking where the EMP is, I may be wrong on this point but I thought Electromagnetic pulses only occurred when a weapon was triggered in the Mesosphere or Thermosphere – or perhaps the size of tactical nukes prevents strong emp blasts.

I’d hope this isn’t a nuclear exchange. I certainly fear if it was.

If your EMP theory is correct, how is there any video footage of any nuclear detonation, ever? Ground vs air detonation, size of device, etc.are also factors.

They stored images onto film back then. Further, they used specialized cameras designed to filter out a significant amount of light and had specialized film types designed specifically to deal with Nuclear blast light and heat.

Back then being the operative phrase. This is now.i suppose your another under educated ask wiki dumb fuck American. Better go watch CAN to find out what to believe. They’ll tell you.What they want to believe.

You realize if this was a nuke, not only would those cameras not be working (Thanks EMP) but their optics would be fried right? This was very clearly not a nuke.

And you’re clearly misinformed. Should spend less time spouting fuckin foolishness and more time educating yourself.

I’m just curious, What kind of education do you have, dp? If I were you, I’d try to get my tuition back. You certainly didn’t learn anything useful. Besides, everything I’ve seen you post is foolishness. Those Whippets must be hitting home.

DP, I have read several of your comments. While you clearly have a different opinion, your arguments substance is that of vulgar and obscene remarks that make all anarchists ashamed. You represent no one, and you blindly listen like a little sheep. At least these “American Sheep,” can back their opinions. If I didn’t know better, I would believe that you are just some twelve year old that believes every conspiracy theory he reads on the Internet. I sincerely loathe you, and if we ever meet it will be the last time you boast ignorant statements causing shock and awe.

although I.don’t think it’s possible for these guys to actually film a “nuclear explosion” so close without being blown go pieces. I do think it’s almost just as bad. Either way bombs going off in Russia isn’t good for the US in any way you look at it!

depends on the yield of the nuke.

hiroshima was about 20kiloton.

what about a battlefield ballistic missile maybe with only a 1 kiloton yield or less?

Stop thinking about the blast comparing it to hiroshima, there are many different yields of nukes, and each yield will have different sized mushroom clouds, different blast waves, and other factors.

You all seem to think that nukes are huge weapons, when in fact they can be pretty damn small yield too.

Just an fyi for all the mis-informed people on here, a nuclear explosion itself does NOT create an EMP. Any large explosion, nuclear or not, can create an EMP as a result as in a disruption in the Earth’s ionosphere or magnetic field. A small tactical nuclear warhead, which this quite possibly could have been, would not necessarily create an explosion large enough to disrupt the ionosphere nor magnetic field

DP , the bible of psychology sudjest that persons that use constantly , cock sucker , fucker , cock fucker sucker cker cker that the subject is preoccupated by that ,, we are here to talk about the blast in ukraine DP , we are not here to talk about your homosexuality , so pleaze go away if you can’t talk like others ,,

You guys are retarded. Not every nuke causes a strong emp and there are tactical nukes that have much smaller warheads than the nuclear bombs you may be thinking of. A tactical nuke could be designed to take out just a couple blocks of a city. Not all explosions are as devastating as you are trying to describe. Plus the damage and emp effect is greatly reduced if detonated at ground level rather than in the air.

Safe sex in Canada would be keeping people like you from breeding. Go back to where ever you came from because real Canadians aren’t as stupid as you. Did u immigrate from Wichita?

who wrote this propaganda??? ‘where separatists are attempting to return control of the former Soviet nation to Russia.’ << that statement is so wrong. There were 6million Russian speaking Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine, 1milion have fled to Russia since the east has been attacked for almost 8months. These so called sepratists ahve been attacked,they have the right to defend their territory. They want a federation's not about Russia. It's about Ukrainians born in Ukraine lived there all their lives and happen to be Russian speakers. Has th eEast attacked Kiev? nope..has any western medioa made mention of th e1million Ukrainian refugees who fled to Russia? nope. now we get this 'nuclear bomb' fiasco…As for 'skeletor' British Defence secretary makes no mention of all the neutron warheads deployed in NATO forces since the 70s..this is plain propaganda blame the other guy for the shit you do..and articles like this are just more of the same shiite.

