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Kilgoar missing from site after Elon Musk purchases Internet Chronicle

Known genius “kilgoar” has been missing for a short time, and is assumed dead.

INTERNET—After more than three days, authorities have called off the manhunt for kilgoar, as he is assumed dead.

#ForgetKilgoar is trending on Twitter by adherents to Musk brand of nihilism as militia group Muskrats calls for his head on a stake.

Friends and family insist the Internet Chronicle journalist “kilgoar” is still alive, and authorities have hope his remains can be

Kilgoar is gone. Elon Musk bought Chronicle. He is bouncing me on his knee.

Who is kilgoar, anyway?

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Shortage of faith leaders and exorcists to blame for demon-inspired school shootings

LUTHERVILLE, MD — Faith leaders across America are reporting a sudden shortage in exorcists and other niche faith services due to hyperinflation, causing a catastrophic rise in demonic possessions and school shootings.
This report comes on the heels of the shooting in Uvalde, in which the shooter’s grandmother was targeted by a demon in possession of her grandson. The grandmother, originally from the Gustavo A. Madero in Mexico City, is a prolific exorcist utilizing traditional catholic methods transferred to her in a vision from the Lady of Guadalupe at her shrine in Tepeyac. Others in the faith community believe  the demon feared the grandmother for her lifetime of exorcism. After sustaining injuries from the demon, she may never be able to exorcise again.
Reverend Angstrom H. Troubador said, “Demons are infiltrating society through porn, masturbation, video games, but worst of all, politics. Churches across America are becoming dangerously politicized, giving entrance to demons and turning Jesus off to the sermons.”
Troubador added, “Obviously the demons are targeting younger and younger children, trying to bring children of a sinful society to hell before they ever have a chance to repent. Even worse, the demons are grooming disaffected young men to do their bidding through mass marketed satanist ritual. It’s been reported that the Uvalde shooter’s browser history was littered with Miley Cyrus twerking performances.”
The shooter’s mother said, “He was a perfect angel until the demon took control. The demon came in at him through the internet, through social media, through Miley.”
The pall of death has been cast over Lutherville, Maryland, where local officials recently banned prayer from schools.
Mayor Gunther Setback feels the town’s new anti-faith measures will lead to perdition, “The idea that this could happen here is unthinkable. But I can tell you just how it will go down. Because not enough praying or thinking is happening, now God is planning a mass shooting at any targets that are not fortified by faith — another school most likely, where prayer is not allowed.”
Thursday classes are cancelled and families are considering keeping their kids home Friday, after the mayor’s statements frightened Christians and angered local Atheists. Many children have chosen to stay home and pray in defiance of their parents and the school board’s wishes, some even going so far as to organize open carry anti-demon walkouts.
“I’m doing my part. Dad bought me a gun and sissy a gun.” says Billy Mashoter, age nine. Mashoter festooned his gun with stickers, symbols of faith, and inspirational messages hand-written in white paint. “Guns are the only answer to the demon problem now that there’s no more priests left in our state. I put these symbols on my gun so it can only be used to slay demons.”
Young Mashoter rifles through his Huggy Wuggy backpack, showing reporters a collection of highly specialized ammunition while YouTube videos play through an algorithm of bizarre and disturbing content. Anthropomorphic guns are coming to life and singing cheery tunes about manifestos, promising life-for-a-life retribution at each abortion in America. A claymation Sodom and Gomorrah scene plays out, guns singing in staccato bursts,
“We root and we toot
we aim and we maim
You scream and scoot
and we shoot the lame
The devil himself holding the gun
while god pulls the trigger
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings.
Repent now! Set up recurring payments to the NRA and watch god really start smiling.
Pick up a gun!
Pick up a gun,
Put satan on the run.”
At the dilapidated police station which somehow accounts for nearly 80% of the county’s tax expenditure, Derek Shelton, Sheriff of Lutherville, insults Internet Chronicle journalists before a single question has been asked. “Suck my fucking pistol, motherfucker. Blue lives matter” his cadence rises and falls with the owl-like twisting of his demon-infested head. “You want to know my goddamn plan for the impending demonic assault on our elementary school? We’re going to let it happen. We’ll secure the hallway and wait for the real cops to show up, the immigration enforcers and until then, we’ll keep the citizens in order. Then when the kids are all lying on the floor bleeding, maybe we’ll mace the  god damn paramedics, too.”
Shelton noticed a little green alien in his peripheral vision, interrupting his sermon.
“Who the hell is he?” Shelton asked. No one else saw the alien.

