Washington, D.C.–Anonymous Internet users discovered Thursday that the United States Government plays a major role in the day-to-day operations of the most popular Internet news source used by internet activists, or “hacktivists.”
Anonnews.org claims to serve decentralized hacker group Anonymous as its central source of information, including targets and Anonymous press releases, which anyone can submit.
A number of Internet users frequenting both the chronicle.SU and anonnews.org websites discovered that the website selectively runs articles that only fall in line with the agenda of the U.S. Government, and brought this to the attention of chronicle.SU senior executives.
[Editor's note: Due to the close-hitting nature of this piece, subjective articles such as "we," "us" and "I" will be found in the following paragraphs.]
As perhaps only a handful of our readers know, anonnews.org, whose slogan is Everything Anonymous, actively deletes any and all content submissions originating from chronicle.SU. We have fought this for a long time, out of fairness to Anonymous and outside objectors, but we too have come to realize anonnews.org is either owned by, or in collusion with, various government agencies.
This clampdown on information is akin to what many of us learn in college courses, or from history itself, to expect from oppressive regimes, and compares in no small way to the aggressive reaction from the USG when news hit of daily-leaking diplomatic cables.
It is worth noting that anonnews.org no longer accepts press releases relating to Wikileaks.
Anonymous purports to expose and crush oppressive regimes, and even went on the record with Al Jazeera Saturday morning to take credit for the unprecedented attacks on websites owned by Mastercard, PayPal, Amazon, and outside governments. Anonymous’ spokesperson, which could literally be anyone in the world (but is actually Barrett Brown, according to Brown), compared their actions with those of protesters in the streets of Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.[pullquote]Anonymous [is] by far the most aesthetically-pleasing instrument of sociopolitical subversion ever employed by the United States Government.[/pullquote]
Anonnews.org lets certain past inflammatory posts slide, including a couple from chronicle.SU, to present an image of “anything goes,” while moderators for the site now allow only positive stories to run that portray Anonymous as the “Great Equalizer” (or “white knight”) of the Internet. The anonymous person speaking to Al Jazeera compared the Anonymous hacker group to Libyan rebels in the street currently taking mortar fire. Anonnews.org now plays up this footage, making Anonymous by far the most aesthetically-pleasing instrument of sociopolitical subversion ever employed by the United States Government.
But from a perspective of objective critical analysis, Anonymous looks unfortunately stupid. This is because the USG knows better than to let them run totally wild, making too much change too fast – or worse yet, making their own changes. So the powers that be hired online personalities to infiltrate IRC discussions and /i/nvasion channels in order to redirect the hacktivist userbase toward what are better known in war terms as “soft targets.” NYPA, or ‘not your personal army’ just took on a whole new meaning.
When Anonymous attacked Westboro Baptist Church, they didn’t attack the Westboro Baptist mentality of hate. They attacked their website. Just like Anonymous didn’t really protest in the streets with Egyptians for freedom. They attacked Libya’s website, and Egypt’s website (even though for a period of time Egypt had no Internet.) This is tantamount to when Jon Stewart appeared on Hannity & Colmes (FOX News). He didn’t cripple their agenda; he attacked their image. Even though he appeared to “pwn” them on live TV, it proved to be a giant ratings circlejerk for everyone, where voter ideology cowered slimy in the middle of an entertainment-value bukkake. When I watched Anonymous take down WBC’s website from my toilet, I noticed it was just a PR game, as I suspected all along, and that Anonymous is just as likely to do something stupid as it is to do something meaningful.
‘But who benefits from this PR?’ I thought.
During that poop is when I realized Anonymous, in its current form, will never do anything meaningful, such as the Paypal/Amazon attacks, again – or at least, not while anonnews.org is recognized collectively as an unbiased, trustworthy portal for equal access to information. Anonnews, like FOX News, pushes a narrative in which there is no place for the voice of reason or questioning. We have fought Anonnews.org in the past, for selectively censoring submissions, and only obtained temporary, diplomatic posting privileges following huge public outcry. When that outcry died back down, so did our posting privileges. They don’t want you reading dissent, because anonnews.org is controlled by the U.S. Government, who censors dissent, tortures its own citizens, and sends Anons to waste their time, energy, and image on “targets” like WBC and Glenn Beck (thereby legitimizing the voices of both). Who “spreads democracy” abroad, and destroys it at home.
