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Dr. Angstrom H. Troubadour under investigation in peer-review scandal

Dr. Angstrom H. Troubadour's latest book, Troll Medicine, is under scrutiny amid yet another media-invented 'peer-review scandal.'
Dr. Angstrom H. Troubadour’s latest book, Troll Medicine, is under scrutiny amid yet another media-invented ‘peer-review scandal.’

What might normally constitute a paralyzing blow to an independent doctor’s career did not move Dr. Angstrom H. Troubadour, whose wealthy financiers include none other than Lebal Drocer Pharmaceuticals, the powerful medicine firm that allegedly paid the journal Nature to introduce the untested “miracle drug” TerrorMax to an unassuming and naive readership of scientists and medical scholars.

Court records show Troubadour faked more than 33 “peer reviews” forcing The Internet Chronicle to revoke several articles referencing him. To be clear, all of Dr. Truebadour’s articles that are factual and accurate remain published under his pseudonym, Troubedaur.

Dr. Troubedauer said after the witch hunt dies down, he plans to go on vacation in the beautiful former bomb testing site, the beautiful Nye County, Nv.

“After they quit trying to figure out ‘who’s a real doctor and who’s a fake’ – nonsense, if you ask me – I aim to go out West and prove radiation poisoning is a myth,” Troubedoure said. “I think it is a shame these fake reports came to light. People need to be more careful, like Monsanto. Now there’s a company with its priorities in order.”

Related stories:

Recreational Drug Advice from real doctor, Angstrom H. Troubedaur

Peer-Reviewed TerrorMax Journal Entry cleared for publication, Troubadour acquitted of fraud

By Hatesec

I am the hatest

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