EMP from a ground or low altitude burst has no widespread damaging effect, unless it is transmitted over land lines, cable, pipes, etc, located at close proximity to the burst radius. A very low yield tactical weapon at ground level would not necessarily take out the grid or electronics miles away.
But this was likely just a munitions dump…

Well you started out good. Then you shit the bed. So you copy pasted good information and then threw your ten cents in. I thought you’d be smarter with a name like that. Yeah. It was just a wee munitions dump with a couple crates of hand grenades. Where did the mushroom cloud come from Mr ask wiki?

The mushroom cloud came from an explosion. Just because an explosion made a little mushroom cloud, doesn’t mean it was a nuke, Mr. WatchesTooMuchTV. Gases and oils can do this. Here is a link to an even bigger explosion in Canada, caused by a train filled with chemicals. . I’ll be honest, you say other people are not smart, have you read what you’ve been typing? I haven’t seen you make any valid points. They definitely don’t have any evidence to back them.

Isn’t posting a comment like that the very definition of a troll. I on the other hand, have only pointed fallacies in logic. Let me ask you this, are you embarrassed by yourself because you are not educated enough to make a reasonable comment? I sure would be. I would feel like I was a failure at life. I am so glad that I have enough brain cells to have a reasonable thought process. You better wear a helmet and protect the two brain cells that you still have. Maybe they will mate and you’ll grow another cell in there.

An EMP effect is only associated with high altitude bursts . . . .ground level detonations have nearly zero EMP effect. Tactical nukes are small scale and don’t yield the EMP intensity that multi megatonnage weapons have.

All bs. Apparently no one gives a fuck about U.S. treaty. Y’all be arguing about whether its nuke or emp, but does that really matter?fact
of the matter is, it happened. I’d be more concerned in what’s to come kids.

All of you are idiots there were tactical nukes being designed in Russia that have a low yield and were e cased in a newly developed material that would eliminate emp and this a specific target not meant to cause wide spread destruction

Yeah. And the Americans don’t have them. Cmon fuck. Ukraine used it on there own people. Us gave it to them. Probably brought it over on Air Force One. The peace talks were a front to smuggle nukes. Pretty ingenious.

I’m willing to bet everything I own, that the U.S. has miniature tactical nukes, but there is one logical fallacy to your ideas. If the U.S. gave a nuke to Ukraine to use against it’s own civilians, why isn’t there anything about it on American news networks? If they were going to use a tactical nuke as propaganda, how come we’re not being fed all the bull crap propaganda involves? If your statements were true, we’d be getting told how bad Russia or the rebels are for nuking Ukraine and we’re not.

With all this news about EMP, Nuke, Nuclear and bomb… NSA is sitting there in Utah going WTF! All this work to do sorting everyone’s computer for messages!
Meanwhile.. top officials at Homeland security walk off the job.
DHS now hiring.. must read and write.

If cameras from any era would be fried by the light emitted, and EMP, then why do videos and films exist of nuclear bombs going off in tests? Think about that one. Please let the EMP Gods here explain that one.

Well Vince,
The U.S. government didn’t use IPhones or digital cameras that saves data to the ever so cool, silicon microchips that we use today, way back in the 1940s. I really don’t think that this is nuclear. There is an easy way to tell though, a Geiger counter. I pretty sure if that bomb spewed any radiation, whatever side just took the hit, would be telling every news organization in the world right now just how high the radiation is.

Please explain where I’m wrong. Here is a good pointer for you, though. Assumption always equals stupid. Don’t take this wrong, I’m not calling you stupid. You are assuming that I’m a young man. This makes me wonder, deep down inside, do you actually think you might be older than everybody or do you just assume some people are younger than you? I’m not asking a whole bunch, just for people to use rational logical thought. This really is how wars go from bad to worse.

What’s your point fuck head. You’re a member of a group of fuckin morons. Who like to spat misinformation. KEEP up the good work.

What’s your point fuckhead? That you’re a victim of multi generational incest induced mental retardation and angry about your impotent micro phallus? If so, you’ve made your point over and over you dumb obese fuckwit. The magnificent level of retardation you keep displaying would easily qualify you to compete in the special olympics if you’re so inclined.

