LOS ANGELES – It is our sad duty to report American pop idol Lady Gaga has been diagnosed with brain cancer.
A Saturday announcement confirmed physicians discovered what has been called an “inoperable” malignant tumor in the brain of Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, perhaps known better as Lady Gaga, after the singer complained of feeling more run down and fatigued than usual.
Lady Gaga is being treated at the Cedars-Sinai medical institution. She thanked her fans for their support in this difficult time, encouraging everyone to “stay strong,” reassuring the public she “will persevere.”
Germanotta’s agent requested media and fans to contact Lady Gaga, as usual, care of her record labels, Def Jam Records, and Interscope.
Lady Gaga stopped using cell phones two years ago because of paranoia that they might cause brain cancer. Saturday’s news indicates she may not have stopped soon enough.
There has been no word yet as to whether the Born This Way Ball Tour (on The Road To Love) will continue as scheduled.
191 replies on “Lady GaGa diagnosed with brain cancer”
im so sad to hear about this in the news. wow. well. all good things must come to an end. IM SO SAD :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
This is a sad day…
Let’s all send her our condolonses on facebook and Twitter, she has to know we are here for her.
oh no
This is terrible!
Get well soon you wonderful women
oh my god please dont let it be true
So saddddd!
get well soon. musical princess. :(
wat is gonna hapen to her??
omg this is so sad :(((
This is so heart-breakingly sad. I hope it’s not true…
I didn’t know she had a brain to diagnose.
Oh not lady Gaga, I <3 hear so much! #LADYGAGACANCER tweet please
rest in peace/ if this is true bullshit i think
I just saw this on the news. I don’t know what to do… I’m so sad
I love JB but I wish it had been him cuz he’s younger so he prolly would get a brain trasplant but lady gaga is so old she wont and she’ll die :((((((((((((((
this is terrbile.
please be okay
Got told over Twitter and didn’t believe it… understandably. But then so many sites covered it.
If she goes through chemo you know she’ll pull of the bald look.
No waay im so sad. Brain cancer is like the worst.
Get well soon mother monster!
lady gaga get well soon! your fans love you!!!1
good luck gaga
so sad! i hope you get better!
My Uncle died last year from Brain cancer, please dont die gaga!!!
FUCK. this is all they’re gonna play on the radio now
this makes me so sad she is such a beautiful person
She’s in my prayers, I hope she is also in yours.
just saw this on the news…can’t believe it…shouldn’t happen to someone so young…she has her whole life ahed of her…
does anyone know if it is inoperible can they sitll do chemo?
she will be miss
This is horrendous…
She’s going to be fine though, right?
good riddance white nigger
This is a sad day, lady gaga is my inspiration. hope she gets better
And before people tell me its fake, I’ve seen proof.
It’s just a coincidence. It’s not like she got diagnosed today.
so fucking what? her music sucks. see you in hell monster
its sad really. her struggle will not be publicised because of the day it was released. and her terrible illness with not be take seriously! if it helps gaga i still love you
I just really hope she pulls through. She has the money to buy the best treatment. xxxx you are in my thoughts,prayers and even dreams gaga xx
OMG its on wikipedia already that means its true :(( omg this is so sad :'(
#prayersforgaga let’s tweet for her and her family <3
fuck you, haters!!! lady gaga forever! <3 #prayersforgaga
i’m so sad if this is true :(
Gaga, i know you don’t know me. but feel better soon. You have impacted my life so much, by telling me not to pick up my telephone, and teaching me how to ride dick. I love you Gaga. Please feel better<3
get well soon gaga! we all believe in you! stay strong <3
Get well soon Lady Gaga. Always remember, cancer is NEVER the end <3
this is awful
[…] Lady Gaga diagnosed with brain cancer | The Internet Chronicle […]
Oh noes! I just read the another article taking about her having Stage 4 malignant tumor. It’s supposed to be about the size of a golf ball according to the MRI. Get well soon gaga!
Stay strong! We all support you
This is not true, please tell me it’s a sick joke. this can’t be true!
Not funny.
so sad
cancer you have snuffed out a beautiful candle in everyones life… and it is for her i pray
This would be the sickest marketing ploy if she were really lying about having cancer.
Poor Gaga :/
please get well soon darling lover monster gaga WE NEED YOU PLEASE
wow im fucking glad
sorry for your cancer I will pray for you gaga
This isnt true its false information they even got her record label wrong.
fuck google what a rretat narack67, who the fuck pays attention to the background music LOL WTF !!! really? thats fucked !!! what LOL the fuck is wrong with narack67 who posted his late period pms comment 1 month ago LOL WTF !!!