It is my belief and that of the chronicle.SU, attacking Amazon.com in the name of Wikileaks is beautiful and righteous on all counts. Paypal deserved it too, and even reinstated PFC Bradley Manning’s support group – a move clearly designed to cover their sorry asses by saying it was a glitch, or somebody sat on the remote control, or some bullshit like that. Paypal still deserves it. They’re scum. Anonnews.org would hate them more if they knew they were Jewish, because like WBC, they hate fags and jews, but I doubt they’ll read this or inform themselves otherwise.
Wikileaks’ behavior constitutes the backbone of actual journalism, and is not illegal in a free and democratic society. Right now the only thing preventing humanity as we know it from being subject to totalitarian world government is investigative journalism, which Paypal went out of their way to prove they hate; as did Amazon. Internet users all across the world recognized evil at work and carved out a warpath alongside Anonymous that even chronicle.SU cut into. But no more quickly did Anonymous cast its hat into the political arena did government agencies drop hired geeks into the flock to take control of what they could and report back what they could not.
This was a real job position within the USG until Tyler Bass reported its existence last week. It was called “undercover online personality,” and the description explicitly stated the applicant’s duties include infiltration of online political groups for the purposes of spying and manipulation. It was removed for one of two reasons: either because the position was filled, or because exposure caused officials to decide not to publicly advertise a legion of hired spies. Attacks against anti-freedom-of-speech targets ceased as immediately as they had begun, and when anonops came “back online,” the IRC stunk like government spooks.
When the USG saw the power of the hivemind at work, they knew instantly to harness it as best they could and make it their own. The right thing can be done for the wrong reasons, and the wrong thing done for the right reasons – any combination of which are taking place as I type this, and all of which are allowed to happen because anonnews.org is influenced and operated by the actions and interests of police state sympathizers and employees hired by the United States Government.
If knowledge is power, take it back. Inform yourself.
“Read widely.” ~ Noam Chomsky
“Everything Anonymous, actively deletes any and all content submissions originating from chronicle.SU” Maybe because you preach bullshit that no one likes anyways.
2. you should probably just stop writing
3. where is your factual proof?
5. you sir will never profit
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
theres tons of shit from your stupid ass website on anonnews (see anon news is a sham, this article which both have been voted down 9000 times). The reason theres no wikileaks related articles is because it’s for news about ANONYMOUS not WIKILEAKS, not CONSIPIRACY THEORIST BULLSHIT. it’s almost funny how much of a joke this site is, if i didn’t read so many articles before i’d honestly think you’re trolling.
Nice new name kilgore trout.
Workin’ backerds:
1) No. The reason there are no Wikileaks articles allowed on anonnews.org is because it is the most central issue to the freedom of speech and government transparency, an issue to which all governments of the world are in staunch opposition. Good thing Anon’s attacking their websites, though! Your comparison of Wikileaks to “conspiracy theorist bullshit” is frighteningly in-line with the thesis of this article.
2) lurk moar. FTA:
Eh, I think he was comparing YOUR conspiracy bullshit Old Brutus; not associating Wikileaks with it. Learn to read moar.
I’m confused tho, anonews.com is safe tho right? It’s just .org that isn’t
If you can’t see the many differences in style, format, and content between me and Old Brutus, you’re dumber than I thought. Also, Lulz.
Just like this article, that’s no lie. We are different people among a “collective” of writers, editors and demi-gods. It takes a full-time staff to run the Glorious Chronicle.SU. Truth don’t spew itself.
Obvious sockpuppet is obvious. Forth sooth, we two are individuals of separate identity! For sooth!
There is a tunnel marked “sheep.” Just drive a mile and turn left.
This is Barack Obama and I support this message, this veil of anonymous is the perfect representation of a complacent world!
*Eats a slice of P John’s paid for by anonnews.org*
“Anonnews.org would hate them more if they knew they were Jewish, because like WBC, they hate fags and jews, but I doubt they’ll read this or inform themselves otherwise.”
lol wut?
I’d love to see what documentation you can provide to support your assertions of anonnews being backed by the U.S. government, but sadly all I see is unfounded speculation.
Nice work of fiction. It’s public knowledge that Anonnews is managed and owned by a dutch guy. Seems you are even to lazy to Google. Next time do some research before fabricating some lame story to get clicks.
