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Backtrace Security unleashes true anarchy upon Anonymous

Backtrace Security might be trolls. They might not. You should shit yourself. Now.

Increasingly purposeful and socially active, Anonymous has allegedly and finally turned its hate machine against itself. No longer chaotic or anarchic, some “oldfags” have become disillusioned with the state of Anon. One ex-member that goes by the pseudonym of “Hubris” has infiltrated what used to be Anonymous and claims to have achieved what Aaron Barr only dreamed of doing. Hubris has formed an organization called “Backtrace Security” which has threatened to publish the personal information of Anons who led many operations deemed “moralfaggotry.” It is readily apparent that Anonymous now stands for what Anonymous once hated. For those who have been long involved, there are very few lulz to be had. Little more than a Legion of fail hackers who aren’t even very good troll food, the final division has arrived.

The sub-set of Anonymous consisting of “moralfag” script kiddies are too afraid to DDoS Wisconsin’s government web sites. This Anonymous has become so truly irrelevant that participation can only drop off massively. Hubris, who thinks he has found a viable business model by taking advantage of stupid kids will also be in for a shock. Backtrace security may find that no one will want to pay an anonymous individual who only deals in betrayal.

All layers of Anonymous have been hit with waves of paranoia that are masked with hopes that this is more Anon-trolling. Some refuse to propagate the fear and consider Backtrace an act of hilarious trolling meant to discredit Forbes. The most hopeful Anons believe that Hubris is just another of Kilgore Trout’s many alternate identities. Kilgore Trout was reached for interview, but made no comment. Hubris, however, was reached. He commented to Chronicle.SU with the famed line: “I did it for the lulz.”


16 replies on “Backtrace Security unleashes true anarchy upon Anonymous”

We the anonymous will demolish you backtrace security. We will find your locations and make our hitman that remains to be anonymous. Kill you and kidnap the rest. Consequences will be serve directly in front of you.

you dun goofed!
i’ve backtraced your emails.
the cyberpolice are on their way.
the consequences will never be the same!

How 2 Backtrace Security:
1. Get phone book
2. Flick through pages and drop finger on name
3. Write that person on Anonymous list
4. ????

Lulz lulz lulz “Hubris” really is an appropriate name. He says that he is doing it for the nihilist lulz? But he claims its for the troops! Moralfag is moral.

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