What’s it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?
Omgish gaga i am soooo sorry you have cancer! this is horrible. i hope you get better soon!!! i love you. We need mother monster back in our lives! nd your such kind words get me though my day!
I heard it was a metastatic tumour buried deep in her hypothalamus. Is this true?
Stage 4. High mortality rate, and absolutely inoperable friend.
This is an early April Fools joke. Watch… and hope.
i lost my mom to cancer. i cant lose gaga
i just saw it on mtv. she has cancer
stopped using cellphones ? NOT TRUE ! she tweeted to us monsters. THIS IS NOT SERIOUS RIGHT ? SHE’S NOT HAVING A BRAIN CANCER )”:
Not funny at all! You don’t joke around with stud like this. Not even funny as an April Fools joke.
Sadly, it isn’t a joke. I saw it on msnbc just now
you’re a damn liar. this is why I hate april fools.. people always go too far.
ok it’s been proven that phones don’t actually cause cancer, so there is no way this is true -_- it’s april fools in most parts of the world already, so this is clearly a really bad one.
its fake ! is what i wish i cud say… but its too real
OMG !!! Hopefully she would gonna live for a LOOOOOOOOONG YEARS !!!! Stefani, go go go fight fight fight !!! :'((
I love you Gaga !!! HOPEFULLY YOU WILL GONNA BE FINE !!! :”((((
this is so fake.
first of all, she HAS used a cell phone – she uses it for tweeting and pictures, and of course to keep in touch.
second, she’s not signed to def jam records. they dropped her before she was ever well known.
thirdly, it’s april 1st. get real guys.
Screw all of you who say things like “good” or “so happy” about this just because you don’t like her music doesnt mean it isnt a life. How would you feel if it was your one of your favorite artist. Gaga is an inspiration and has allowed so many people to be who they are without fear. Godspeed gaga and best wishes!
Praying for you Gaga, Without you us little monsters have no one to look up to :'(
This is just an april fools day prank. We would never get so lucky
Finally the powers above do the USA a favor! Next on the list needs to be everyone at mtv…
She obviously didn’t make this some fucking ass holes did lady gaga is fine….. I hope I’m just not in denial
i’m so confused it isn’t april fools yet where i am in california but where/when was this posted?
if she has cancer that is so sucky but for someone to wish that she does, that pretty messed up. no one should ever wish that upon anyone. buttholes
Obviously SOME people can’t read …. Born This Way Ball Tour (on The Road To Love) so please, do us all a favour and wind your necks in? And who to say she hasn’t got cancer? You won’t know until it’s been publicly spread. So please do respect her, and by saying ‘Thank God she has cancer’ etc, you are still wasting your time posting it here. Congrats.
if this is true than i am sorry to the core…to the ones that are sarcasticly joking, and if this an april fools joke – it isnt funny u twats!!!!!!
I hEaRd iT oN tHe fOx nEwS 2DaY… GeT WeLl sOoN GaGa I LUUUUV U
“its sad really. her struggle will not be publicised because of the day it was released. and her terrible illness with not be take seriously! if it helps gaga i still love you” ;(((((
Lamest April Fools yet.
This cant be :( first Michael now Gaga, who is next? Bieber?
She is going to forget the words to her songs.
Ok, people all this shit is bugging me. Its not a joke get that in your head. We have to stay strong and not joke about this. I love your Lady GAGA. and I will stand beside you. I promise that if you died i’ll cry :(
Your right, I love her and will do mostly anything
The ironic part is that this was announced the day before April Fool’s Day…and that Frank Mason, the guy who wrote this article, died in January of this year….
This is a hoax CNN has removed it from their news site. A few people started a rumor to show how fast it moves through the web.
Chronical do your fucking home work before you post ahit that is not true. CNN you look like a joke.
A lot of jerks overhere.. April the first doesn’t remind you something?
Its fake dumbfucks!!!!! April fools duh!!!!!!!!! Smh
Hello, I’m the author of this piece. I would like to clear something up. I understand that because the article was written March 31, there may be some inclination to believe this is my idea of a sick April Fool’s joke. Unfortunately, that is not the case.
With respect to my audience, the family’s wishes, and simple matters of journalistic integrity, that is all I am able to say on the matter.