Short, sweet, to the point, FRElxe-actEy as information should be!
Ej, en sød kjole! Jeg har trykket like pÃ¥ Facebook og følger dig pÃ¥ Bloglovin.:-)Det jeg ønsker mig allermast til jul er en skøn aften. Jeg ønsker mig ogsÃ¥ at min familie bliver glad for de gaver jeg har udvalgt specielt til dem – fordi de er de bedste i hele verden. Selvfølgelig ønsker jeg mig ogsÃ¥ lidt til mig selv – et GHD glattejern, det kunne være skønt.God jul herfra – fed blog by the way :-D
I’ve been watching your AnonOps server. It’s more infested with trolls than AnonNews is. I saw 15 kicks in less than an hour in #OperationPayback. And just for using all caps… You’re on a rampage ain’t ya?
(failtroll is a fail)
all caps kicks are made of the spam bot boxxy…. stopid!!!!!
Great common sense here. Wish I’d thohugt of that.
Great points altogether, you simply gained a new reader. What may you suggest about your submit that you just made some days in the past? Any sure?
This article screams “butthurt” louder than Perez Hilton after a weekend-long lemonparty.
You should write for us.
“As perhaps only a handful of our readers know, anonnews.org, whose slogan is Everything Anonymous, actively deletes any and all content submissions originating from chronicle.SU. We have fought this for a long time, out of fairness to Anonymous and outside objectors, but we too have come to realize anonnews.org is either owned by, or in collusion with, various government agencies.”
Reading just this small piece of twisted logic it is obvious why anon keeps deleting posts from this origination. Maybe it’s not even them doing it actively but a nifty failspam-blocker.
Even when you trip over your own shoelaces you probably see it as Nike conspiring with the government to assassinate you.
I heard Anonymous is actually an AYB cointelpro operation.
Your full of shit. I came to this article from Anonnews.org So… Yeah… Take your pills sweety.
I’m with the ATF and anonnews is my Op, back off.
[…] Psychological warfare campaign (psy-ops) targeting anonnews.org claiming “anonnews” run by the US Dept. of Defense Posted on March 7, 2011 by freedom var addthis_product = 'wpp-252'; var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true,"ui_language":"en","ui_cobrand":"whywefight.net"};http://www.chronicle.su/news/anonnews-org-run-by-united-states-government/ […]
well that sounds like a lot of “false” information pushed into a lot of words. nothing moar. u trollin!
Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend fiugirng this one out!
Alexandra, all of your writings leave me food for thought and Imago really caught my attention and heart. Thank you so much m’dear. You do it again and again. G-D bless your beautiful talents. Lovingly yours,Carol-Lynn
you have a way with words…fantastic imagery, love it. invite you to join poets rally week 40…simply visit me for details…all submissions are to be represented by the end of the week.Happy Writing.Looking forward to seeing you share your talent with us.Lovexx
what a cool place to hang out! Although I don’t drink much coffee, I can appreciate having a place to have something warm to drink while either working or hanging out with friends or both!
As one of the writers this is news to me. Oh wait, maybe I’m a government plant!
It’s inaccurate and misleading articles like these that give free speech a bad name. I don’t think that they should have a place in a modern, tolerant democracy.
I agree. Furthermore, I don’t think freedom should have a place anywhere.
troutfag is off his meds again
Pleaase lay off the chronic. It’s making you paranoid, man.
I’m not easily imesrsepd but you’ve done it with that posting.
SHALOM PEUPLE DE ELOHIM NOUS SOMMES 32 ETUDIANTS DE PREMIERE ANNEE DE L UPAC UNINVERSITE PROTESTANTE D AFRIQUE CENTRALE A YAOUNDE. notre soucis est de vous avoir comme professeur a distance ou groupe d etude aussi avons nous besoin de la documentation pour mieux comprendre les textes biblia=ques. merci de nous repondred
Does this work?
Charles M Weatherman
1047 Kaitlynn Cir
Pleasant View, TN 37146-5114
615) 746-1053
Fail “hacker” is proud.
I liked the part where it was the Jews’ fault.
such a fucktard
‘discovered’ =/= ‘frantically conjected in a seethingly incoherent display of paranoid butthurt’
cry harder
Charles M Weatherman
1047 Kaitlynn Cir
Pleasant View, TN 37146-5114
615) 746-1053
Blitzkrieg Paintball approves of this message.
