INTERNET — Former Barrett Brown groupies have turned on Brown’s sexpot ex-girlfriend, accusing her of collaborating in a plot by defense contractors to spy on Brown. @elviraxmontana, as Brown’s ex-girlfriend is known on Twitter, faced criticism from other groupies in the past for communicating with Adrian Lamo, the hacker blamed for turning in Bradley Manning, the disgruntled soldier who leaked infamous ‘Cablegate’ and ‘Collateral Murder’ data to WikiLeaks.
Instead of consenting to sexist pressure to identify herself with Brown and distance herself from Lamo, @elviraxmontana mocked groupies by “marrying” Lamo and blogging about the ensuing drama. An integral part of the plot to monitor, entrap, and possibly control Brown, according to groupie theorists, was the use of weaponized social media, or “persona management,” a sophisticated sock-puppet system likely controlled by @elviraxmontana, which was coincidentally the focus of Brown’s #OpMetalGear investigations.
Kinda Busy: Assange’s Awakening, @elviraxmontana’s Tumblr page, features sexy fan-fiction detailing homosexual fantasy trysts between Adrian Lamo and the ever-suspicious Julian Assange. Groupie theorists, or “Groupies,” as they prefer to be called, believe that this is a direct allegory for Brown and @elviraxmontana’s relationship, dismissing pro-Manning content on the blog as sarcastic humor.
@elviraxmontana has faced similar allegations since Brown’s arrest was broadcast live on Tinychat. Groupies claimed her calm response to the arrest, as well as her quick decision to end the broadcast, were both proof of her cooperation with law enforcement. She has since made statements critical of Brown’s decision to publicly threaten the children of an FBI agent. Rumors were spread by groupies that Brown and her broke up early this year, as Brown caught wind of her association with Adrian Lamo. Other Groupie theories put @elviraxmontana at the center of a plot to dose Brown with MKUltra drugs designed to drive him into the paranoid frenzy culminating in the threats toward children.
15 replies on “Barrett Brown’s ex-girlfriend: Honeypot?”
She’s more like Yoko Ono, really.
I believe the more respectful term is “groupers” (pictured: http://1fghp.com/florida/SeaSquared/ChrisBigSnowyGrouper.jpg).
Ha Adrian great picture
You are now officially a SEXPOT!!!! Congrats G/F!!
omg i look amazing.
I’d bang her and then after I send her to teh kitchen to make tacos for a snack!
That snitch in the picture, she looks like she’s been photoshopped as her nose is bigger than that in real life. We all knew she was a grass when she was headed to texas. Nice to see you supporting informants Jo Mansfield.
gee bob, no idea who you are. jealous again. smdh.
Our tax dollars are work, getting paranoid Texas geeks laid, and making their most paranoid sexual fantasies a reality! Videodrome rocks!
Yoko Ono at least had some CLASS…and a much smaller nose
Why aren’t you focused on ME ME ME?!?!
And nothing of value was lost
Whatever happened to @ElviraXMontana? Her Twitter account has been
Wht Mr.Barrett Brown needs is a real lady tht will have his back to the fullest and know wht its like to be with a real down lady who knws how to stand by her man no matter with the loyalty respect n if he falls she will be there to catch him n by his side through hell n back…but always let him know he is a man n knows at the end of day that his lady is down to ride for her man 247@ 365 no matter…he needs to come find this Real true Southren California lady if he wants to know wht it feels like to be with a loyal lady down to ride for him only n tell a sneak to take tht fake shit to fake land n cuz her loyalty is for Barrett n she isnt a shady ass parrot..lol Mr.Brown hit me up if u want to knw, god bless all of u..