V For Vendetta was a turd film for shit-minded people – people like Anonymous – who flock like birds to the government birdseed.
Eat shit and die, you dimwitted pack of nobody, followers. You people are losers.

4 replies on “Remember, Remember, Anonymous November”
**yawns & goes back to running …
go fuck yourself running
OK cracker with an attitude & go kill yourself with running. And stop doin’ sex games with the cat, or is that legal in the state y’all are stayin’ in?
omfg Anthony Weiner is on Bill Maher, so somewhere on the internet right meow Neal Rauhauser is jerking off while he’s killing a kitteh, all the while dodging child support payments like a fgt, fake pretending that he still works for Chet Uber while really pretending to work for teh FBI