LAS VEGAS — Austin “Chumlee” Rustle, known widely for his employment at the famed Gold and Silver Pawn Shop featured on “History” Channel’s “Pawn Stars” Reality Television Show, was arrested Friday for possession of over seven pounds of marijuana after police pulled his limo over for erratic driving. Chumlee’s lawyer, Jay Leiderman, said, “Chum had no intent to distribute this marijuana; all seven pounds were clearly for personal use.”
Richard “Old Man” Harisson and his son Corey “Big Hoss” Harisson reportedly paid Chum’s two million dollar bail, but Chumlee still faces up to 100 years in prison. History Channel did not comment on the incident, but Chumlee’s agent, Jorge Luis Peron, said Chum already checked into rehab, “Chumlee’s life has been a nightmare of drugs and video games, and this has hindered his performance at Gold and Silver. He’s gettin’ the help he needs! Chum will be back and better than ever in no time, don’t worry folks.”
142 replies on ““Chumlee” of Pawn Stars arrested with seven pounds of marijuana”
Seven pounds? Best I can do is 100 years.
Swimming pools, automobiles, doctors, tobacco, alchohol, prescription pharmaceuticals all KILL TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans every year! In the past two thousand years, Smoking Weed has NEVER killed anyone, yet it’s illegal in most states.
The quintessential Absurdity!
Actually, weed has killed multi-thousands from idiots that drove into them, ran red lights and stop signs, work-related accidents and on and on and on. You are ignoring the facts.
Weed is actually a naturally occurring flower, sorry it has never killed anyone. Quite literally everything you said also has no net effect since it can go both ways >_<
Useless pos !
Chumlee is useless and ugly to boot. Oh yeah and stupid. To say nothing of his being a faggot too.
Tell us how you really feel.
Woh I like your blog blogposts, saved to fav!.
Absolutely idiotic! The US Government spends WAY too much money enforcing marijuana laws, and the punishments for them are SO UNNECESSARY!
I couldn’t agree more Colton ! ! ! Glad I live in Colorado ! ! !
you dumb pothead,errrrr shit head he was al
Why anonymous you AFRAID Of what someone might think your a coward oh wait that’s me!!! YOU COWARD!!!!
It’s you’re.
You are stupid for riding around with 7 elbows anyway shows his arrogance and what a dumbfuck to want to be paid for being the court gesture of the show.Got what he deserves the dumbass
An “elbow” is the slang reference regarding a pound of coke and is also used when referring to a pound meth. It should be no surprise that a dude who looks like chumlee, acts like chumleee and who is also named chumlee would be a full blown idiot. I been to prison, multiple times. And I hope he goes to prison. Cause if I got caught in Las Vegas with 7 pounds of bud the judge and prosecutors would lock me up for life. He should get no love. Ignorance of the law and its severity is in no way a defense. Let him enjoy 7 pounds of penis is prison.
He is not anonymous he is anonym ass hahaha
Tell them colton.
I agree colton wtf there’s nothing wrong with marijuana. But meth and fire arms in his house. And sexual assult well that’s different. He should be punished but 100years isn’t just for marijuana. Having meth and fire arms and sexual assult are serious crimes. If he did sexually assault someone then he fucken deserves 100 years
It’s federal…protecting a drug business…serious shit that’s how people get killed. You are doing wanna arrest someone messed up who’s armed with a pistol think about it
this news feed is a lie,,,,
He’s making 25,000 per episode and is now a millionaire. Way to completely screw up!
100 years for seven pounds? When my uncle was 18 he got caught with exactly 18 pounds of marijuana when pulled over by cops all he did was spend the night or two in jail until he was bailed out. Obviously these laws against marijuana are starting to get a little bit out of hand and ridiculous
You know I smoked weed for twenty years been clean for fifteen. Pot is not a casual drug. It depends on the person and understanding moderation. Smoke of any form in the lungs is not cool. Put your family on a plane and have the pilot smoke a blunt. If your cool with that deeper problems then weed. Just an example to think about.
