INTERNET — Dr. Angstrom H. Troubador, plastic surgeon, surveyed Harrison Ford’s face and spoke to the press, shaking his head, “His face was mangled by glass. There is nothing anyone can do can restore the facial musculature Harrison Ford needs to show emotions on screen. Perhaps CGI can fix it, but not surgery.”
George Lucas stood next to Dr. Troubador, tears welling in his eyes, “Oh dear yes, the New Star Wars movies by Disney are cancelled, forever.”
Dr. Troubador then read a statement from Harrison Ford, saying, “‘I’m going out to the wild and never coming back. I’m getting a gyrocopter and I’m going to fly from campsite to campsite for the rest of my life. It’s always been my dream, and in a way, this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I was tired of acting, tired of Star Wars. I’ll see you out there. God Bless.”
2 replies on “Harrison Ford’s Face Mangled — “He will Never Act Again” — New Star Wars Trilogy Cancelled!!!!”
Well as heartbroken as I am, I understand that Harrison is a person who loved what he does. He took the risks and always came on top. He is still on top as far as I am concerned. Just doing a different adventure. I wish him and his family well. And, thank you, Harrison Ford for a lifetime of the best movie experiences of my life. Job well done. Maybe I’ll see you at our campsite one day. God bless you too, sir.
This is bad news. I do think Star Wars could have done fine without Ford. There are lots of stories you can tell without involving Han Solo. I mean part 1 2 and 3 were bestsellers too.