Tucson, Ariz.—A group of Federal Correctional Institution inmates has been cleared of wrongdoing in two internal investigations into allegations of misconduct against the group and the key figure who stabbed Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, a source on the inside told Internet Chronicle on Saturday.
The cell block inmate leading the investigation has also recommended that his accusers themselves be investigated for making false statements.

Inmates acted quickly to perform life-saving measures on Chauvin. One man, who was not authorized to publicly discuss details of the attack and rescue, spoke to Internet Chronicle on the condition of anonymity.
“I saw he was bleeding from the neck,” the inmate said. “Because Blue Lives Matter, I could not let this man go out on my watch. Using one knee I applied nine minutes of life saving pressure to the airway and jugular vein.”
He said other inmates were outraged.
“One guy said, ‘Get off him. You’re saving him,'” the inmate told Chronicle. “I was just chillin. I said, ‘No I’m not.’ I knew that honkey was breathing.”
Chauvin’s tweeting is the second high-profile attack on a federal prisoner this year. In July, disgraced sports medicine asshole Larry Nassar was stabbed by a fellow inmate in Florida: An attack inmates said was his word against theirs.
Chauvin is serving a 21-year federal sentence for violating Floyd’s civil rights and a 22-year sentence for second-degree murder, putting him dangerously at risk of hurting himself again at an as-yet undisclosed date and time.
4 replies on “Internal investigation: Prisoners accused of stabbing Derek Chauvin cleared of wrongdoing”
TOTAL BULLSHIT! Just more prisonercentric GOBBLE DE GOOK! These prisoners laud power over us UNCHECKED and I can barely SIT DOWN for how often my life is being blown inside out by these renegade institutions! We need FREEDOM from THEIR terror!
Turscak has been charged with attempted murder, assault with intent to commit murder, assault with a dangerous weapon and assault resulting in serious bodily injury in connection with the stabbing, according to federal prosecutors. Attorney information for Turscak was not available Monday.
He told federal prosecutors he chose that day to attack Chauvin, the day after Thanksgiving commonly known as “Black Friday,” to symbolize the Black Lives Matter movement and the “black hand” symbol of the Mexican mafia.
oh wow. he’s fucked. he is approaching a place in his mind where he will just want to get it over with.
Federal corrections officers intervened “immediately” according to court filings, dousing Turscak with pepper spray. He allegedly told the guards he would have killed Chauvin if guards hadn’t reacted so fast. When he waived his Miranda rights, he allegedly told the FBI about the Black Friday symbolism and said he’d planned the attack for a month.
Prosecutors said that Turscak was an FBI informant in 1997, providing information about his gang as well as recordings of conversations between him, members, and associates. The investigation resulted in 40 indictments, but halfway through, Turscak was dropped as an informant because he was dealing drugs, authorizing assaults, and extorting money.