PS…. One of these statements is false- 1. Dp is a worthless excuse for a human being that will suffer greatly flipping burgers in his miserable minimum wage life until he dies from obesity. : 2. This explosion was clearly a low-yield tactical nuke. Here’s a hint…… This absolutely, positively was not a nuclear explosion, low-yield, or otherwise. If you feel otherwise, fret not and do the world a favor………….murder all of your relatives and kill yourself.

What if only a tactical nuclear bomb ?
The effects are not those of Iroshima, not so strong, note so wide, but still they are nuclear.

I’m sure if it was a nuke, the shit would be hitting the fan right now. All the news is reporting now is the worst dressed at the grammys.

Yeah. And CAN is gonna report that USA gave nukes to ukrainian military to use on innocent people. Sure bud. The night is still young. Say your prayers and count your blessings.

Regardless of whether it was a 1000lb jam or a fuckin water balloon full of butane. It killed a lot of innocent people. The implications of this are and we’re unimaginable. NATO was involved in starting a nuclear holocaust period. And tomorrow they’ll be pointing fingers at Russia as usual. Educate yourselves about George Sorts and then maybe you’ll understand what the fuck is going on. It’s capitalism in its worst hour.

How many innocent people died in this explosion. I haven’t seen anything about how many people died. Did you read this on another news site? While I’m sure some people died, it’s only assumption right now. Unless I’m wrong and you have inside information or are there picking up the bodies right now. Let’s leaves facts for when real facts are discovered. The U.S. has bombs that make that explosion look small, that are not nuclear. if you watch the video you can see a bunch of small explosions before the big one. I’d say one of their artillery strikes got something good. There are lots of things in this world that will blow up that big.

I agree, if dp actually had a real education, he would be able make better arguments, without making it look like everything he says is wrong. Hey dp, communication skills are very important in any society. You should study up, pal. Better yet, ignorance is bliss.

To anyone like dp still thinking that a nuke went off, read the news. It was a chemical plant that got hit with artillery, just like I said before. Watch the videos. You can see a bunch off artillery strikes, then a big explosion. luckily, it was a real small chemical explosion. As of yet, no casualties, innocent or otherwise has been reported.

Dp, is this the propaganda you were expecting?

As a matter of fact here is a direct quote from fox: “The rebel stronghold of Donetsk lies in the middle of the Ukrainian industrial heartland, and explosions like this have long been feared.”
I bet you feel smart now, huh dp?

Fuck you DP! I will fuck your shit up! Come to Half Moon Bay, California, USA talking that shit your talking. Thats bullshit. You will be waking up needing a new haircut motherfucker. Your a bitch!

I agree, this story about a nuke is fake. Like I said before, if a nuke went off, you could not hide the radiation.

Whoever says this is a nuke is beyond fucking retarded, See the other “headlines” on the site Jenny McCarthy dead from measles?? Life’s short and hard like a body building elf, so save the planet and kill yourself.

Kyiv Post a.k.a. the horses mouth

Kyiv Post+

​​Editor’s Note: ​Kyiv Post+ is a public service offering special coverage of Russia’s war against Ukraine and the aftermath of the EuroMaidan Revolution. All articles, investigative reports and opinions published under this heading are free for republication during Ukraine’s time of national emergency. Kyiv Post+ is a collaboration of the Kyiv Post newspaper and the affiliated non-profit Media Development Foundation.

Oleg Sukhov

Oleg Sukhov is a former Moscow Times editor and reporter and a graduate of Moscow State University. He also used to teach history and the theory of knowledge in English at the European Gymnasium in Moscow.


Associated Press: Explosion at chemical plant in eastern Ukraine sparks fire

Kremlin-backed fighters wage war from Donetsk’s ruined residential areas

Russian humanitarian aid convoy returns to Rostov after delivering ‘aid’ to Donetsk

OSCE mission monitoring evacuation of civilians from Debaltseve, Donetsk region

BBC: Public ignores ‘booms’ in Donetsk (VIDEO)

A massive explosion hit Donetsk late on Feb. 8, killing Russian-backed troops and destroying equipment. The incident at the Donetsk State Chemical Plant has been called by some observers the biggest blast during Russia’s war against Ukraine.

