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No, you should not join anonymous

Perhaps you have heard of anonymous. Anonymous is a hive of cyber-dissidents located on the AnonOps chat service. Speech, news, and opinion is thoroughly and strictly controlled. Anonymous claims that what it does is civil disobedience. However, ‘anonymous’ is synonymous with the fear of being caught in the act. Even their most influential leaders describe their actions as “information war.” Anonymous has been responsible for outages in video game networks and protests against the Free Expression of religious belief. The anonymous culture is joined at the hip to violent and hateful imagery. The words rape, faggot, and nigger are used in normal discussion as if hateful and violent connotations carry no meaning. Their spokesperson, Barrett Brown, has used homophobic slurs to insult our writers. The targets of anonymous “activism” are often innocent individuals. Anonymous has the potential for terrorism.

The Great Collective is a concept and not a group that can be joined. The term ‘anonymous’ was once used to describe the Great Collective. ‘Anonymous’ has since been corrupted to serve the leaders of the AnonOps IRC service.

The Great Collective is the Collective Voice of Cyber-Humanity.

I only speak of the Great Collective and not for it.

The Great Collective is decidedly non-violent.
The Great Collective commits acts of civil disobedience in the light of day and not like criminals in the night.
The Great Collective supports the Freedom of Religion.
The Great Collective cries out for a secure Internet where corporations are held accountable for privacy failures.
The Great Collective wants leniency for those who are victims of both drug addiction and cruel punishment.
The Great Collective wants a political system that is less influenced by Corporate interests and more open to public scrutiny.
The Great Collective does not crave an absolute truth.
The Great Collective is the effective truth.

Anonymous generally lacks the scope of vision to recognize the Great Collective. However, the Great Collective is very aware of anonymous. Anonymous troubles the Great Collective. Anonymous has done many things the Great Collective respects quite highly, and many things that it has found reprehensible. The Great Collective is the only power on Earth that can decide the fate of anonymous.

Do not believe the lies of anonymous. There has never been a need to censor others with DDoS or wear a Guy Fawkes mask. The Great Collective knows there is a better way. Do not join anonymous. Remain an individual. Help anonymous only when anonymous is willing to help the Great Collective.

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Entertainment Fashion



Your Disinformation PSY OPS Campaign has gone too far.

We are Anonymous.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us.

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Entertainment Reviews

Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory a hoax!

Since 2007, a conspiracy theory about the Denver Airport has received massive attention on youtube. Although no conspiracy is actually promoted in the video, the context of conspiracy is quite clear. By alluding to other conspiracy theories and twisting the perception of frightening images, this media is intended to create public distrust for the Denver Airport. A good hoax, but not good enough to fool me. The video is missing the emotional appeals that appear in Loose Change, as well as a cohesive plot. A conspiracy theory about population control that doesn’t use chemtrails as a plot device is saddening and unbelievable. I’ve always believed chemtrails are real, as airplanes have been seeding us for decades with the first part of a two part poison.


The true source of the Denver Airport “conspiracy” is a group of film students at Hong Kong International School. The frightening images, music, and theories play to an audience that already believes in the New World Order conspiracy. As one of the most blatant hoaxes on youtube, I found it especially entertaining. It plays almost like top-notch satire, mildly ruined by school-project delivery of the voice-overs.