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President Bush calls Sony hack “Cyber 9/11”

Former President George W. Bush is upset over the Sony hack, says "Americans shouldn't be confused about how to respond to a Cyber 9/11"
Former President George W. Bush is upset over the Sony hack, says “Americans shouldn’t be confused about how to respond to a Cyber 9/11”

TEXAS — Friday from his office in Texas, Former President Bush responded to President Obama, who held a press conference to criticize Sony for censoring The Interview. Bush praised Obama’s speech, but said that it didn’t go far enough, “North Korea’s attack on America is worse then Pearl Harbor, it’s an attack on citizen targets instead of military targets, a Cyber 9/11. Americans shouldn’t be confused about how to respond to a Cyber 9/11.”[pullquote]Americans shouldn’t be confused about how to respond to a Cyber 9/11[/pullquote]

Former Anonymous leader and celebrity hacker, Hector Monsegur, appeared on a Fox News discussion panel and said, “When I was with the #Antisec movement, I saw lots of incredible things that I can’t repeat, but trust me, this is only the first and least sophisticated of cyberweapons of mass destruction available for North Korea to deploy at any moment. What I can say is that many North Korean operatives were attempting to influence and work with Anonymous, maybe even Kim Jong-Un himself.”

By Hatesec

I am the hatest

2 replies on “President Bush calls Sony hack “Cyber 9/11””

anon allreaddy fought da north kommurianz. nessuno kickbanned infamous tripple-agent bee ree warshe! made him an hero. poor bastard. hes admin in heaven now. warsche hides under a false name in the bear community.

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