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Politics Uncontrollable Patriotism

2016 Election: Voters still overwhelmed by abundance of choices

Young voters register at a table. Don't let their looks fool you, these new voters will someday mature into scared, old people.
Don’t let their looks fool you, these new voters will someday mature into scared, old people.

ROANOKE, Va. — In a piece rejected by VICE, The Internet Chronicle staked out a nearby voter registration office and harangued new voters with invasive personal questions. In their unlikely, but convenient responses, these new voters expressed an uncommon sense of belief in the system, and some stood in awe of the broad, diverse spectrum of choices ranging from rich white man, to rich white woman – and everything in between!

Maria Pleskin, student

“Which celebrity criminal do I vote for?” said Maria Pleskin, who just turned 18 and is voting for her very first time. Pleskin, who for some reason has a very stupid name, is a community college student at Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke, Virginia. “I’ll tell you this: I’m telling you, I admire Trump’s speeches but I’m in love with Hillary’s corporatism.” Pleskin was noticeably off-the-cuff and casual about the presidential election, while maintaining an almost painful awareness of the stakes.

Gary Marvin, political science professor and first-time voter

“I am afraid Trump would celebrate war crimes with brash bravado, whereas Hillary would handle civilian murder with quiet class, a serious face, and stern dignity,” said Gary Marvin, a political science professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. “I never used to participate in this sham of an electoral system, but when it comes to extralegal murder of US citizens, hashtag-I’m-with-her!”

Steven Harris, barista

“No shit all the third party candidates are crazy,” Steven says. He plays Counterstrike with a Steam group of ironic Communists. “You have to be crazy to run for president, but at least they’re crazy and ostracized. I took an online personality test, and it said I most identify with crazy, alienated people, which is why I’m voting third party.”

Hunter Bellard, glassblower

I’ve always admired Larry David’s work. I loved Seinfeld, and Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of the funniest comedies ever written. So obviously, I am sticking to my guns, and voting Bernie Sanders.

“Sanders is cool,” Bellard said. “I saw him on Twitter one time and I said ‘what’s up.’ But he’s busy, so he didn’t respond.”

Samantha Moyer

I entertain no hope of ever owning land, people or property. I’m voting for Jill Stein.

Melissa Summers, 5th grade teacher

[pullquote]”I remember learning in Civics class about the differences between the two parties. It is a balanced and inclusive system.”

-Melissa Summers[/pullquote]

Melissa Summers, a 35-year-old school teacher from Arkansas, said she’s voting for Clinton out of a shared belief in the essential beauty of two-party oligarchies.

“Look, if the United States was an oligarch, power would rest only in the hands of a small group of wealthy military corporatists,” Summers said. “You know, our system might not be perfect, but it works. Progress takes time.”

Dirty Johnny

Finally, our story turns to Dirty Johnny, an eighth grader at Hidden Valley Middle School in Roanoke. Even though he is too young to vote, Johnny is taking advantage of lax Virginia voter ID laws and voting for Trump in November, because he says Trump will stop the voices in his head.

“Trump understands me,” Johnny explained. “He loves me. That is what he tells me every night, from the air vent underneath my bed.”2016-election-campaign-poster



At the time of publication, Vice did not respond to inquiries relating to this story.

axisflip cryptofinancial

Politics Uncontrollable Patriotism

Bernie Sanders refuses to stand for Pledge of Allegiance, in a protest backed entirely by dank memes

bernie promises new economic standard. “memebacks” to replace worthless currency “the dollar.”

After Bernie refused to stand for the pledge at Sunday’s 9/11 rally, the best pepes, the rarest pepe of them all have pledged allegiance to Bernie, and said “fuck the troops, specifically.”

meme backs take the stage as potential new world currencymeme backs take the stage as potential new world currency
meme backs take the stage as potential new world currency

the dank memer himself, bernie pepe is like “bring Snowden home boys. It’s football season, for Christ’s sakes.”

bernie-donald-pepe (RARE) rare-sighting
bernie-donald-pepe (RARE) rare-sighting

To everywhere, bern, bern, bern getting passed around like a peace pipe. “He’s chillin’ mon!”


"Don Pepe" is every woman's gushing fantasy, as well as an outspoken mexican advocate. don pepe #327 do not reproduce
“Don Pepe” is every woman’s gushing fantasy, as well as an outspoken mexican advocate. don pepe #327 do not reproduce

Don Pepe is the bomb sauce, but for the best pepes, the rarest pepes of them all, look no further than chief pepe.

trump gets pepe lapel pin “supporting pepe is the right thing to do. am i alone here?”

rare pepe #DaddyTrump gives the half -nixon
rare pepe #DaddyTrump gives the half -nixon

Talking Points

[Consider the following:]

Meme market in free-fall as mass production diminishes pepe rarity

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Status Quo Uncontrollable Patriotism

I don’t care because you do

Put on the Aphex Twin and listen to me hate

Fuck all of you who suddenly care about people in Paris, people in Uganda, and people scooping oil sands out of the Niger Delta (oh wait, it isn’t time to care about them yet?).