You are right you got problems,so sorry for you!!
Your an idiot, I told my story to open minds but again idiots like you fuck up this generation.
I am to understand, yes it was “some grass”, but in addition also some “Meth” and an Illegal Handgun so….. all of that if true could warrant a High Bail, and though I don’t think 100 yrs, but could be a Very Lengthy Prison Sentence —Again if True
This story is from 2013. This is the charge that made him a felon.
This original article out from 2013 the Weed was supposedly three yrs ago. This other was this weekend, which I find hard to believe about the sexual crime, but we’ll see! Plus I’ve looked everywhere and other than this article see nothing on this marijuana charge either. Think this site talks a lot of hype.
YA whore!!!
Nevada is zero tolerance state. Look that up.
This is three yrs ago. Can you read anything other than vulgarity. You sound stupid just calling names.
Does the pilot pass it back? You know puff puff pass!
Then by that reasoning alcohol should be illegal cuz I don’t want my pilot truck and a six-pack before he flies just like I don’t want my pilot to smoke a joint before he flies people who take these jobs and responsibilities agree not to do certain things
That was a dumb ass example
Nevada has some of the toughest laws in the country for possession. Bad place if you’re a pothead
My Uncle Hound was busted with 75 pounds in the back of his el camino in ’73, had a stand off with police for an hour before giving up and he only did 20 years. 100 for 7 pounds is way too much. a year a pound is more reasonable.
Pawn stars is pure diarrhea. I’d rather have the runs for a year than watch this fake idiotic show. The old man and Rick smack each other off while watching big hoss and chum eat potato salad out of each other’s buttholes
And yet your life is so worthless you’ve got time for these comments! ! Fucking moron
Yes sir they are the idiots while chum and the boys get rich! They all are assholes in that shop. We’re the morons watching assholes get rich!!!!
Then dont watch it, sounds your a fan
Lets give 100 years for 7lbs of weed. But only 15 for murder.
N e one notice that it said Richard old man Harrison. That’s not even right the old man is ricks dad. Good job idiots
They’re both named Richard, they’ve clearly said this on many different occasions!
I noticed.
Your the idiot. Richard is the old mans real name
you guys are all retarded this isn’t a real news website its a joke article… gullible fucks
@A exactly it’s retarded
They’re all named Richard something Harrison….
and yes this is bullshitttttttttt
who cares. It’s probably a TV ratings anyway
You are in the same class as this bag of rocks…dumb!
Wtf happened to history? I refuse to watch it, I am forced to watch history 2! This dbag is such a waste I felt dumber by the second listening to him talk. And what moron drives around with seven ducking pounds of dope?! Assholes! I hope chum gets cancer and directs slows diabetic death. Same for Corey, that duck has no respect for history. He said Isaac Newton was simply “a magician”, WTF is wrong with people?!?!
I guess it’s considered history because the items brought into the shop have a historical background or meaning. I have actually learned some things just from listening to the experts they bring in to verify some of the items. Now, I don’t watch it on a regular basis but I don’t think the show is that bad. It gets bad when they have Corey or Chum do anything. I can’t believe they even tolerate Chums lazy ass working or being in the shop. What exactly does he do? Then just recently Corey and Chum argued that #tbt was one word not a phrase! Why a couple if idiots. When hash tagged it is one word but all hashtags are. Throwback Thursday, is a phrase when someone hears it. It’s only one word when it’s behind a # idiots. Rick was simply asking what it meant and all they and to say is, it’s when someone posts a picture that from the past and they post it and use a hashtag that says TBT. “No it’s one word.” It’s not dumb asses. It’s one word when used on social media.
This sentence is so messed up it’s not funny. Start giving those sentences for pre-medatated murder & offences similar to this, not for marijuana.