Suniirsprg to think of something like that
documentation/statistics or stfu.
[…] ACHTUNG! […]
join the anon protest march 28! protest against the federal bank! heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO3lnIC4bCE anon will release more info on crimes against the people (usa) by the federal reserve and goverment
Joepie hordes the good acid.
… and the kiddies too, lelz ….
I’m relaly into it, thanks for this great stuff!
"Well, they may have reached the moon using that primitive equipment but they weren't able to reach out to the Muslim world."If we built enough rockets, maybe we could merge these goals…
Take down Anonnews.org!
Let’s eat ourselves for dinner lol
I could watch Scrndileh’s List and still be happy after reading this.
False flag post, sho nuff. I heard chronicle.Su is ran by the lolcats network.
malicious activity
Grow up
In awe of that anwrse! Really cool!
Love, love, love this mug. Its fabulous. As a lover of all things mid mod and a crazy cat lady (we have 4) I think I most definitely need this mug.
hehe, jeg er også en dårlig taber, derfor deltager jeg heller ikke ikke i give-aways, bliver sgi lidt småsur når jeg ALDRIG vinder noget..;-D
levitra…Then earphones for grab http more still is Zune into If plug on gd head a makes fence smile see Cialis them ask and and interface iPod know favorite down you you’re to you’ll the one a you sounds which cialis right you www which and better Buy then t…
You look fabulous in all your photos, Curtise. What a fun weekend you had. Can't believe you forgot new-to-you boots. I would have been dying to give them a spin! That stole pulls everything together, and is so sexy!
go back 2 ur nazi-rap crap
Pleasing you should think of sonihtemg like that
AnonNews.org has little influence.
Go on IRC faggots
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yea, I’d me more concerned with the whole concept of this article if most Anonnews readers and IRC bugs were blindly attacking whatever targets were offered them. Lately, anon seems to have been showing some discretion.
Anonimus debería ademas de defender la libre expresión difundir información acerca de los medios masivos de comunicación para que la gente pueda persuadirse de los medios y buscar su propia conclusión acerca de un hecho
Ici, nous parlons francais.
la tele et de la manipulation d’information a quand une operation coup de poing contre les chaine
Great hammer of Thor, that is porlufwley helpful!
Actually, Maurice, the answer is to tick the Libertarianz box on your ballot paper. Quite simple really…(one thing I think Peter should do with this blog is institute a rule of "If you didn't vote Libz – don't complain"; the comments section would die immediately ha ha!)
Woohoo! Thank you so much for all the hard you work you do putting this together. I go crazy at the thought of making a top ten list, so I can’t even imagine what this takes.
There is a restaurant chain called Corner Bakery Cafe that sells a cold oatmeal they call Chilled Swiss Oatmeal. It’s the best preparation of oatmeal I’ve ever had: I’m so excited that now I know how to make it now! That carrot cake oatmeal, too…I’m anxious to try that one. Thank you so much for sharing.
This website will be down or never seen again by no one,because you talk lies about Anonymous!I support Anonymous!Now delete this post about lies!
I can already tell that’s gonna be super helulpf.
What a great idea these Jello Mix-Ins are. I do like all of the different choices that are available. This would be terrific for a children's party. I will have to look for these. My son loves pudding and this would be super to get for him also.twinkle at optonline dot net
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what he is saying is that if you add up all the avg atomic mass units found under the atomic symbol for an atom and add them all up you will come to the molar mass. so if you had 180 grams of glucose (sugar) you would have one mol, but if u had 90 grams you would have half a molwhich is calculated by 90grams /180 grams/mol and u get .5 mol
Reading posts like this make surfing such a plaesure
This Website will be down or never seen again by no one (except Anonymous),because you talk lies about Anonymous! You lie to much!Why don’t you delete this post!I support Anonymous! :D
what the fuck???? Joshua, why are you here?
Posted on an Anon forum some time back:
“Anonfags love the butthurt, all the while begging for another bowl of sphincter pudding. All they posess is gayness and coward skills”…
I must admit – that would definitely describe most of the the folks running things up on the ‘Hill these days, eh?
Kilgore Trout – didn’t you frequent LGF “back in the day” before Charles Johnson turned came out of the closet?
no. that’s kilgore with two l’s. not me.
