BATTLE CREEK, Mich. – Staff for The Internet Chronicle can confirm a report from WWMT Battle Creek that the Illuminati have been caught doing drugs and taping each other having sex. The Illuminati believe that they derive mystical power from the production of sex tapes.
The police were “brought in,” but action is not expected to be taken, since most police officers live in fear of crossing the elite homosexual death cult, of which most world leaders are members.
Julia Fello did this outstanding reporting but for now has presumably gone into hiding, fearing dire repercussions from the Masons. The write-up on her video reporting reads: “Sources told us the first officer to walk inside, was shocked to find a couple performing a lewd sex act, along with drugs, multiple nude women and men videotaping it all behind these closed doors.”
You can read more here and check out WWMT’s explosive video evidence [NOT SAFE FOR WORK. CONTAINS TRIGGERS.].
6 replies on “DRUG-Fueled Illuminati SEX Parties Exposed by @JFelloWWMT”
The illuminati dont gain powers from the sex rituals we just do it for fun cuz we rich
As a Mason and Lion’s Club member (hah), I can only that someone there had their eyes wide shut on this one. True, Adam Weishaupt was a Rosicrucian and an avowed Sufi, and sex magick rituals were all part of the deal in the continental lodge system in Germany at that time, to be sure, but this nuts! ;0)There are no truly rich people in Battle Creek. We keep all the loot with the Bilderberg crowd, in Geneva, with some gnomes, I promise, swear to Baphomet, really, I mean it, seriously, as Alex Jones is my witness, this is the truth.
Vital Facts:
1) The “Illuminati” base their belief system, their rituals, and the technology they use to control humanity primarily on extremely perverse deviant sex.
2) The “Illuminati” have been actively promoting deviant sexual behavior of all types for centuries, but have accelerated their manipulation of society rapidly in recent years. In 2012 sexual perversion of all kinds is ubiquitous in every society because of the diligent work of the “Illuminated”. The “Extreme Perversion Normalization Initiative” (EPNI) has thousands of employees dedicated to nothing but creating and spreading perverse sexual ideas and images through society – images such as we see above.
3) Through hidden signals in popular media such as music, television, movies, video games, and ****ography – EPNI has “pre-programmed” tens of millions of unsuspecting people with Monarch programming. With this pre-programming, traditional Monarch sex puppet training that would have required years of childhood trauma in decades ago can now be accomplished remotely – simply by having the subject view enough media encoded with hidden Monarch signals over a long enough period of time.
4) Once a subject has had sufficient exposure to pre-programming signals – the “Illuminati” are able to remotely activate this programming and seize total control of the subject’s body at any time. Once activated, these unfortunate subjects become remote controlled Monarch Sex Puppets who are then used for every sort of deviant sexual and criminal purpose imaginable.
5) Many people reading this are likely already completely infected with EPNI Monarch Programming and are already being used as Monarch Sex Puppets without their knowledge. The “Illuminati” wipe all memory of Puppet Time at the end of each session and often the only signs that a person has been being used as a amnesiac sex slave puppet are the evidence of lost time, unexplained bruises or ligature marks, unexplained bodily fluids, and a general sense of exhaustion.
6) “Illuminati” disinformation agents promote the idea that only a handful of people are actual Monarch Sex Slaves and that such programming requires extensive intervention beginning with childhood trauma. However high technology decades in advance of what humanity believes is current permit the Illuminati to program tens of millions of people reading this as Monarch Sex Slaves over the Internet.
“Illuminati” sex is always perverse – it always promotess BDSM, group sex, bisexuality, and other types of deviance. Illuminati Group sex is always performed on many sex drugs.
There are two keys to understanding any of this that most researchers overlook or misunderstand. Firstly, deviant sex magick is at the heart of “Illuminati” ritual and is also one of the key means by which they control unsuspecting minds and take control of unsuspecting bodies for sex puppetry. Secondly, the “Illuminati” are taunting humanity constantly (or “scene-ing” humanity to use their BDSM terminology) through obvious references to these very secret and perverse ritual practices they so adore. This taunting serves three ends: it is part of their great mind sex magick ritual in and of itself, it is one of the primary ways they agitate and destabilize human consciousness to make people more susceptible to mind control, and it is one of the ways through which they spread hidden Monarch Sex Puppet Control Codes themselves.
Check yourselves – Have you lost time? Are you tired? Any unexplained bruises or fluids? You may be being used as a Monarch Sex Puppet to commit acts of perversion on your friends and family. Educate yourselves before it is too late!
Alexander is absolutely correct, but I would add (rather than subdivide–an occult diversion, excuse me, ahem) that this is especially so in the old Bavaria Lodge system that antedates the actual Enlightenment. No, Frater Weishaupt was hardly the first Secret Chief, indeed, being unmasked, the qualifier became immediately untrue, but in fact, he was our front man for Chiefs in Persia, Sufi outlets. I won’t bore anyone with alien abduction stories, but yes, there is an archetypal connection, besides a physical one involving bodily fluids, ahem.
Is sex magic illuminati though?
I feel sad at not being invited to the party.