Go to jail ur a useless wannabe celebrity that got lucky hes a fat waste of space
I agree. For somebody who makes/made 25,000.00 per episode he is a joke. I watch every show and think to myself of how unlucky people who work hard feel. I can’t stand watching him. I hate watching him be lazy and don’t do nothing all because he knows those guys forever. I can’t understand why they give him so much. Could you imagine if you were working there and watching that dude just be a bum? I would literally dicker with the old man for a scrimshaw then bust the damn thing over his diabetes ass…..
Yes sir they are the idiots while chum and the boys get rich! They all are assholes in that shop. We’re the morons watching assholes get rich!!!!
Where he could bend you over and and make you howl like Rover ! ! ! ! !
I agree! Corey and Chum don’t know what they are talking about half the time. It is annoying. Now Rick I think Is a very intelligent individual, he obviously knows his history along with a ton of other information. I think he is funny, a cool guy and deserves the show. I could definitely live without seeing or listening to Corey or chum at all. I don’t really watch the show, but to be able to know a lot if information about all the different things that come into the shop is impressive . The other two, just got lucky to have a job in the family run business. I just don’t get the point of them being on the show. Anyone else think Corey has a major attitude with people that bring stuff into the shop? If I had something to sell I wouldn’t even talk to anyone but Rick. I guess I think he’s just a cool guy and has a great laugh.
Fuck pawnstars m
I want pornstars bunch of fat fucks
100 years for weed? Come on now, maybe if it was heroin and he went out shooting then maybe but hey americans dont need a reason to anything now adays lol
Cory is the old man’s grandson you goofy bastard.
YA dumbo
I used to like the show but lately the phony,aggravating “actors” make me want to shoot my tv. I got to say I’ve grown to hate Pawn Stars and cannot watch it anymore. The History Channel has cheapened itself big time. Fat egotistical and overpaid characters. The old man is the only tolerable one on the show. Cancel this show and get back to the true documentaries. Pawn stars sucks.
USA legalising marijuana in many states so leave the man alone
why can’t they lock corey’s fat ugly ass up for 100 years? myabe that way i don’t have to hear his flopping neck calling 80 year olds “my man” and get rid of danny “the count” koker while your at it…first off faggot, get some sleeves, second, the bandana doesn’t help, we know you are going bald. the history channel has become a poorly contrived pile of garbage. period. “shelby the swamp man?” WTF is this garbage???? goodbye documentaries hello pawn shops, rednecks and lumberjacks.
I guess chum Lee is not acting on the TV show Pawn Stars I guess he’s really a dumbass to carry seven pounds in a back of a car if he was smart he would have had a van follow him with seven pounds in it they always say a fool and his money will soon be parted I guess the saying is true good luck to you Dave nice to bail your little dumb lee out
Anyone who actually gives two goddamned shits about some no talent, waste of oxygen, non contributing “reality” show star is a fucking useless fool.
History channel is not History anymore!
Why do you guys read the article if you hate the show so dang much? don’t watch, don’t read about it and don’t worry about it. and please come up with a better insult than fat fat fat
All. Of u can bite me
share it round chum dont be greedy… funny shit.
While everybody hates and get poorer and uglier their bank accounts keep growing and growing. I noticed when anybody starts making real $$$$$$$$ the haters cannot stand the fact the very people they are jealous of dont know them and don’t want to know them because they represent losers.
This isa hoax and dumb people believe it
Hi Nas, you’re a dumb piece of shit.
LMAO Fat bastard, greedy too, that’s a lot of weed :)) 100 years in prison though? Come on man, make it more believable like 10 years, it’s not like he shot up a shopping mall full of soccer moms.
I live in Denver and have my Red card and i have not even smoked 7 lbs in a year, close but that is still a lot of weed. What a retard!
I watch the show and its funny and interesting. But he made a mistake but 100 years hopefully he will learn from it
Nothing’s gonna happen to him. They got money to get him bangin lawyers to keep him out of jail and returning to your local television screen every other day or night. Relax, its all good.