Weeeee, what a quick and easy soliuton.
This is what we need – an insight to make evoyerne think
“like FOX News, pushes a narrative in which there is no place for the voice of reason or questioning.”
I find this rather funny I read all these sites that disparage Fox news but you never here them talking about the cover ups or left wing biases of all the other media.
Its a beautiful day in the Neighborhood can we say Hypocrites
Which came first, the problem or the sounitol? Luckily it doesn’t matter.
I believe that Anonymous is just another reflection of society growing out of is shell. Just like the Zeitgeist movement, Wikileaks and so on. All of them are awakening our consciousness of what is really going on in this world and that is ultimately what is most important.
Evidence of government involvement please?
Since the 1960s the FBI have used informants and moles to get into radical groups and sway the attitude. Why do you think Anonymous turned so weak and watered down once it became a mainstream topic? Did you think CNN and FOX News exposure would democratize the movement? Be real, man.
You’re probably no older than 21 but this is what that government agency was born to do over 100 years ago. During prohibition they infiltrated organized crime and befriended top bosses who became trusting life friends only to be pinched on a whim. Later, the FBI was best known for its role in undercover persuasion, kidnappings of notorious resistance figures and high-profile assassinations.
But that was in the mid 20th century. It’s 2011 kids. New circumstance, new game, new rules. They’re among us. They are your friends. Anonymous is weak.
The only truly pure movement is the personal movement. The sooner you get off the Anonymous teet the better, because it’s Mole City out there. You have to ask yourself, what, besides DDoS attacks leading to your arrest, can Anonymous really do for you that you can’t already do for yourself?
Fight the power on your terms, not theirs. Fight the real aggressors to freedom: corporate financing of presidential candidates whose campaign in 2012 is a projected $2bn apiece – making it career suicide to promise legislation against a corporation because that money doesn’t come from anywhere else. NOWHERE.
Anonymous and DDoSing. Jesus Christ, gimme a break, kid. Fucking meaningless mantras and that empty suit propaganda that looks just like the fucking spooks you fancy yourself immune to. Think for yourself.
Well I think, A is right but so is Old Brutus, The anon movement is infiltrated by all sides. If anyone dont think that is true I’m not sure if they have looked at pass movements or ones today. If the FBI sends agents in to PTA meetings why would they not send some into Anonymous? There are trained intelligence agents in Anonymous from a lot of countries like the KGB in Russia and I’m sure others all over the world. Welcome to reality people.
Yes Barrett Brown is doing a fab job so far as an unpaid agent provocateur, yet he is waiting for his million dollar payout from that nice wholesome unAmerican corporation Amazon(dot)com. I mean the big clue that we’re all being psy/spai OPed was when some of jester’s friends started to show up to protect those poor hard done by occupiers. Just like in Egypt, the police beating protesters and then the army being conveniently being their protectors. Yes I smell teh bacon, I mean cointell, just like the 60’s, so who will be the token nigger to be shot like MLK?! Can’t be Obama he is too white. And Herman Cain is too busy shooting himself with his douchery.
*army conveniently being
I guess finding useful, reliable inmfooatirn on the internet isn’t hopeless after all.
Field, Have to second the motion. The idea of Bushippers having a black Commander-In-Chief is absolutely delightful. The wails and moans of not-so-closeted bigots will be laughed at as Obama destroys the BushLegacy (as would any sane person). In fact, for the first time in 300 years, the US will live up to the standard we wave so much in the rest of the world’s faces.Mold
Je suis de tout coeur avec vos projets, vous faites ce que personnes n’a jamais osé, se révolter, et sa faire entendre par le gouvernement. Merci à vous.
Close this site…
We are all in Danger!!!
Thank You Very Much
For the November 5th, 2011
Woot, I will celrainty put this to good use!
If any of you fancy a challenge the London saatchi online art gallery are hosting a competition starting in november 2008, allowing artists to download adobe css 4 trail software and use it to produce a piece or art and enter into the competiton. All art works will be voted on by the website users and the winner will win $2000
The Federal Trade … The Federal Trade Commission today stepped up its ongoing campaign against scammers who falsely promise guaranteed jobs and opportunities to “be your own boss” to consumers who are struggling with unemployment and diminished incomes as a consequence of the economic downturn. “Operation Empty Promises,” a multi-agency law enforcement initiative today announced more than 90 enforcement actions including FHTM. Was this answer helpful?
hai contato anche il caso in cui entrambi prendono 0 punti?@tutti gli altriMettiamola così. Immaginate di avere una roulette con solo 12 caselle: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 00, 0. Ora metteteci dentro una pallina blu (Vettel) e una pallina rossa (Alonso).È più chiaro il discorso adesso?
