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This is Anonymous on Politics

ANON NEWS WORLD–Today, “dox” were dropped on the wrong John Rubenstein. In lay-speak that means the e-mail address, home address, and home phone number of John Rubenstein from Backtrace Security was published. Thing is, we contacted the John Rubenstein who owned the published phone number, a retired man aged 83. He is very concerned about ever being able to contact his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren again. His phone has been ringing into the night, but he continues to answer, eagerly hoping each young voice is one of his grandchildren. He had never heard of Backtrace Security until we mentioned it. He has since unplugged all his phones.

You see, Backtrace is just trying to imprison Anon’s most hated enemies. Leaders. These leaders have led naive adolescent Anons to make enemies of the US Military, foreign powers and dangerous legal entities like Scientology and the Westboro Baptist Church. They deserved to get “doxed” too. Backtrace is the chaos fighting back, the act of someone who was prepared for the wrath of Anonymous. Like us here at the Chronicle, the only retribution Anonymous can inflict upon Backtrace will skyrocket the right John Rubenstein into the exosphere of success.

You’re an Anon. Let’s face it, no one understands you. No one except Chronicle.SU. No one outside gets the world inside of the internet, the hivemind. It is not just one collective, but thousands of permutating spinoffs of the most active and savvy users. It is clear that some political actions have begun to manifest through what is called “Anonymous.” We here at the Chronicle mock and ridicule this so-called “hactivism” because we can. We don’t believe you’re activists, or even hackers. You are mostly glorified spammers and trolls who can rarely succeed without help from others. Now you’re too dumb to even realize it, but people like Barrett Brown try to steal the name of Anonymous and attach their individual ideas on top of it. Most of them are admins continuously correcting others in IRC. When they can’t correct someone’s ideas, they kick or ban them and call them a troll. If you hadn’t noticed, the views of the Chronicle are completely contradictory, subversive and chaotic. Our primary goal is to destroy anyone who would become a leader in Anonymous. Anonymous is not a meritocracy, it is chaos being hijacked for Politics.

We created Chronicle.SU nearly 5 years ago for teh lulz. We still stick to the lulz, but we have found a higher level of lulz based on the moral principle of destroying morals within anonymous. Morals are the symptom of leadership and not a reflection of a consensus. It’s okay that we have leaders. We’re not the same kind of beast that Anonymous is. The problem with leaders in Anonymous is that the sheep don’t even realize when they are being led. Sure you have the option not to participate, but don’t so many Anons just use LOIC out of boredom? Anons are always shopping for targets and doing it using the world’s largest honeypot IRC server. I urge all Anons under the age of 18 to refrain from participating in anonymous. Remember, your parents will bear ultimate responsibility when the Party Van comes. Yes, that is correct. Your parents will be V& with you. You are days, weeks, or months away from mass Vannings in America. The die has been cast!


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Backtrace Security unleashes true anarchy upon Anonymous

Increasingly purposeful and socially active, Anonymous has allegedly and finally turned its hate machine against itself. No longer chaotic or anarchic, some “oldfags” have become disillusioned with the state of Anon. One ex-member that goes by the pseudonym of “Hubris” has infiltrated what used to be Anonymous and claims to have achieved what Aaron Barr only dreamed of doing. Hubris has formed an organization called “Backtrace Security” which has threatened to publish the personal information of Anons who led many operations deemed “moralfaggotry.” It is readily apparent that Anonymous now stands for what Anonymous once hated. For those who have been long involved, there are very few lulz to be had. Little more than a Legion of fail hackers who aren’t even very good troll food, the final division has arrived.

The sub-set of Anonymous consisting of “moralfag” script kiddies are too afraid to DDoS Wisconsin’s government web sites. This Anonymous has become so truly irrelevant that participation can only drop off massively. Hubris, who thinks he has found a viable business model by taking advantage of stupid kids will also be in for a shock. Backtrace security may find that no one will want to pay an anonymous individual who only deals in betrayal.

All layers of Anonymous have been hit with waves of paranoia that are masked with hopes that this is more Anon-trolling. Some refuse to propagate the fear and consider Backtrace an act of hilarious trolling meant to discredit Forbes. The most hopeful Anons believe that Hubris is just another of Kilgore Trout’s many alternate identities. Kilgore Trout was reached for interview, but made no comment. Hubris, however, was reached. He commented to Chronicle.SU with the famed line: “I did it for the lulz.”


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Why the "Tea Party Nation" is Completely Irrelevant

Here, we see our founding fathers dressed in racially insensitive mock-native garb. The crowds cheer on as they waste perfectly good tea. In America, we drink coffee.

The discussion at Tea Party Nation’s forum is so controlled by hateful moderators that there is in fact no discussion at all. This is why the “forum” is in fact closed to the public. “Forum” is a poor excuse for a Judson Phillips’ personal social media outlet. Sure, the vestiges of a fair forum are retained, and quickly buried by Judson Phillips. It is by design. Judson Phillips has a team that churns out a large quantity of vapid and incredibly short messages meant to keep the Tea Party updated on how to think about every single issue.

The recent attacks by Anonymous induced a war of lies between the two entities similar to the Westboro Baptist situation. It will never be clear who initiated the media shitstorm. All that is known is that both Judson Phillips and Anonymous have been benefited with free publicity out of the new internet hate-machines that are built to pit themselves against one another covertly and without repercussion.

Usually I disagree when Anonymous takes actions against such irrelevant groups, but this time I feel quite satisfied. Too long has the Tea Party condescended the world with their self righteous version of common sense. In their mind, they have divine consent to rule. This is the kind of common sense that condones and actively creates death and slavery. I will stoop to the level of Anonymous. Fuck Tea Party Nation. No one cares except your little cult.

The cowards on the forum immediately report any idea that is in disharmony with Judson Phillips’ brilliant messages. They are tattle tales. He has a small book of slogans and a team that applies it to events in real-time. Tea Party Nation is a brainwashing outfit. They cater to fringe elements of society who are fanatically resistant to our President. Their core platform is the belief in conspiracy theories. They close their forums to hide it from the world, and immediately kick anyone who disagrees in the slightest.

One day, the Tea Party dreams of a Berlin Wall across the Mexican Border with armed guards. However, the party is just politically correct enough to hold back from dressing up like Mexicans and burning down buildings that were built by Illegal Immigrants. Racial epithets, however, they are NOT above.

Tea Party Nation is a humble grassroots endeavor. At it’s founding fundraiser party, 600 supporters showed up. This doesn’t quite compare to the marches on the Capitol building in Madison, but the activists at Tea Party Nation paid $549 to attend a speech by Sarah Palin that cost the Tea Party $100,000. There is plenty of money to throw around for the Tea Partiers. Although the event was untaped and held in secret, an informant from Anonymous has provided proof that Palin actually stopped speaking twice in mid-speech to have txt fights with her daughter.

This is indicative of a man who believes that only property owners should be allowed to vote. Am I surprised that I was censored by someone who doesn’t believe I should be able to vote? Of course not. Judson Phillips is an enemy of Democracy and he even says so in the most explicit terms possible. This is why Tea Party Nation is irrelevant: Chronicle.SU gets more traffic. He has thrown away his fortune for a vile ignored little corner of the internet that only affects seething rageheads. Tea Party Nation is a hatemagnet. “Tea Party Nation,” FAIL.