INTERNET– Tuesday, an Anonymous hacker and researcher known only as Sabu 2.0 posted the secret identity of QAnon on the underground hacker website pastebin.
With the use of Barrett Brown’s powerful Pursuance software, Sabu 2.0 — who has hinted at an inside affiliation with Mueller’s FBI investigation — tracked QAnon down as part of Anonymous operation #OpQ.
Sabu 2.0 wrote, “Simply put, QAnon is a psyop organized by Frederick Brennan, the founder of 8chan. He has been receiving inside information on the Trump Administration after hacking Steve Bannon’s phone,” wrote Sabu 2.0 in the press release posted on the hacker website pastebin.
Sabu 2.0 concluded his release with the typical Anonymous collective signoff, writing, “We are Anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Q should have expected us.”
Dr. Angstrom H. Troubador, digital anthropologist, told reporters, “Frederick Brennan came up with the idea for 8chan while tripping on psychedelic mushrooms and experiencing a ‘cosmic’ level of rage at rumors that game developer Zoe Quinn was sleeping with several prominent men in the gaming community. His reason for orchestrating the QAnon psyop likely stems from a similar reactionary rage coupled with drug abuse.”
The original Sabu, former hacker overlord of the Anonymous collective, was outed as an FBI agent by investigative reporters at Internet Chronicle in 2012. Sabu, now known as Hector Monsegur, declined to comment but has no apparent connections to Sabu 2.0.
2 replies on “Anonymous hacker Sabu 2.0 doxes QAnon. 8chan founder Frederick Brennan behind “Q” conspiracy”
#gamerhate or something like it ..
[…] the operator of an alternative imageboard generator, has gone missing after reports surfaced that Brennan – an intellectual powerhouse – is the engine propelling #QAnon and […]