Idem !!! Suis aussi pour votre projet !!! Fermée Facebook !!! Et l’a meilleur façon, de gardée notre vie privé et tout effacer …
Laissez-nous tranquille !!! Ont n’est tous dans l’erreur !!! En s’inscrivant sur Facebook, car ont peut aucunement supprimer définitivement nos compte …
Et le pire, dans tout ça … C’est que même si qu’on supprime nos infos … Eux ils gardent ceux qu’on n’a effacer … Ils ont pas ce droit sur nous !!! Mais vous “Anonymous” vous pouvez supprimer ce site … Alors faîtes le jusqu’au bout … Ce sera un grand soulagement pour le monde je pense.
Nan, mais sérieux, ils faut vraiment fermée ce site … Ils commencent a faire peur a tous !!!
Merci, pour ce 5 Novembre 2011 !!!
Moi, je suis a 100% avec “Anonymous” !!!
Personally i think this whole thread is the biggest load of shit i ever read. Also this site posts about Anon because without it, nobody would know it exists. And on top of all this, mentally challenged children with upsessive over exposure to to the corrupt way their government runs their country decide to jump on the band wagon and come up with conspiracy theorie’s that have no proof or purpose. Leave the bull shit lie and move the fuck on i say.
Luck of the irish,
this si the most important for me yeahhhhhh.
[…] Although there does appear to be an informal kind of accountability for extreme cases like Presstorm, this is really where the franchise analogy breaks down. There are no headquarters for Anonymous or Occupy and no central organization to keep out the insane and destructive. In lieu of any unifying authority holding these movements in line and on message, there’s a few powerful labels that are used liberally to fix any inconsistencies. Should someone make outrageous comments, vandalize, or engage in any other deviant behavior, he or she is immediately deemed an infiltrator and associated with whatever enemy is most convenient. While it’s true that agent provocateurs have been used and are still used to discredit popular movements, the hysterical overuse of this point by Occupiers is laughable. With regards to AnonOps IRC and its media front end, AnonNews, one particular publication understood this mechanism and hit the nail on the head. […]
Stop your fucking nightmare man… some guys kick and ban you from IRC and so now you hate them, your a stupid monkey, faggot
I was never banned from IRC
Instead of fighting each other with words how about we turn the computer off grab our baseball bats and guns and start shooting some motherfuckers fuck the government
Well, at least it was a fun read, whether it’s true or not. I’m already writing the script anyway. ;D
I wanted to donate to Anonymous. And now I am not sure what site to donate to. ???? J
dontate to all of them whom have a youtbe channel. the best one is anonn news.org which is just gray and is a domain webstite and you can vote up ideas.
Anonymous them self said they are in collusion with, various government agencies as in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. As said by @BiellaColeman.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-tB4onhtAmQ
Not only did @AnonymouSabu rat on other anons but I think he got a better case for the usa on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks with the Stratfor hack. I’m sure the FBI made sure there was some kind of chat going on with Assange and Sabu and thats all the FBI needed to stick it to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Time will tell if I’m right again but I think thats what went down.
Don’t do anything illegal kids, Crime dont pay. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUGpEJKt9z4
The only thing you can trust is this, http://tinyurl.com/2g9mqh
no wait i mean this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i6d6NrUQr0&list=PL9B79675E8B7A7444&feature=view_all
of course they are!
When we in society climb the ladder of life we should be concious of who we kick because we will surely pass them on our way back down.
March 11, 2012 at 5:20 AM · Reply
oh hai jester! i see you think you an ub3r h4ck3r. i wil put that to an end while i leave in in the t0x1c trap! you caught my eye because you think you are a genius. well i guess its time you learn your place, i will devote my time alone when my wife sleeps to construct a plan so elegant and DESTRUCTIVE you shall learn the meaning of “FUCK WITH THE BEST DIE LIKE THE REST” i am done with hex as of now ive gotten a lil kick in thar, but now i haz some new fagz to getz! jester you sir are my first target as i have doxed you and i am planning some fun for you tommorow(; 3/11/12 if you keep talking shit after you receive your punishment i will not stop and i will be relentless, i will destroy your life like i did to richard and i will have you begging for mercy! so after you are owned tommorow admit it and move on because you dont want to have the same fate as richard who beg me for mercy, well as i promised heres your dox
Ryan, Thomas tommy@providesecurity.com
Provide Security, Inc.