According to preliminary information, 20 Grad multiple rocket launchers and 30 vehicles with ammunition were destroyed. Some 200 separatists were also killed by the Ukrainian artillery, Dmytro Yarosh, leader of the Right Sector nationalist party, wrote on Facebook on Feb. 8.

The Ukrainian leadership tends to overestimate separatist casualties as part of the information war, and it is very difficult to correctly count them unless insurgents are killed on Ukrainian-controlled territory, Vyasheslav Tseluiko, an expert at the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies, said by phone.

Borys Filatov, a member of the Vekhovna Rada, wrote on his blog on Feb. 8 that the chemical plant was shelled with Smerch multiple rocket launchers by the same Ukrainian unit that had destroyed insurgent aircraft earlier in January.

“We threw two fishing rods with two worms,” Filatov said, citing the metaphor Ukrainian troops allegedly used for the attack.

A Ukrainian-led attack in Donetsk killed as many as 200 Russian-backed soldiers, according to some sources, although that figure cannot be confirmed.

However, there was no official confirmation of the Ukrainian army’s involvement in the incident and the number of casualties and destroyed equipment.

Vladislav Seleznyov, a spokesman for Ukraine’s General Staff, said by phone that the cause of the explosion is not clear yet. The plant could have been attacked by Ukrainian troops, Ukrainian guerrilla fighters in Donetsk or separatists, he added.

“Apparently stewed meat from Russia’s 13th humanitarian convoy exploded,” he joked. The joke was an apparent reference to Russia’s use of the so-called “humanitarian convoys,” which are sent regularly to Ukraine and are not vetted by any international organizations. The Kremlin insists that the trucks contain food and other necessities, but a recruiter of mercenaries from Ekaterinburg had said the convoys are used to ship arms and fighters to Ukraine’s territory.

The National Defense and Security Council said on Feb. 9 that 1,500 Russian soldiers and 300 units of military equipment had crossed the border into Ukraine on Feb. 7-8, when the latest “humanitarian convoy” arrived to Donbas.

Anatoly Stelmakh, a spokesman for the anti-terrorist operation, denied Ukrainian troops’ involvement in the Donetsk explosion.

“We know about this explosion but Ukrainian artillery didn’t carry out this strike,” Stelmakh said on Feb. 9, as cited by the news site. “Given that this is intelligence data, we don’t comment on this information.”

Kyiv Post staff writer Oksana Grytsenko contributed to this report.

Kyiv Post staff writer Oleg Sukhov can be reached at [email protected].



Barbarisms by Barbaras
With pointed heels.
Victorious, victories kneel.
For brand new spankin’ deals.
Marching forward hypocritic
And hypnotic computers.
You depend on our protection,

Yet you feed us lies from the table cloth.
La la la la la la la la la,
Everybody’s going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.

Kneeling roses disappearing,
Into Moses’ dry mouth,
Breaking into Fort Knox,
Stealing our intentions,
Hangars sitting dripped in oil,

Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the table cloth.
La la la la la la la la la,
Everybody’s going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.
Everybody’s going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.

Blast off, it’s party time,
And we don’t live in a fascist nation,
Blast off, it’s party time,
And where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don’t presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don’t presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor? [X4]

Kneeling roses disappearing,
Into Moses’ dry mouth,
Breaking into Fort Knox,
Stealing our intentions,
Hangars sitting dripped in oil,

Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth.
La la la la la la la la la,
Everybody’s going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.
Everybody’s going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sun

Where the fuck are you!
Where the fuck are you!

Why don’t presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don’t presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor? [X3]
Why, do, they always send the poor [X3]
They only send the poor [x2]
Couple interesting articles for ya to read.
I like the part where Kiev says it was a dropped cigarette but. Lmao.