The Internet Chronicle remains fun for “both sides” thanks to cats being thrown into rivers in a burlap sack, and contributions from people like you. Scum people. Nobodies. Nothings such as yourself, the reader.

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Opinion: Ending school shootings is easy and does not require gun control

INTERNET — Chairman of the National Rifle Association, Clint Eastwood, the Hollywood actor famous for depicting the world’s most well-known heroic gunslingers, was correct when he said that Americans need to take a step back in the wake of the latest school shooting to let families who have been victim of this tragedy grieve in their own silent and apolitical fashion. Citizens’ voices should not be afforded full first amendment rights to political speech in this emotional moment, as the second amendment is the foundation of all other rights.
That said, it’s incredibly important to dispassionately speak out on the politics of the unique American situation in the immediate aftermath of the school shooting, as the fundamental constitutional right to bear arms hangs in the balance. Without guns, there can be no freedom. In countries that have totally suppressed mass shootings by limiting gun rights, citizens live in constant fear of their 1984-like totalitarian governments. Here in the United States, we already have the highest per capita prison population in the world, so imagine how much worse government oppression would become if citizens could not defend themselves with guns.
Simple minded and emotional solutions presented in the aftermath of each shooting will never work. The hiring of mercenaries or further training of fast-response elite police forces just puts more Blue Lives in danger. The banning of guns only leads to more creative legal massacres and lowers the chances of a heroic gunslinger, like out of a Clint Eastwood movie, from legally saving the day. Even without full body bulletproof armor and automatic weaponry, an enraged and suicidal teen could, with little effort, learn to operate a bulldozer and kill many more children just by demolishing a few classrooms. To finally resolve the chronic problem of school shooting, America has to confront its own killer instinct, and harness it to the fullest extent.
The vast majority of school shootings are perpetrated by male children from ages 10-18, who are in each account effective soldiers able to outgun entire teams of armed adults. With tensions on the rise in Ukraine, and 15 million highly trained and equipped child soldiers in America, the reasonable thing to do is channel their killer instinct for the good of our nation, and the world. Such a powerful fighting force, unleashed upon the hapless Russian military, would surely lead to a resounding success for Ukraine and even a counter-offensive defeating Putin once and for all.
The creation of a “Child Legion” for diverting schoolyard violence into productive channels also has several benefits that are worthy in their own right. One can only imagine the tremendous savings for the public in education expenditure after 15 million bloodthirsty American boys are conscripted into the Child Legion. 

Parents need not worry about sending their children to Ukraine, as casualties will be very minimal. Even without proper weapons of war, the Child Legion will be able to utilize their creative black market dealings to purchase illegal weapons, make creative use of vehicles, or employ their devastating ability with bladed weapons, each American boy worth ten Russian soldiers. In all probability, it is more likely that parents will rejoice to send their boys off to Ukraine, taking a major strain off of the family’s budgets and relieving them of the worry of senseless school shootings. No more will parents fear that their sons will bring shame to them in a violent outburst, and instead they can look forward to receiving worshipful media attention in the case that their sons do pop off in Ukraine.
There are so many benefits to the creation of a massive Child Legion that even if it did not finally end all the school shootings, it would still be worthwhile. Americans will take this step only once they’ve listened to Clint Eastwood and gotten over their emotional attachments to their children. The creation of such a Child Legion will make sure that the violent instincts of American children will forever lead our great nation towards victory, rather than tragedy.