Have a nice day.
Frank Mason died in January. “Frank Mason” also posted this article yesterday. Anyone know how it’s possible for a dead man to post an article online? ‘Cause, I sure as hell don’t. This has to be fake. & The person who posted this is playing a sick joke and needs to find a new hobby.
I am sooo sad about the news of this..I am a HUGE fan of hers..I really hope you get well soon and they can make feel betters soon Mother Monster…To her family…May you ALL be in my prayers..:)
a NORTH DAKOTA little monster fan
Omg this probably not a real article. “sorry to inform you” please every self-respecting writer knows not to even write that into an article. Pfft. Duh!
Sorry “sad duty” please the first time I messed it up gave you too much credit. People don’t waste your time.
hope she pulls through…
if this is a fucking joke its not funny
If she dies ill die
“published March 31” but take into account TIME ZONES. Also, Def Jam Records dropped her in 2008, everyone knows that. This is a disgusting joke. And saying she has tried confusing get fans or whatever, that would be on her Twitter. It’s not. Speaking of Twitter, half her tweets are from her blackberry. A CELL PHONE. Have some integrity.
hahaha hopefully it is true see KARMA she corrupted a whole young generation, this is what happens to you DIEE bitchh….
Corrupted a whole young generation? LOL. Dear, It was already corrupted before she became famous :P
Btw nice april fools joke
Wow ‘mike’ you are ignorant she helps a lot of people with insecurities and she is inspirational. The world was corrupted a long time ago.
How sick are all of you. Saying LOL to some one who is dying
You can choose to believe it and you can choose not to for now. If Gaga confirms it herself, we’ll know it’s real.
April fools
that explains a lot
All of which use illuminati must die at some point. Tehehehe
Anyone who who falsely report something like this is the scum of the Earth
we all love and we all prayed
omg im sooo happy especially if she dies she has caused me to much pain cuz my enimiey is obsessed about her so please die gaga -prays for gaga to die-
“anon v” ur an absolute sick indevidual, wishing someone dies of cancer!! Just because someone u dont like has an obsession with them!! Heres an idea how about or someone you love, a family member maybe, get cancer and have a long horrible painful death from it!!!!
alright everyone deserves a chance to live and for u to say that is really slack and u should be so ashamed of urslef Karma will come back to get u! u may not like her but it doesnt mean u should wish for her to die
I hope you die if you say gaga will die and its not even true
I think that anyone that laughs at anyone that has cancer should get it themselfs, or someone they love should get it, see how long theyl be laughing then!!!
i think anyone that laughs at someone who laughs at someone laughing at someone wishing cancer on someone should get cancer themselves slow painful death
All of our love a prayers to Lady Gaga and her family. Love your little monsters.
monsters don’t always pray, but when they do it’s to the devil. That’s probably why she has a brain tumor. You satan worshiping heathens are corrupted what used to be a good world.
go fuck yourself cause if u love god so much whyd u wish someonne to die
She doesn’t have brain cancer. It’s just a really mean April Fool’s joke. Whoever did it is a dumbass.
[…] this article: Lady Gaga diagnosed with brain cancer | The Internet Chronicle This entry was posted in brain cancer and tagged confirmed-reports, fans, saturday. Bookmark the […]
Thank fuck
quiero jugar nova pero me gustaba mas el 1
Fuck off! this aint funny! if lady gaga dies, the whole world will collapse!
Omg HAHAHAHA SO FUCKING FAKE. Get a life whoever wrote this.
lady gaga is the best
thanks….no bad:D
Lady Gaga is a fashion Phenomenon…..!She Rules The World ….
I don’t Believe it
then fuck off and read the tabloids
if this is a joke its not a funny 1. all of lady gaga fans would take this seriously because gaga might be the only thing they truly love and if something happen to her everyone 1 who ever loved her would just crash into sadness for a long time!!! SO IF THIS IS A JOKE ITS NOT FUCKING FUNNY!!!
lady gaga!!!!!!!!!
to swiden….
I am so happy :)
This is horrible. I can’t believe this could happen. If she died, all of her fans would be devistated. I really hope she pulls through cause she will always be my one and only queen.