This one here is pretty funny?
Since when do troops carry passports?
Very hard to tell who’s telling the truth. So many deceptions. One thing is for sure. Tee world economy is on the Fitz. That usually signals the beginning of a world war. Kinda seems like US is down to there last chips and it’s all in or bust. Should have seen this coming with the development of the BRICS Bank
Lots of countries dumping the us dollar and not taking there shit anymore was bound to get some people all ralled up. A world war in this day and age could destroy our planet and our civilization completely. It’s unfortunate that the people in charge of all these countries are psychotic lunatics blinded by greed. Keep on keeping on my friends. As for what it was. Who knows who cares? Never should have happened. But if you ask me. That’s a 1000lb jdam smashing into a chemical plant full of anti Armour ordinance. Thanks. Take care. Good luck. We should all prey for peace tonight when the sun goes down.

sorry ive seen the vid its not a nuke the flash would of been longer and he vid footage would of blanked out as well due to the emp of it all electronics would of been toast also nukes produce 3 waves of energy one being the first shock wave second the heat wave followed by forced vacuum which would of pulled it all back in to the epicenter also if your close enough to see the blast of a nuke you would be going blind and possible and mostly likely be dead burnt to as or if you survived dyeing from radiation poisoning as your insides melt from the inside out

It looks like Russian tactical nuclear strike, non-strategic nuclear weapon aka. suitcase nukes. Small, two-man portable, or truck-portable where the yield of tactical nuclear weapons is generally lower than that of strategic nuclear weapons. Is it questionable whether Nazis in the Kremlin would use that weapon against the World ? No.

Everyone… Everyone, stop bytching and listen…

This was artillery causing a huge depot explosion.. If there was numerous cameras from different angles catching this explosion at night, don’t you think there was small explosions going off first. Hence why people were able to point the camera in the right direction in 100% blackness.. Obviously small explosions could be heard, people could tell what direction the explosions were coming from so they grabbed their camera just incase and bam, they catch this..

100% I’m correct.. Thanks for tuning in and kiss my ass goodbye..

Wake up people, it’s time to take our freedom and sovereignty back that’s been taken away from us from these devil worshipers … If we don’t stand up now, we will lose everything given to us from our creator

For more than a generation, nuclear weapons were considered DEFENSIVE only. In a few short sentences however, Putin made these devices OFFENSIVE in nature…“I want to remind you that Russia is one of the most powerful nuclear nations. This is a reality, not just words. Russia, is strengthening our nuclear deterrence forces. Surprising the West with our new developments in OFFENSIVE nuclear weapons about which we do not talk yet”….31.8.2014 Vladimir Putin.
Even if there was Russian nuclear tactical strike in Ukraine, the cover up is already in motion, something like…Chemical plant ? Russians are very good at hiding their tracks, let’s just remember MH17.

My name tag says it all. Dude you’re the reason people think Americans ate ignorant and can’t speak without cussing at someone or calling name. You’re exactly what the beer belly, wife beating, Nascar watching stereotype these people from around the world are taking about. I’m a proud American and I’m disgusted that a person like you had the freedoms I do. Stop making Americans look bad and just sit your budweiser chugging ass down and shut up. Nobody wants to hear it.

Well actually. I don’t drink that American piss. Don’t watch NASCAR. 10% body fat. Never layer a hand on a women in my life. Not even American bro. So that’s how fuckin smart you are you typical ignorant cock sucking American. Lmao. Thanks for caring though. You’re a real patriot.
Couple interesting articles for ya to read.
I like the part where Kiev says it was a dropped cigarette but. Lmao.

This one here is pretty funny?
Since when do troops carry passports?
Very hard to tell who’s telling the truth. So many deceptions. One thing is for sure. Tee world economy is on the Fitz. That usually signals the beginning of a world war. Kinda seems like US is down to there last chips and it’s all in or bust. Should have seen this coming with the development of the BRICS Bank
Lots of countries dumping the us dollar and not taking there shit anymore was bound to get some people all ralled up. A world war in this day and age could destroy our planet and our civilization completely. It’s unfortunate that the people in charge of all these countries are psychotic lunatics blinded by greed. Keep on keeping on my friends. As for what it was. Who knows who cares? Never should have happened. But if you ask me. That’s a 1000lb jdam smashing into a chemical plant full of anti Armour ordinance. Thanks. Take care. Good luck. We should all prey for peace tonight when the sun goes down.

And you’re point is besides that you were manipulated into commenting. So who is really intellectually challenged here. Oh and also cocks (rhetorical).

