INTERNET — President Donald Trump, facing a legal mire as subpoenas and indictments pile on his administration, requested asylum this afternoon in a personal call to King Salman of Saudi Arabia.
Reporters from Internet Chronicle, granted personal access to the president on Air Force One, overheard President Trump’s angry conversation in which he loudly declared, “The Fake News is a witch hunt, and I will never receive a fair trial! They’ve finally got me, this time. I’ll go with Israel if you don’t take me, but I much prefer Dubai. Beautiful city.” Trump added, “I will never return to the Fake United States!”
President Trump, who previously praised the beautiful architecture and airports in Saudi Arabia, calling the US to a ‘third world nation’, hasn’t yet commented on whether or not he will resign, leading to speculation that he might possibly continue to act as president while in exile.
Political analyst Heet Jeer tweeted, “Trump can avoid the grasp of the FBI, maybe, but will Republicans back a president in exile?” adding in the next tweet, “That was a rhetorical question. Of course they will.”
Dr. Angstrom H. Troubador, President of the Lebal Drocer Political Institute commented, “The possibility of a president in exile, acting out of reach of the FBI and backed by a congress that refuses to impeach, is unprecedented but may be typical for the new century. Already small time actors like Julian Assange have been able to continue to work in exile and outside of the rule of law. What we have here is a billionaire president who is able to thread all the legal pinholes and con both an entire nation and soon the entire world, and this is going to be the typical pattern for politicians in the future.”
8 replies on “Donald Trump to seek asylum in Saudi Arabia”
tis is actually satire. any head injuries, concussions or changes in medication lately¿
Here a thread on the #prisonindustrialcomplex in Louisiana, something close to your art, it should keep you busy for awhile.
Make my bed first and then bend over for your examination.
Former CIA Director John Brennan Sticks Up For Trumphttps://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/finance/news/former-cia-director-john-brennan-sticks-trump-174513960.html
You maded a typo, funny how the dyslexic ESL functionally illiterate nig around here always finds them.
‘President Trump, who previously praised the beautiful architecture and airports in Saudi Arabia, calling the US to ❌a ❌‘third world nation’, hasn’t yet commented on whether or not he will resign, leading to speculation that he might possibly continue to act as president while in exile.’
Just call me Editor InTroll. AnyHo fishfag it would’very been a home run if it wasn’t for the typo.
we should concentrate on the important things
Ugh a Weeaboo 4chan escapee. Kill yourself fgt.
Slonald Domp