You know who you are: You just saw it on the news, and suddenly now you care. If I hate anything more than hypocrisy, it’s those of you pretending to give a shit about x because y is happening on CNN. They are using you. THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF CABLE TV NEWS IS TO MANIPULATE YOU.

You want to impress me? (No.) Get the fuck off Twitter and Facebook, where I see you cunts, and shut the fuck up and then I’ll really start to notice. Because every time someone hashtags #PrayForParis neither a fuck nor a care is given and I do not recognize your so-called empathy. You are being manipulated into taking a position on an issue you didn’t know exists. Case in point:

I’m not about to waste my time researching whether it’s an authentic video or not because it doesn’t matter. Saudi Arabia, our strongest ally in the Middle East, funds ISIS which means the USA might as well fund ISIS and make their videos for them too. This ain’t yo’ daddy’s worldview! This is the technolibertarian hellscape of the New Century and you’re reading about it live on the Internet Chronicle.

Now, if I am to understand our reasons for destabilizing the Middle East via war and conflict are somehow tied to an improvement in human life, doesn’t it stand to reason we would have started in the absolute asshole of that region? Saudi Arabia: the women-hatin’est, gay-bashin’est, slave-beatin’est, religionest, rootin’ tootin’ HATEHOLE OF THE MIDDLE EAST, Saudi Arabia – with its control over global oil prices, public opinion and influence over mass media – is an abscess on human society. BUT THEY DO OUR BOMBING FOR US SO WE DON’T HAVE TO STRIKE YEMEN OURSELVES. What’s that saying, the shithole of my enemy is my shithole? Saudi Arabia must be about as American as a bald eagle’s pussy because we would question Palestine’s existence before even challenging the Saudi connection to global terrorism – our two best friends got married and we weren’t invited? Well we paid for the wedding, anyway.

By the way: The 9/11 hijackers were Saudi

Your blind support for anything you don’t know or understand is a blank check for powers that extend beyond anything you’ll ever know – all the way to the top – all the way to the masked sex parties where people you’ve never heard of who control the movement of hundreds of billions of dollars are banging virgin sex slaves, who weren’t taught English but trained instead only to articulate “Pray for Paris! Pray for Paris, MASTER!” as some greasy billionaire destroys them before they knew what life was. And you’re right there behind them, sucking the powercock.

So the next time you want to #PrayforParis do it somewhere I can’t see you or hear you, because I don’t give a fuck about Paris because IT WASN’T MY FUCKING IDEA TO CARE ABOUT PARIS. I care about writing this story more than I care how many thousands of people died in the World Trade Center attack, because it wasn’t my idea to care about that, either. How many people bemoan the loss of innocence who remembers where they were when a teacher announced JFK’s assassination, and suddenly they care about a pillar of power they can neither see nor understand, but it controls them?

The next time someone asks you to #PrayforBabyCailey or #PrayforAfrica here’s what you say. “I pray thee: Go fuck yourself. I’ll pray for who I want.”

Of course, prayer is bullshit anyway. If you believe in that shit you should check out The Secret on DVD, and after that, What the Bleep Do We Know? and after that, dude, check out this dank-ass Scientology, it’s got answers, man. Real Solutions. And after that, check out the Nazis, man. Final Solutions.

This is all a ruse to distract you from the systematic subjugation of human culture by turning over our sympathies to whatever is to then be done in our names: In America, everybody fell for that 9/11 bullshit and gave the executive branch more powers, unchecked aggression, and a Patriot ACT that will outlive us all. And rightfully so, your emotional weakness put us here. (Wow, aren’t you afraid of TERRORISM? How about some Terror Raids to correct that!) And they’re using the same tactics in France, where local police will use fears that don’t exist to justify acquisition of MRAPs, an arsenal of automatic machine guns, teargas hand grenades and fresh new black uniforms to battle the mean old fascists! Not turn into them, right? Right?

It's just like that episode of Andy Griffith, where Barny acquired thousands of illegal machine guns and armored personnel carriers for the town of Mayberry.
It’s just like that episode of Andy Griffith, where Barny acquired thousands of illegal machine guns and armored personnel carriers for the town of Mayberry.