I was a Atomic Demolition Munitions Specialist during the 70’s and 80’s until I left the Army as a SGT. We had groups of three to carry small tactical nuclear weapons into areas that would delay or stop Russian progress into West Germany.
We had One and Five Kiloton weapons. The program was disbanded in 1986 but re-implemented in 2010. With the new advents in technology we were able to develop ‘backpack nukes’. The Russians had almost the same type of program and lost ’50’ of those backpack nukes. If this was a nuclear blast, it was a low ‘kiloton’ blast and probably was initiated by the Russians. The main point is if this was indeed a tactical nuclear weapon, why hasn’t NATO and the US upped our Defcon rating which sits at ‘5’ right now.

All you had to do is look at the blast and wait for the shockwave blast to come through. Count how many seconds it took to get their. It’s the same thing as counting seconds between lightning and thunder.

If that was a nuclear blast it was so weak cause some if those videos were really close to the blast point.
The US has regular conventional bombs that makes that blast very weak in comparison, it also has a mushroom head on it just like every other blast will. Radiation will be through the roof and they cannot hide that since it was obviously a ground based blast and not in the air where the radiation would be very noticeably less.
My guess would be a very large conventional bomb dropped from a c-130 type of aircraft and floated down by parachute or a munitions dump that was sabatoged.

For all of you dumb fucks.It was a small shoulder launch Newtron bomb.Get real people your all stupid.Kills people leaves everything else alone

DISINFO A/H’S, do you not check the damn dates when you idiots put this shit out? It states 8-2-15 which hasn’t even arrived yet, so when was this, AUG 2, 2014? LOL GEEZ

Most of you don’t seem to understand that a small “Tactical Nuke” – say 5 Kilotons would have a blast JUST like that! This would not be the same power of the warheads on ICBM missiles which yield approximately 5 – 7 Megatons (1000x the power of the much smaller tactical battlefield nukes).

Whatever country dp is in probably depends on Papa (usa) to defend his worthless ass country…. And he’s probably a little man so don’t get mad this is his only bully outlet

If it was a nuclear blast, and on one video he was close enough to experience the shock wave, why no EMP??? The phone didn’t even glitch a little not to mention every other angle shows no lights went out. Just sayin………

Ok I hate skeptical people. I am an American and I say that being sceptical is the stupidest thing anyone could be. I’m not saying that it really was a nuclear bomb, I’m saying, what if it was? How do you know it wasn’t? Were you there?

And to who ever said they can’t wait until America gets nuked, none of you bastards has NEARLY the fire power we do, so if you nuke America, you just called for extinction on your country.

Without photos or video from ground zero thee can be no conclusion to this argument. the perfectly round dome looks nuclear, the secondary pops afterward
could be propane tanks rupturing from heat…every nuke video I ever saw
has secondary explosions going off all around it.
There’s really no productivity is all this name calling, could it be some of
you guys double as “trolls” on The Burning Platform”? they have their share
of Neanderthals too.

Wait to see photos of ground turned to glass, and hope this handled better
than the Malasian staged plane crash, or we may never know.

FYI the blast way to small and not nearly bright enough be a Nuke, word on the street a chemical factory east uses to make munitions was shelled by kiev forces

Certainly it was a small nuclear device, detonated in an unoccupied area as a warning to Ukraine. Russia has nukes which produce very little fallout. Now a ceasefire begins tomorrow. You will probably see more tactical nukes if Ukraine does not cooperate fully to end the violence. Crimea and eastern republics are a done deal.

Some of you are right and some of you are wrong, a nuclear blast would generate an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) regardless if either an air burst or ground burst. The friction of fussion would create enough energy to create the pulse. Artillery shell hitting an ammo depot could cause a huge explosion but would continue to go off in segments because in order for it to go off at the same time, it would (missles, ammo, ext…)have had to be on a detonator timer for it to go off at the same time. The other problem, by now you would have had radiation leaking throughout the area. Even outside of the blast zone, the prevailing winds would drive them east or west.. So I would have to say, not nuclear. It sure went off like one but the blast serge would have knocked out electricity and communications as well. I hope this info was helpful and God help us if we ever do decide to use Tactical or Intercontinental Ballistic Missles(ICBM) because when this does happen, there is no where you can run.

[…] reports this explosion near a chemical plant in Donetsk region caused a extremely bright fireball which burned out quickly with a haloed mushroom cloud  with giant shock wave that broke windows 15 miles out, […]

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