Hello my little monsters. Just to inform u i do not have brain cancer.I am still healthy and alive. It is good that people are inspired by me. It is very good.
p.s the people that hate me say that u want me to die and that says LOL. CAN TO HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
p.s.s. I love u monsters
Lady GaGa ;D
I’ve never seen fan-whoring like this before.
you just dumped selena gomez’s real ip address and also violated our non-existent privacy policy
Can u give me a wicked head job i fuck the shit of ur pussy but i dont know if u have a cocki
I blow shit loads on ya face then fuck ur mouth harder then blow over ur body
She has a cock sucking mouth i fuck the crap out if it
Lady you are Gaga,
I am a 71 year old man. I think you are rife with creativity, you bring joy to your little monsters, and you are a pure delight. You are more natural and authentic that way too many people, are not.
I see the preciousness that is in your heart. I love what you are and what you do. You are so very unique that no one will ever replace you.
I am struggling to find more words that will pay you back at least a little for all you bring to this world. We need a nation that is filled with people like you. Then we would entertain the world until they find peace within. Stay healthy, alive, and precious. If I had a grand daughter like you I would have endless joy anytime I got to see you. I hope you are able to read this and that it makes you stir inside with happiness because you know how you have affected this man.
Sincerely, sincere,
Put Gaga in Mansons cell and let come what may.
Lady Gaga is a nigger.
I love lady gaga she was so special and a good singer ooh I feel so bad for her I feel like crying
Fake fake fake
soooooooooooooooo fffaaakkkkeeeeeee
hey lady gaga i love you you are like the one purson i look up to i am only 10 i have been singing your songs for my life! love you
You are the best person in my life that I ever met!
You made me who I am, teached not to afraid of yourself if you are different! Now I know that express myself and feel happy! And for all that I have to thank you. You are like an angel coming in my dreams and telling me what to do, like my twin sister, that thinks like me and make my dreams come true!
I know that the World we are living in is such a fu**ing hole, and allways want to take away the best of it! But I BELIEVE, THAT THIS TIME, YOU WILL BREAK THIS RULES! BECAUSE YOU ARE A SHINING STAR, BURNING SO BRIGHT, AND MAY BE FALLING… BUT NOT THIS TIME!
Everyone be good and do good, and this world will be a bit closer to be a good place, much love and peace.
Her and her stupid ass monsters should all “off” themselves.
Who eva says they hate gaga they shud fuck off
I am only 11 and im obsessed about lady gaga
iLOVE LOVE LOVE GAGA nd ANON V Fuck yew i love gaga u bustard
hate her all u want nd she DOESNT CARE BOUT YEW Atleast she has a lyf unlike yew If the lil monsters hear wat u r sayin dey gonna whoop ur skinny ass
You have great taste in music because I love gaga too
Come play with my cock little one
You need a bullet
yo quit your trash, man what if your family had cancer you wouldnt like it one bit right? yeah i thought so-.- well just tryna make a point!
to tumor Ill take you off her hands.beauty is a waste when destroyed by wrong reasons.
Whatever you got keep it natural “face up and sit down” & buckle in MMWW
Generally I do not read post on blogs, but I would like to say
that this write-up very forced me to take a look at and do it!
Your writing style has been amazed me. Thank you, very nice article.
link please
be fine GAGA
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グロリア-イップからあちこち遊歴好きで、働く関係のため、積み重ねました多くの旅行経験があり、もっと特別好きのひとり旅。「完全に慣れない環境を持って、私の考えと刺激源源が絶えない。一回出発前の資料収集、しばしばを旅にヒントを得提供良い基礎。」この道理も同様に適用するアートとデザインの創作。グロリア-イップ注意して参加スイスティソ「160年环宇漫遊切手」設計コンクールの参加者から資料収集して、きっと半分の労力で倍の成果。ロレックス-スーパーコピー「今度の試合はスイスティソが主催し、「旅」をテーマに;それでは〓、何の元素を代表ティソ?何か元素が代表「旅行者精神”ですか?どのようにそれらを結びつけ?参加者はまず知っているのは彼らの目標は何を準備してこの目標を足を知ると、テーマを発揮し、創意に加え、抜群の技巧を演じ、優れた作品を作り。」まとめ:「設計や旅行のように、まずは目的地を知っていて、またどのように歩いて、才能は一歩一歩実現計画、業績は完璧の旅。」 http://www.eevance.com/tokei/zenith/index.html
[…] Lady Gaga diagnosed with brain cancer … – Doctors confirmed reports Saturday suggesting Lady Gaga has been diagnosed with brain cancer. The singer has asked her fans to "stay strong." […]
this is not true but ok