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Brown Taken Down

Brown publicly accused Trout via Twitter of bonking his woman following an episode in which sources indicate Brown most likely abused a “dumbfounding” weight of life-ending narcotic drugs.

Barrett Frowns

Self-appointed, self-medicating “leader of Anonymous” Barrett Brown was heard struggling against intruders Wednesday, hump day, September 12. Sources confirmed Thursday morning Brown is sitting in a Dallas jail.

Brown’s credibility came under scrutiny after Kilgore Trout tricked Brown into believing he was actually talking to Amber Lyon, a dipshit CNN correspondent. Brown subsequently accused Trout via Twitter of having sex with his girlfriend marking a gradual, but distinct dissolution of sanity and reason which ultimately led Brown to make threats against FBI agents, presumably prompting the raid.

Wednesday’s raid signifies the last nail in the crystal coffin of Brown’s otherwise transient career. Brown was recently heard ranting against all things in a telephone call with Topiary, the actual leader of anonymous. Brown has also appeared in videos making delusional claims provoked by unseen sources of paranoia.

Barrett Brown is the glorified blogger who once belonged to the underground hacker group Anonymous and, for a while, got to decide who gets to join anonymous and who does not., he said, is not anonymous, like himself, Barrett Brown – or similarly, Sabu.

Brown, below, threatens the FBI with an ultimatum

Brown describes the purpose of Project PM to be “wiping out this fucking government” and “certain media publications” ( maybe? We definitely know he means the NY Times)

Sources discuss and make threats against her glorious staff of anti-leaders

By Hatesec

I am the hatest

15 replies on “Brown Taken Down”

Also, this post is highly offensive, sexist, and I actually think Elvira is an intelligent and friendly person not at all deserving of this treatment.

As long you kick that gingerfaggot while he is down, who gives fuck about the facts of said underage girlfriend of that assclown.

Government is behavior manifestation against Unrest. (Same for 5,000 years. Is foundation of human civilization. Just as corporations behavior manifestation for profit.)

Taken to logical conclusion, Barrett wants Unrest.

Interestingly enough, Barrett’s background image was symbol of Chaos. Chaos. Unrest. Just a coincidence, right? :)

Wish granted. Chaos received.

Moral of story: What we wish for is usually our greatest fear/nightmare. Psych parallels physics. If you want anything else using geometric deconstruction, simply ask away. :)[img][/img]

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