KENOSHA, Wisconsin — It has come to my attention from a dear twitter follower and fellow presidential hatemail author, @HerObama, that local police are not only utilizing visible light communications to transmit rays that not only sedate it’s victims, but collects data on their license plates. I had my skepticism, obviously, being a level-headed veteran journalist I need to fact check and verify any and every theory that comes through the offices here at The Internet Chronicle. We often get a lot of faxes, tweets and voicemails with regards to “conspiracy theories,” so we try to verify them as much as possible before going public with our data.
What I found was absolutely terrifying. Worse than the Rustle League and Ron Brynaert terrorizing top-tier lawyer Sue Brasko. The photo sent to me by @HerObama clearly shows an unmarked police vehicle with a device attached to it that absolutely 100% collects license plate data and ships it off to the nearest fusion center to be processed, analyzed and sent to the NSA’s datacenter in Utah for safe keeping and High Value Target(HVT) evaluation.

Mr. @HerObama has been a long time supporter of the Internet Chronicle, whose twitter account is also owned by Lebal Drocer, Inc., so it’s been a great honor to finally be working with him to uncover these heinous crimes perpetrated by a government that cares not for the safety and privacy of their people, rather in the creation of a pacified society of hungry ghosts.
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