INTERNET — President Obama’s spokesperson John Podesta told the nation in an emergency press dispatch, “Our military and intelligence agencies shared incontrovertible proof with the White House and the Armed Service Committee today outlining evidence of Russian hacks that led to the election of Donald Trump. The consensus is that these acts amount to a declaration of war against the United States and the United States Armed Services is preparing maximum force retaliation.”
“The president has issued a formal request to congress for official declaration of war against Russia.” Weeping and gasps of horror were heard as the spokesman continued, “Also attached is a request for authorizing an emergency presidential election.”
Arizona senator and Armed Service Chair John Mccain (R) also spoke to reporters, saying, “A grand jury is in the process of looking into treason charges against Donald Trump and a cadre of other alleged traitors among Republican elites. After going over the evidence, I’m very confident there are more than a handful of Republicans who cut deals with Russia years ago and should face the full penalty of the law. This is not a partisan issue, and anyone who says otherwise is only repeating the enemy’s propaganda.”
Also included in the draft bill by Obama is a clause that, when passed, will institute propaganda countermeasures such as a National Firewall capable of blocking “fake news” and all trolling out of Russia, which critics dubbed “The Great Firewall 2.0.”
3 replies on “Obama seeks official declaration of war on Russia and emergency presidential election”
i had to take a nap, gramma luvs both Jews like me and the fake news people like you
‘Mr. Trump has changed this game. He has exploited, perhaps better than any presidential candidate before him, the human impulse to be swayed more by story than by fact. As one of his surrogates said recently, “There’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore, of facts.”’
Thank goodness we all have the good old boys here at the chronicle to save us all from the REALITY TV BRAND OF TRUTH & MANUFACTURED FACTS with good old boy quality fake news.
Plz come back my nigga …..