OHIO — Campaign assistants found Donald Trump dead in his hotel room Sunday morning with a pillow over his head. The assistants found his body after the bombastic presidential hopeful failed to appear for breakfast.
Foul play was ruled out of Trump’s death by US Marshals and Secret Service agents following a brief, but thorough investigation. The death follows an assassination attempt at a rally in Ohio on Saturday.
Detective John Kimball told reporters, “There is no need for an autopsy as it was clearly a natural death.”
Trump’s followers have clung to anger and hostility even in the moment of his death, gathering in public spaces not to hold vigil or pay respects at impromptu shrines, but instead registering their grief by brandishing assault rifles and shouting obscenity at passing Mexicans and Muslims, blaming them for the death of their beloved would-be leader.
Few of Trump’s followers are accepting the official story on his death. Online comments are split, with some believing the death is part of an ongoing Obama assassination program targeting powerful conservative figures — linking the killing to judge Scalia’s death. Others believe the killing was paid for by Ted Cruz’s campaign and only made to look like another Obama hit so as to not affect Cruz’s sure shot at the presidential nomination. Even others see potential ISIS or communist groups behind the assassination. Prominent alt-right figure Greg McNolty said “Cultural Marxists will do anything to keep the white man down. I don’t see how anyone with their eyes open can deny Obama’s totalitarian Marxist regime is murdering all its enemies. Breitbart, Scalia, and now Trump. Everyone knows the CIA’s got air pistols with undetectable poison darts made of ice. They could’ve fried his heart with HAARP if they wanted. None of the weapons they’d use are even detectable.”
10 replies on “Donald Trump found dead with ‘pillow over head’”
Looking for drugs in all the wrong places.
Told ya sabu that donut eating fuck fuck would make snitchin’ look glamorous (lol that the fbi bought coke for shm00p’s hotel sting) One of the World’s Most Notorious Hackers Just Revealed His Identity to Me http://thenextweb.com/insider/2016/03/14/one-of-the-worlds-most-notorious-hackers-just-revealed-his-identity-to-me/
Ps- ::rolls ?::
“Your inconsistent and hateful campaign has not only shocked the United States of America [but] you have shocked the entire planet with your appalling actions and ideas.”
So the Internetz psy-op BIG ‘A’ hugmachine wants to stifle free speech AGAIN. Oh the irony, IT BURNS, not that Trump shouldn’t die in a fire or kill himself.
‘I never thought I’d look back at George W. Bush as a relatively serious, professional type of politician.’ You & I both.
“Make America great again” =
“Make America white, stupid, male and straight again”
donald dead
deserves to die
Ayyyy lmao
we can only be so lucky
way and what from SWEDEN ?