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Trigger Warning Sucks

Trigger Warning is a circlejerk all over Rachel Haywire and a hip brand for reactionaries who operate as a fraudulent oppressed minority of politically incorrect radicals. The big hook is that it turns stale reactionary ideas held mostly by old white men into something a teen girl might think is cool. The result — big surprise — is as unoriginal, uncool, and obvious as a Christian metal band. But it works because lonely white men are an easy audience to win over and a good source of money.

Co-founder Anne Sterzinger suggests that Trigger Warning is a seduction for “social justice” types who would “make great Nazis,” but that isn’t true. It is only a selling point for its base of lonely white male patrons who perhaps wish they had more women on their side. Founder Rachel Haywire complains that other white supremacy sites like Stormfront are too ugly, contrasting them with her more attractive site. They won’t come out and say “we’re bringing the Nazi back” (also that is a bit too creative) but their patrons get the picture and pony up to jerkstart this stillbirth bukkake of a publication.

Rachel Haywire has necessarily erased her former identity as a victim of misogynist abuse, like a chameleon, conveniently now victim of the “thought police” who use shame to tamp down expressions of misogyny on the internet. But this is not a simple hypocrisy so much as a symptom of her perverse and disingenuous frame for thought. She inhabits the point of view of an occultist, that is, there are manipulators and there are followers who go along with what the manipulators say. Only manipulators and manipulations exist — there are no ideas, only advertising slogans. Nothing about Trigger Warning is revolutionary or provocative. Incantations of sexy and edgy are the beginning and the end for Trigger Warning.

Even this bullshit metal doesn’t suck as much as Trigger Warning

7 replies on “Trigger Warning Sucks”

Well some cunt with unwarranted self importance just got bitch slapped by one girl (asshurt) and two good old boys (fishfag & hatesec). And if anyone is a victim around here, it is I the ungrateful mad professor.

Camwhore$ aren’t real sex workers, they’re just mainly a bunch of privileged white cunts masquerading as third wave feminists, who dont want to LITERALLY get their hands dirty or some trick’s cum in their hair. And KY was a camerwhore, nuff said.

ffs asshole you’ve been single less then 2 months and you’re already soliciting (trolling) for pics, hopefully someone sends you scat porn s00n.

“She inhabits the point of view of an occultist, that is, there are manipulators and there are followers who go along with what the manipulators say. Only manipulators and manipulations exist — there are no ideas, only advertising slogans.”

At least she’s right about that part, if nothing else.

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