LONDON — Internet snitch Ryan Cleary‘s lawyer made no attempt to defend her client’s retardation Saturday as she told chronicle.su he has been in prison since March 5 for talking to Sabu over Christmas, a violation of his bail.
Even though Sabu was, by that time, fully employed by the FBI, Ryan and a few other people who don’t read chronicle.su still thought he was on their side, and probably said some criminal-ass shit to him.
Cleary is lurking Chelmsford Prison near London.
He will go before a judge in May alongside LulzSec‘s very own Jake Davis, a.k.a. Topiary.
6 replies on “Lurk moar: Ryan Cleary violates bail after talking to Sabu, goes directly to jail”
But it ain’t no joke….just sayin’.
aint no is a double negative
Good eye, Conrad. You want a job here?
conrad we’ve got a spot for you, a high paying spot. we need to recruit some people to carry the torch after we pass on. we’re getting old here, real old. you don’t have any idea how hard this is to maintain. we need strapping young educated men like you, conrad. and we’ve got the big bucks.
leave the windowlicker alone. he gave us all oper rightz. those were the dayz…
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