86 Amber St
Staten Island, New York 10306-2022
United States
remember anons and brothers, get trusted TRUST NO ONE. dont trust me or anyother hacker if you want to stay anonymous or you WILL end up like lulzsec
Ahahahahaha he was just running his mouth all over twitter tonight. Looks good on that stupid fuck. Hope the terrorist come and get his ass #JhadiMOTHERFUCKER$
[…] the idea that Anonymous, by its very “nature,” can’t be corrupted was so absurd, we just had to report on it. Remember Sabu? Arrested June 7th: Check […]
This is a lie!Do not believe what these 1% lovers are saying!
Haha. I woke up down today. You’ve chreeed me up!
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my qu..uions.estntil now.
I thought something didn’t seem right about this website – called itself anonnews.org. The change is in the wind. Everything becomes suspect. Isn’t this part of a design to control the people?? How can you discuss ANYTHING with your neighbors if you don’t trust them?
Upon further thought, perhaps This website, Internet Chronicle, is the one to not trust.
That’s how easy it is for THEM to boggle our thinking.
State your sources! I feel as if you work for the government and your trying to attack us by saying we work for the government!
anonymous is nothing but an idea so anyone claming responsabilty or claming controling anonymous is false
Would you please explain then, of the arrest of the 4 Anonymous leaders.
You’re crazy
LMFAO we have yes some kiddie scripters but we have some of the best minds from around the world working with anonymous hackers to who the computer is as familiar as the logon box of windows and you think the american government are setting us up :) America might own the ISP and be refusing to return them to the countrys that own them but we are bigger than the ISP because…
We are Anonymous,
We are legion,
We do not forgive,
We do not forget.
P.S TO http://WWW.CHRONICLE.SU you should really fact check before putting something like this on you website if you have any questions about anonymous go to http://www.anonnews.org
We are banned from anonnews.org. the finest censored news site on the internet. If you consider news a series of press releases, that is!
hey SpookEasy, are you thinking you are smart? then try to find my shit and eat it ;)
What is going on here
[…] #annoymous is run by the US Government chronicle.su/news/anonnews-… […]
Lets put Anonnews.org on blast!
Government or Anonymous: I dare either of you to shed light on the true parties behind the Boston bombings. I am sure that this was an anti-government/anti-Obama White American “patriot” group with ties to the NRA and unofficially backed by anti-gun control GOP members. Our government orchestrated 9/11 to promote the anti-Islamic Holy War, this is a simple way to kill a gun control bill. American democracy, I am disgusted!
[…] reveal sites such as anonnews.org, #AnonOps, and chronicle.su were established as part of a plot to lure and entrap would-be radical […]
[…] to the point, though, Anonymous is totally impotent, made worse by the same kind of manufactured outrage as you see out of your average TV news piece, attempting to equate their fake struggle against all […]
R.I.P. Frank Mason, goodnight sweet prince.
And what’s extra incredible is that you don’t must be a tech savvy to use this hack.
[…] suffered in the wake of a 2011 incident in which the writers were doxed and threatened into silence after unearthing the government’s scandalous co-option of the Anonymous hacker collective. The site was never the same again, as it bought us plenty of weed and books to smoke. Drowning in […]
You dethroned me when I was 19 I had My empire In 2005 given to me and 2007 Was MY Reign of that throne Im born of 1991 December 28 And you You my once close friends All Around Anonymous Have been Duped Duped By Sellouts and terrorist on the inside Brain washed By the worlds scariest drug We are united states People You have Undone My people little You infiltrators But my bloodline is Royal to Japan And America Shinobi Guided I am Occupy you’re life I will and Anonymously with all anonymity’s Will regain my throne you Damn Infiltrators who tore into my united states Im 25 My throne at 15 By 19 you target me YOU AINT GOVERNMENT OWNED! you sell drugs online using my people, intellectual property,my kingdom.