Sabu, outed this morning, faces the worst, or worse. He said he doesn’t fear extradition, but in 1908, Portugal signed the Portugal International Extradition Treaty with the United States, giving the FBI the ability to extradite a person.
Folks on Twitter have already compared Sabu to MLK, saying if he is taken out or extradited, there will be outcry. But because of extremely narrow avenues of information made possible by Twitter, Twitter users have a tendency to overestimate the education of the general public. That is to say, they think people give a damn about important issues like the freedom of information. Sadly, they don’t. And neither do we, but these stories SELL.
It was fun and games and Sabu did a great job covering his tracks, but he gave up some identifying information back in 2009 that have led people to what Sabu admits is his real fake name.
Sabu said he wanted to go out in style, wearing only a Chronicle.SU t-shirt, top hat and boxers before the media as he is pulled from his home and forced into a little prison on wheels before being carted away to a dark, isolated place from which he will never re-emerge, at least not before he turns a whole bunch of you in.
Even if Sabu is not the true leader of LulzSec & AntiSec, which has been the subject of heavy speculation here at the Chronicle.SU, we believe Sabu is a leader you can follow directly into the hands of the FBI. Because the undeniable truth is the combination of his actions and words has sparked a widespread movement toward hacking government and corporate websites, by idiots like you – the likes of which we haven’t seen since 1989, when DOE, HEPNET and SPAN (NASA) connected VMS machines world wide were penetrated by the anti-nuclear WANK worm.WANK-penetrated machines had their login screens altered to:
W O R M S A G A I N S T N U C L E A R K I L L E R S _______________________________________________________________ __ ____________ _____ ________ ____ ____ __ _____/ / / / / / | | | | | / / / / / / / /__ | | | | | |/ / / / / / / / ______ | | | | | | / _ /__ /____/ /______ ____| |__ | |____| |_ _/ ___________________________________________________/ / Your System Has Been Officially WANKed / _____________________________________________/
You talk of times of peace for all, and then prepare for war.
This just in: Monsanto hacked, 2,500 employees’ info released to the public.
Tonight: Radio host Vince in the Bay to discuss Sabu
15 replies on “OUTED: Sabu of #AntiSec”
Sabu, shoot ya with a .22 ain’t nobody’s fool but Portugal y’all make some noiiiiiise
If that were a tweet, I would retweet it.
In fact, sir, go tweet that so I may RT it.
Consider it done.
Your not shadowmindgear, or you haven’t tweeted it yet
I hope you’re listening to vince in the bay
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what
i am now call in
You should come on the show MOAR! <3
That jesterfag is sabu…and sabu is that assange mate.
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[…] Sabu, of Lulzsec fame, has commented that the AnonPlus website has little to do with the movement. He tweeted that “Im starting to think this is a troll site. Its always conveniently getting randomly hacked Has little to do with us.” And again, “Turns out people were correct: anonplus.com was a troll domain. Belongs to “fro” aka “cnaperth” aka “Adam Bennett” from Perth, Aussie.” The rank and file of AnonPlus that I have communicated with are simply interested in creating a social network that doesn’t double as a farm for personal details and targeted advertising. However, if there’s truth to what Sabu says then the decentralised, unofficial nature of Anonymous may have gotten the better of both the Syrian and Turkish hackers. […]