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Uncontrollable Patriotism

NSA to codify ongoing Fourth Amendment rights violations

The NSA wants ‘front door’ access to all your favorite websites.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Our watchful overlords have decided it is better not to discontinue illegal domestic spying, but to instead make domestic spying legal. The NSA spies on its citizens, which is illegal, as indicated by their desire to legalize it.

A bit of context:

The collection of private data did not start with governments. It has always been the goal of private corporations to learn more about the public as consumers, so they can more effectively sell shit to us. They know you better than you know you. Of course, this is voluntary. We can decline and pay more for groceries, or see shit we don’t want to see on Facebook, and so on, but why would we do that? For some, privacy is that reason. Most others, however, do not care. The government saw people willingly handing their information to corporations. The power-pigs, corporate enablers as they’re known to be, just knew they should be able to see that corporate-owned data, too.

What now?

The NSA wants tech companies to give it ‘front door’ access to encrypted data, because NSA backdoors already in place simply weren’t enough.

Government bureaucracies are as bad as any bureaucracy. The White House wasn’t “hacked” the other day. The intrusion is owed to a rather typical kind of office dumbass who does not know shit about computers, the type of person who clicks phishing links in their emails and grants backdoor access to Russians. It’s evil when Russians do it. Dirty Russians! They aren’t pure like our perfect secret agents working for NSA.

Moreover, “backdoors” carry all the technophobic hate of a UNIX kernel. The same kind of hate as carried by the Google Webmaster Tools backend, and Ello. It’s probably full of words like API, authentication, and insights, and other techie-sounding words that used to be primary functions of Google tools before every Google feature was reduced to a round button with three lines on it.

Now you can have FRONT DOOR ACCESS! Anybody can walk through a FRONT fucking DOOR! It’s so easy, a Russian could do it! Spying SHOULD be as easy as logging into Facebook and by gum, if it stops terrorists like Germanwings, the Boston bombers, and 9/11, then so fucking be it. Spy on that shit.

The NSA has long since graduated to become a technological insecurity platform dedicated to undoing decades of scientific advancements in the field of cryptography. Now, they want the fruits of their computer crimes – like illegal intrusion and data theft – to be legal, because once that happens, parallel investigations will become the new normal.

What’s next?

Parallel investigations look like this: You smoke a lil weedums. No big deal. Seriously, not even the DEA wants you to stop doing that. Not even the lazy fat bastard of a police officer who pulled you over for a broken taillight cares if you smoke a little pot in front of your Call of Duty. But you also post to a popular, subversive satire site situated in the former Soviet Union. You like to make mean-spirited jokes about the power elite and the ideology that loves them (you fucking cyberterrorist piece of shit).

Most of the time you totally suck at it, but every once in a while you write something that strikes a chord with a lot of people at random times throughout the year, until gradually you become a problem. Suddenly your pot habit becomes a problem, too. Weird how that happens: You see a black SUV in your rearview mirror from time to time, across a span of weeks, to months, until one day agents raid your home, training guns on you. One of them shoots your dog. The rest of them go pilfering through your bongs on a tip, catching you with your brand new fat ounce of danknugs. Isn’t this a violation of your Fourth Amendment rights? Well, not anymore. That’s what the NSA is for, protecting society from people like you. I’ll bet you’re the kind of person that if we watched you long enough, you’d probably do something illegal. Eventually.

Ordinarily, the evidence would be thrown out because the information gathered about your drug activity would be extralegal, or illegal, depending on who you ask. Either way, not admissible in court, unless the NSA gets their legal intrusions. And then all the evidence they’re gathering against us suddenly becomes admissible in a motherfucking court of law.

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Uncontrollable Patriotism

Bill O’Reilly admits he was not the key protagonist in Ayn Rand’s ‘Fountainhead’

Bill O'Reilly admitted Monday Ayn Rand did not write him into the literary canon.
Bill O’Reilly admitted Monday Ayn Rand did not write him into the literary canon.

FOX NEWS — Respected FOX News anchor Bill O’Reilly admitted to the press Howard Roark, the individualistic young architect from Ayn Rand’s libertarian treatise The Fountainhead, was not based on his character.

Though O’Reilly was born just six years after the novel’s publication in 1943, the journalist insisted, throughout the greater part of his career that Roark’s tenacious personal belief in individualism was based on O’Reilly’s own prenatal disgust for collectivism.

Leading experts faithfully adhered to the belief Rand foretold O’Reilly’s coming through the story of Roark, and clung desperately for six years to her prophetic testaments of a libertine messiah.

Virginia Commonwealth University literary expert Dr. Harmstrong Truebadoor said he will not change his mind in light of the facts.

“I know Papa Bear O’Reilly personally,” Truebadoor said. “The man is a prime mover if there ever was one. Years start low, and the numbers just go higher – you can’t explain that.”

Truebadoor said the six-year discrepancy between the novel’s publication and the world-renowned journalist’s birth are erroneous “facts” placed in the spacetime continuum to test our faith.

“The second-handers attacking O’Reilly on the basis of evidence have a crippling addiction to facts,” Truebadoor said. “The detractors negating Bill’s vision of a unified monoculture have no sense of the fantastic, raw truths inherent in the Bib– I mean The Fountainhead. They are clutching at straws.”

O’Reilly said he appreciates the profits that have come out of the support of his bloated, miserable army of die-hard fanatics, but indicated he wants to recede into his own legacy.

“The man is sort of in the way of the legend at this point,” O’Reilly said. “Now you all are just waiting for me to die so you can make movies, theme park rides, and capitalize on all the principal I moved for you people. I may not be Roark, ladies and gentleman. You’re right. I’m more than that. I am Roark. You’re welcome.”

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Uncontrollable Patriotism

Bootstrap Party threatens to split Republican vote

The Bootstrap Party - 'Pull your damn self up!'
The Bootstrap Party – ‘Pull your damn self up!’
The party political experts are calling “farther right than the Tea Party” could split the Republican vote, ensuring a place in the oval office for Democratic Socialist candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.

The all new Bootstrap Party, whose slogan reads Pull your damn self up! is sponsored by Hobby Lobby, Best Buy, Comcast and Google. Our new and wonderful masters promise to liberalize everything by the year 2020, at which point the United States will become a Libertine Utopia, fitted with corporate-furnished roads, schools, hospitals, housing and restaurants.

Party frontrunner Raleigh T. Sakers said his solution to government-funded infrastructure is to stop giving hand-outs to the hundreds of millions of people using the roads for free every day. Roads will no longer be funded, he said. Under the Sakers Doctrine, roads will be paved with golden virtues of freedom. Never forget.

“Let the road system take care of itself,” Sakers said. “No services. If people want to use the roads, let them deal directly with the power authorities themselves. It’s FASTER and it’s CHEAPER.”

Experts predict a run on bootstraps in pants-shitting anticipation of the rise of the American Bootstrap Party. Real patriots invest today!

Scandal erupted after Clinton herself was found donating to the party campaign.