Sometimes it’s okay to have an abortion chums parents just dropped the ball
100 years for pot?! Wtf. Should taxpayers really have to pay for that? &should he even face time? It’s a plant he’s not a ducking serial killer!
Chumlee should have no fear of prison as Big Hoss has already reamed his ass 9 ways to Sunday. Those two are gay for one another.
Big Hoss is gay for me.
Pawn Stars blows huge dick. Corey and Chum are flaming gay for one another. They eat potato salad out of each others buttholes.
Don’t watch
Im wit nas and it seems like a hoax. Buffalo soldiers…..nas should remember us…..to that haters…u seem a bit homophobic…..r u gay? Stop the Hate god bless if Chumlee did catch a charge….I doubt if they gave him 100 years wow
Did u know a dude is a pimple on a cows butt lol wow think before u pick a nickname and then try talkin carp about people u don’t know
Good luck chumlee I hope ur lawyer gets u the best deal I wouldn’t wish jail on nobody
This is a big fat lie!
Why do you carry 7lbs of pot,unless you were gonna turn it,I roll about 6 joints of cush and that’s enough for me and my friends to party with especially if it’s good, I think he had to sell pot just to make ends meet,I’m sure he don’t get paid what the others do, he’s just a gopher lol
Man who have 7 joints, have very good day. Man who have 7 pounds, every day good day.
I agree colton wtf there’s nothing wrong with marijuana. But meth and fire arms in his house. And sexual assult well that’s different. He should be punished but 100years isn’t just for marijuana. Having meth and fire arms and sexual assult are serious crimes. If he did sexually assault someone then he fucken deserves 100 years
Look up chumlees net worth and tell me
He does not make ends meat haha
Meet dumbass
Chum, all i can say is your a idiot. maybe its true, pot destroys brain cells.
You’re the idiot bro. So what if the guy smokes weed? Try smoking a blunt compared to shooting up china white or even drinking. You’ll find out which substances are more harmful, and which one will make you just hungry, happy, and tired. Go back to your faux news, tard.
Geezus, what a bunch of maroons!
Geezus, what a bunch of maroons!
P.S. Chumlee IS as useless as a rubber beak on a woodpecker.
When the show started Chumlee was interesting because he wasn’t conceited, now all he cares about doing is thinking he needs to show off his super bleached teeth, do whatever he wants when he wants, and treat his job as if it was a given he would have it forever. There are people that would love to be in his position with having work nd topping it off with notoriety because of the show and the initial generosity of the Harrisons. I know Corey and him are friends, but the only reason I believe he hasn’t been fired and kicked off the show is contract related since he doesn’t show one ounce of loyalty or concern for anyone else including himself. Maybe ( Though I doubt it) this marijuanna bust will help him learn humility, honor, and a little gratitude for everything.
Big Hoss?
Try “big fat tub of feces”
I hope that fat POS does get 100 years. I’m sick of seeing his dumb ass on what could be an interesting show, he contributes nothing to the show, or society for that matter. Good riddance if he does go to jail forever.
What a jackass.
gotta admit chumlee is the whole show they are all funny .went by there in 89 very quiet unknown at the time ..
Chumlee is a stupid fatfuck asshole!!!!!!
Chumlee is a stupid worthless fatfuck asshole!!!!!!
Mark, thanks for commenting.
Dam straight
Chum lee is so friggin stupid every time I watch it I feel my IQ lowering. He REALLY needs 200 hundred years-First, he can’t count that high so to him it would be overnight second, he so stupid maybe just maybe he will learn, after a lot of help from inmates and super extensive educating he may, I mean may be able to spell his name to put on a business card. He is the laziest walking flesh I have ever seen and History channel should be embarrassed to show how stupid one person in this generation is. He just infuriates me that the pawn shop, which I will never go in because of, pays his ass even after the thousands of dollars he cost the company in the stuff he breaks. He is a classic case pay his stupid ass, if you have to and make him stay home. The merchandise will last a lot longer. Get him away from Cory, you want to take over the business, your almost as stupid as ChumLee. He’s a bad influence on you. You refuse to act professional much less courtesy to your customers. The people who made your father and grandfathers business what it is today you will have it closed in less than a year. You lack any kind of respect for people except the stupidest thing walking on this planet. Go figure, all your talent and you think its “cool” to be ChumLee–MORONS you both are. I like to see you laid off there for a year so you can see what the rest of the world does to make a living. Oh wait, your worth millions now, that makes you “special”.
