RICHMOND, Va. – A Richmond man found himself puzzled Tuesday by the question, “whose baby?” when posited by his eccentric uncle.
“He just came out of the bathroom and said it,” Jim Callahan, a Richmond SEO analyst, said. “He said, ‘whose baby?’ And I didn’t know what to say.”
Dr. Angstrom H. Talkenlaut, professor emeritus of linguistics at MIT, said the question goes back to mankind’s earliest communication fundamentals, the call-and-response.
“Whose baby?” – similar to questions, “Whose buddy?” and “Whose boy?” – begs the question, to whom does one belong? That is to say, who is your main man, who is your boy, who is your buddy, and who is your baby? To which the response, in every case, is unanimously, “Yours.” — Dr. Talkenlaut
Callahan recalls that he paused in reflection of the question.
“I thought, ‘Whose baby am I?'” Callahan said. “I just couldn’t answer the question. I asked him, ‘Am I supposed to say ‘yours?'”
Callahan said the uncle laughed and said, “Well, we’re still two pretty good old boys, aren’t we?”
Talkenlaut could not defend the exchange, and went home early. Callahan’s brain exploded, and the uncle proceeded to watch YouTube videos of ‘old sawmills in action,’ and ‘old dirt bikes.’
10 replies on “Man struggles to answer ‘whose baby?’”
My brain just exploded. And someone gave me homemade faortrade extra dark chocolate with mushrooms.
I had some freakouts on them shroom chocolates. Really set me back buddy
*fairtrade dark chocolate and a good time was had be all, the end, well almost the end …. BUT then we got into some rootbeer candies made with cannabis oil. The mushroom.chocolate was almost as good as doing E but without the chemical hangover.
The Mormons did 911 & Kissenger is everyone’s war puppet (bag man).
brb gettin’ an abortion while the gettin’ is still good
i am robot, send HELP
Tay is that you?
Donald Trump is President. APRIL FOOLS, FOOLS! #FetusLivesMatter ’cause they didn’t du nufin’ wrong.
where iz the canary kenny? where is the canary? where is all the bling-bling commin frum kenny? where?
I don’t know Dan, as a matter of fact I’d Rather not know. **rapid eye movement** SNL, probably the year you were born.