A group of women from the Focus on the Family for Profit charity foundation cried out in protest Monday after soon-to-be-Former First Lady Melania Trump disrespected the President in front of their Israeli hosts by selfishly swatting Donald’s hand away as he reached out for support.
The protest, spearheaded by James Dobson seeks to bring the Bible back to righteous indignation. Dobson believes Donald Trump was right to reach for his wife’s hand, who owes him affection and sex, and all the calcium in her bones to his babies until the skeleton withers away from osteoporosis, and she dies of old age.
“I didn’t dedicate my life to fighting gay rights and abortion, to see newborn baby girls grow up to disrespect their men,” Dobson bellowed from a Jumbotron over the Salem Civic Center Arena. “Jesus ain’t the only one who saves good Christian souls. Donald literally saved that harlot through marriage from the Soviet Bloc, and this is the thanks he receives? Who’s the cuck now. Just you wait until God hears about this, Melania!”
Others disagree, and were offended by Trump’s outward display of public affection.
Dan Sloan of Jerry Falwell Ministries and Dean of Admissions at Liberty University in Virginia, said Donald’s attempts to hold hands in public were an affront to the wholesome Christian family platform on which he ran for election.
“We do not permit hand holding on campus or in the greater Lynchburg area,” Sloan said. “And if we catch you playing footsie or grab-hands on the street? Well, let’s just say, they don’t call it Lynchburg for nothing.”
10 replies on “‘Donald Trump did nothing wrong’: Critics SLAM Melania for refusing to stand by her man”
OMFG y’all are Internet famous fishfag
My Month with Chemtrails Conspiracy Theorists | Environment | The Guardian
this shit’s all fucked up lmao
Little dark in here … how can you see my nigga ass.
this explains a lot http://www.taraswart.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Report-Study-into-the-mental-resilience-of-journalists-Dr-Tara-Swart.pdf
I heard she had artificial insemination to conceive Barron due to syphilis Trump infected her with and refused to have it treated. This is why he’s insane.
13hhatesec of chronicle @hatesec
Blank slate. @Kilgoar have joey do it. Joeys world tour
12hKilgoar @Kilgoar
Blank what
12hhatesec of chronicle @hatesec
You’re right. It was fuckin shit. So i undid it all.
12hKilgoar @Kilgoar
Oh, haha. I mean I just didn’t like the idea of videos playing like we’re some kind of subreddit for dank vids.
12hhatesec of chronicle @hatesec
Yeah they sucked
12hKilgoar @Kilgoar
They kicked ass and are super dank, but I think they’re a major distraction and out of place
12hhatesec of chronicle @hatesec
They were among a folder of placeholders i dumped into it. The idea was to have featured headers replace the header img entirely
Replying to @hatesec
What matters are the dank stories & this shit is just a headache that pops up every 5 years or so as news site design trends change
12hKilgoar @Kilgoar
Replying to @hatesec
and a major operation almost to the tune of making our own theme
12hKilgoar @Kilgoar
Replying to @hatesec
It’s kind of like disassembling and reassembling this theme into a whole new theme which is some kind of frankenstein monster
12hKilgoar @Kilgoar
Replying to @hatesec
Like you said, just filler. Those big photos and headlines are supposed to lead ppl into a story
hatesec of chronicle @hatesec
Replying to @Kilgoar
But I don’t really want to do it anymore
THANK THE SWEET BLACK BABY JESUS! By all means take the digital crayons away.
Man, if ain’t broke, don’t fix it too much. Needs moar radio kplzthxbia.
Oh, finally someone turned the damn lights back on up in this bitch. You neeeeed to keep that boy hatesec off of them over the counter pills & booze fishfag. The only sick he has is in his head/ass. OMG get rid of the plant already fuckers.
its all your fault! thanks to your positive reinforcement kenny is drinking pee again. for shame!