they Fired a chick because she was photographed on Suicide Girls and this guy gets a pass with 7 pounds seems wrong
She was big HOT ?
me want u comlee love larry
He’s a fat piece of shit why do they keep him
The only thing I see here is a bunch of low life jealous haters, get a life!
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[…] chronicle.su […]
[…] chronicle.su […]
chumnley – you are just a mouthy asshole. I wish you would be gotten rid of. You are just a assshiffing fat asshole
Its all of you idiots that keep their money rolling in by commenting on how much you hate them. They are profiting off of every single one of you.
Wow ! 1 century sentence for a little more than 3 Kgs of weed ! I’m glad I don’t live in USA.
Let me remind u all. This is carp of bullshits.. Look yourself in the mirror and think twice… I don’t trust government people and police too. They don’t care about us. They only want one thing important to them.. it’s money… Trust me this one.. I watched everythings.. I admitted that West Virginia governor is not good job and very weak laws I ever deal with.. Look at Government people and just watch them what they doing.. One day u will realize.. I like to congratulate for Colorado,Washington state,California and maryland.. That show me that they do care about people.. I don’t care if West Virginia governor read this.. Where Their care and where their love .. That show me that voted him as wrong one..
[…] i thought so "Chumlee" Of Pawn Stars Arrested With Seven Pounds Of Marijuana | The Internet Chronicle […]
I actually like the show it is a good one. And for all yall say chumlee is asshole ect if that was true then y is he makin 25000 a show and the most funny person on show. Yall are stupid if thats the case. Have a fuckin good day
Yall mother fuckers need jesus shit
https://www.facebook.com/kathy.flynnIf he can afford to rent a limo, why not a professional driver that doesn’t get pulled over? I’m In a wheelchair. If I hit the lotto,I’d buy a motor home & hire a sober driver, so I could sit in the back, boozing it up & smoking pot, watching the scenery go by.
This fat f*ck should be in prison. How about yesterdays arrest for gun & drugs. I’m sure scum sucking rick will bail him out again. Rick should be in prison with his stupid ass son and chumlee. I hope they cancel the show. That’s how much I hate the show.
I agree with Jonathan blaze….the only good guy is the old man. Chumlee & Cory look & act horrible. I’d like to see how long they’d last employed somewhere else. Rick is so cheap too.
Seems to me your all a bunch of morons on here look at the posts rest my case
First time here.I can’t believe so many folks think like me,”Crumly” is just a retard, and no I’m not “PC”.Just a word of thanks. Live well folks.
[…] “Chumlee” of Pawn Stars arrested with seven pounds of marijuana […]
[…] “Chumlee” of Pawn Stars arrested with seven pounds of marijuana […]
Passing out Ceackers and cookies and whine to all the Lmaer’s
It’s a crying shame they can issue a sentence like this for these crimes but a child molester, murderer, or drunk driver can get far less time. Regardless though being a celebrity doesn’t make you above the law and if you do the crime you do the time. I just don’t agree with some of these sentencings though.
These asholes need to look for bank robbers and never mind this nonsense
Condolences and sorrow to your family. Shock to hear you passed. You were so funny during the show – I don’t think it was worth looking at without your dumb antics – you made me laugh. You were like Lucy of “I love Lucy” and vice versa Chumlee the silly one just like Lucy in “I Love Lucy. ” I will miss you and your antics. Love, I am not important or rich just somebody in the world, Freddie.