INTERNET–Little girls up to the age of 16 are facing some of the harshest conditions in centuries, and parents around the nation are calling for more controls on little girls. Friday, a 9-year-old girl was brutally gang-raped in Pakistan, and in Israel another little girl had her trophy seized by Mossad stormtroopers. Meanwhile in Ohio, rutting teenage football players treated an incapacitated 16-year-old girl as a sex toy, posting videos to social media and carrying her around to three different parties for anyone who wanted an easy rape.
“These little girls are just being eaten up by the nasty world out there, and we need to protect them,” said Marie Abraxas, founder of Mothers for the Protection of Innocent Little Girls. “If we don’t do everything in our power to shelter little girls from harm, all innocence will go out of this world. Little girls are an endangered species.”
Spokesperson for the preteen sex lobby and snuff-film industry, Adrian Chen, spoke to Internet Chronicle reporters in the field. “We don’t condone the rape or murder of minors, but we believe that the viewing of these materials fulfills a fantasy that would otherwise result in the rape and murder of minors. We’re just as dedicated to protecting the innocence of little girls as anyone else, but we just really get off to seeing it taken away forever.”
3 replies on “Little Girls Under Siege Worldwide”
Guyz say no 2 early sex and blood violent
“Spokesperson for the preteen sex lobby and snuff-film industry, Adrian Chen, spoke to Internet Chronicle reporters in the field…”
That line was worth the price of admission.
I bet that sad old man John ‘Pedobear’ T is fapping to that poor little girls impending mouth rape…
Oh and this “John Tiessen comes Clean on The Jester” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8WtcZ51Fuc&sns=tw (long story short, well it’s actually a short story, the jesterfag personA team doxed John’s wife and her work place. And so now he had sHame quit the intrawebz for evar. #Liar he will just spend moar time on jewtube fapping to young girls videos while his wife is at work and John is at home babysitting the kids.) Gives new meaning to the term ‘adventures in babysitting’.