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Reviews Video

Chris Crocker’s Internet Boyfriend Search

Elf Wax takes you on an inside look at a sad internet character’s contest and the sadder people who seek to be his boyfriend.

Chris Crocker's Cooked Up A Killer Craving For HIVInternet, U.S.A.– According to youtube, Elf Wax’s most reliable source, internet fucksation Chris Crocker is on the market for a boyfriend (and a job).

He’s holding a self-serving youtube contest to obtain the more pathetic of these. Elf Wax entered, but we haven’t heard back. Well, put on your Wax Goggles and get a load of this guy:

Almost needless to say, Chris Crocker did not choose him, even though this entrant said Crocker “sets a good example.” Regardless, he “means business,” and “will hurt somebody who tries to hurt [Chris Crocker].”

REVIEW: This video is to the point and strikes adoration relentlessly into your heart. Chris Crocker, if you don’t want him, Elf Wax’ll have him.

-The Elf Wax Times staff (especially the gay staff)

One reply on “Chris Crocker’s Internet Boyfriend Search”

Elf Wax has just received a tip that Chris Crocker is a “top” – which in the gay community means he likes to be on the giving end (also known as corporate-style).

From the source: “that is his profile on grindr, its an iphone application where guys hook up …. it sorts people by distance, so the closest person to you shows up first etc… if you are in the same store or place as someone, it will show them at 0 feet away”

In other words, “within cumshot”

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