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Andrew Aurenheimer, the hacker known as ‘Weev’, assists ISIS and CyberCaliphate in “destruction of Israel”

An unlikely alliance? Neo-nazi internet troll 'Weev' is now advising ISIS in propaganda operations.
An unlikely alliance? Neo-nazi internet troll ‘Weev’ is now advising ISIS in propaganda operations.

LEBANON — Andrew Aurenhemier, also known as Weev, announced via twitter on Saturday that he’s joined ISIS to help in the fight against Israel. He tweeted, “There is only one hope left for the destruction of Israel and the protection of the white race. Da3sh [ISIS] . . . I am now working closely in advising both the CyberCaliphate hacking group and Da3sh leaders in viral propaganda operations.”

Weev is famous in the world of online trolling both for abusing vulnerable women and advocating for incest to save the so-called “white race.” Analysts have not expressed surprise, as the move to assist ISIS is in line with his violent brand of anti-semitism.

After serving two years in prison under trumped up hacking charges, Weev fled the US and now shelters in a christian enclave in Lebanon where he claims to no longer fear retaliation from the US government. According to Weev, the US government has even convinced his family members to fake terminal illnesses in an attempt to lure him back into their jurisdiction.

Weev’s former supporter and famed activist-artist, Mally Crobopple, expressed dismay at the news, “When I learned he was an actual Nazi, the ride-or-die love died in me. Now that I know he’s an actual terrorist who doesn’t just advocate for terror bombings but assists in them, I mean actually assists in them, I finally have to speak out. I wish I’d never supported Weev.”

3 replies on “Andrew Aurenheimer, the hacker known as ‘Weev’, assists ISIS and CyberCaliphate in “destruction of Israel””

“Indict me. Indict me. I’m not running,” he said. “This is my country. I love this place, and if I have to sacrifice personally to maintain the freedoms of Americans, I will.”
Didn’t he run to Lebanon after they decided not to indict him again … stranger still is we gave him his passport to leave.
“At this point, I’ve sacrificed three years of my life to overturn this unjust law, and I didn’t do this to get a venue decision,” he said. “The government should come litigate again. I’ll risk prison again to do this once more. It’s a terrible law.”

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