FRHIDLEY, Minnesota — A recent chatlog between patriotic hacker th3j35t3r and the lying serial pedophile accuser John Thiessen was published on Thiessen’s blog, detailing the hacker’s firm and brutal grasp on Thiessen’s cojones. After this chat, John Thiessen posted a video in which he said, “I am a sad old man on the internet trollin’ people to make me feel better,” as th3j35t3r commanded, and even added, in third-person, “John Tiessen lied about th3j35t3r.” When confronted about the lies by Internet Chronicle journalists, Thiessen mysteriously quoted Scarface, who said, “I always tell the truth, even when I lie.”
Tiessen posted a video Monday, in which he said, “I don’t believe in any governments . . . I like Russia Today!” When questioned on his hypocritical support for Russian State Media, Thiessen flew into a rage and admitted he was th3j35t3r. “I AM the world’s greatest troll! I’m th3j35t3r! th3j35t3r is a molester because he’s me!”
Dr. Angstrom H. Troubador, Psychologist and author of Critical Thinking For Complete Idiots, said, “John Thiessen is a mind-controlled hypnotized zombie who has been given a multiple personality disorder by government agents. He receives commands subliminally hidden within the music of Ric Veda.”
“I’ve been brainwashed for 52 years,” Thiessen said, “The reason you can’t see the forest through the trees is the trees are the forest! . . . There are evil spirits, Beelzebub, dividing all the movements. There are bots out there. They’re doing it people. They’ve infiltrated all the PTA groups and even the Boyscouts.” Thiessen then began sobbing and grabbing his crotch before he condemned himself in third person, and broke halfway into th3j35t3r’s persona. “Stay Frosty! Tick tock! Ric Veda Loves You!’
6 replies on “Is John Thiessen th3j35t3r? Analyst says ‘maybe’”
funny I like it
opps i forgot
(¦-}> Ric Veda loves you, and so do I <{-¦)
As Always The show is Sponsored by Sharing and Caring Hands
oldman blues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtqw7K20UTc
oldman blues was cool, you got talent bra
(¦-}> Ric Veda loves you, and so do I <{-¦)
As Always The show is Sponsored by Sharing and Caring Hands
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