Drunks participating in the ball drop at New York City were invited to join the 2015 attack on freedom 2015, promised of course to herald the new year with a promise of wonderful 2016 campaign promises. * (I am drunk)
I mean do you even realize the bullshit we are all about to hear after this shit eating ball drops? What a stupid ritual. What did people do before there was a ball to watch descending a mechanical pole in Times Square? In Richmond, Va. they cancelled the fucking thing because asshole didn’t have a permit. I mean, do you even know what that means? It means 20-something business didn’t want the drunk business. They were fine with regular old West Cary Street bourgeois clientele they’ve had all year. You guys are doing fine. Rich people: Keep being rich and spending all your money over here.
We’re doing fine in Carytown. But Brown’s Island will have you!
The guy who organizes the eyarly ball drop in Richmond, Va. did not respond to tweets askking him wahat the fuck happened tyhe last two years when there was supposed to be some awesome party in Carytown but this year there was dick. Just a bunch of lame white people meandering around and hitting up the New York Deli as if that’s the place to be. He was going to do the ball drop from the Deli, in fact, but the city said he didn’t have the right permits. He said that was “disgusting” but didn’t respond to questions about the profiteers who played a hand in prohibiting the Carytown celebrations. As if there’s anything to celebrate, but still. Carytown, I mean, fuck those people have enough money. Now bring it to the private interests who own Brown’s Island, right?
Everybody needs their money, Mr. Todd Schall-Vess, https://twitter.com/hatesec/status/550470689980178435 so get with the program and support the Virginia Way – Neoliberalism. And GET PAID MOTHERFUCKER you think this is a fucking game?
The Brown’s Island motherfuckers are stealing Schall-Vess’ thunder by stealing his fucking profits:
And look! Here’s how to get a cab in case you missed the last 100 years of being alive, let the local news tell you how to find one (the only thing that’s missing from this TV news story is the police perspective):
2 replies on “New Year’s Eve attack on freedom imminent”
Moralfag of the story is everyone should return to drinking and driving. Or you could’ve just call for a ride from your UBER app and received some rape with your drunk New Years Eve ride home.
Where is Michael. I want a new years eve cock-sucking so I can explode my pee in his mouth.
PS…Tito is queer.