INTERNET — The loser and abuser bottomfeeder cabal at Rusty Cartographer’s Discord sunk back into the shadows as their shittalk’s been replaced with a fecund deluge of shitposting at a far superior caliber.
The bottomfeeder refrains for ‘balance’ and insistence that their time is the most important ingredient in their work were fucked to begin with. Any hint of economy in your work and their paroxysm of self abasement can trigger a fullcringe at 300m. Three months now into custom world development for Rust, and the weak or unfertilized are falling off the vine.
But boy, a few are ripe and taking a zerging from the paradoxical hungry beast, the Rust Community. Artyom of Drake’s State has foregone all pretension, simply editing in some fun youtube selling point for an otherwise procedurally generated world. In this way Artyom has shown the most economy, and even still drawn suppression from the world making community.
That was probably when the bottomfeeders fucked off, the day Artyom’s trailer was deleted, and then later restored after I complained. Some moderator called me paranoid, making him at least the third moderator to insult me and my work publicly — this is with me discluding dozens of moments that might, in certain light, just be an honest miscommunication.
Everything happened in plain sight without need for presuming conspiracy. A rigid aesthetic entirely devoted to preserving the experience of a procedurally generated world condensed like beads of water on a cold glass in summer. As soon as the public was given tools to edit Rust worlds, a counsel of self-appointed narrow minded dogmatists who didn’t want Rust to change instituted the rules of discourse for the discord, as well as their ideal for a successful world, but they didn’t apply either to themselves.
My wild foray into a little world with nothing but small islands rustled their jimmies, indeed when I first posted images of Waterworld, a couple moderators at the discord insulted my work. I cringed and went about my business. Later of course I found out one of them had a similar island project underway.
Since then, things have turned around somewhat. I have personally beaten the drum for a spirit of openmindedness in civil discussion and angry outbursts to great effect. Artyom’s video was only momentarily censored, of course. Some clever readers may even have noticed the bitter irony there, that Artyom’s approach of making small edits to a procedural world should also outrage the people who want to preserve the feel of the procedural world. Isn’t that what they want, anyway? But after all, it was never about creators adhering to a list of aesthetic demands. It was an old time story about hatred and fear, jealousy and incompetence. Rule by the suspiciously early, by those with little ability to produce any object of desire, by those who hate any compromise within the narrow constraints of a half-born world creation software system but love to make rules and reasons for rules and never ending lists of excuses for bad reasons. What a shame.
I’ve been accused of self-victimization, paranoia, all that bullshit by the bottomfeeder types and their moderator sympathizers. But today, I enjoyed a great spectacle of hypocrisy, watching the re-creator of the backward-looking Legacy world and other big timers whinging on about some zero population server hosting his creation without permission. Oh, what a joy to see the server’s name: “Rust Legacy (with cars)”
That must leave the inquisitive and the Rust-ignorant reader with a few questions. Firstly, the cars are so new they haven’t even been introduced into the game yet, so yes, they put a brilliant cherry of novelty on top of something old and shitty and designed to trigger our tired sense of nostalgia for a long gone yesteryear. Secondly, yes, the re-creator of an old sad world from the early days of Rust is totally upset that his copy of someone else’s work has itself been copied and changed in this vile way. And of course, yeah, recreating something has its own creativity involved and we’ll give the guy his due, sure thing, but; Thirdly, yes his butthurt is viral and pinging back and forth inflicting great pain upon the frail and wimpy Rust Elites who just want everything to go back to the magic of the first rush of Heroin Hero and will instead suffer for all eternity. Shocker.
My daily funeral for old rust has a dixie band with brass instruments, rather than a dusty, barren old world. Things that no one’s ever seen in their whole life, like Dust 2, Rust from COD, the Rust Khalifa, Rusty Mosque, Oil Rig, Artillery Platforms, and hell I’m just getting started and that’s not even half the list. My colorful worlds have been played by thousands, ripped off, stolen, edited, sucked out of their beautiful backdrops and dropped inside of a combat tag megawall, griefed, and run through the mud thanks to a conspiracy of CIA-controlled whisper campaigns. And as of today the goddamn software won’t even respawn custom loot and I ain’t shed more than a tear or two over it. However, I can tell you that it’s about to get a lot better and these experiments of mine have long legs no matter what the rules some discord operators come up with.
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4 replies on “Rust World-Making: A hundred square miles of horror”
IT’S ALIVE! It sound like a across between Minecraft West World meets Habbo Hotel 4 chan invade nerds, which maybe be an oversimplification but hey, man babies mang.
*sounds it’s 4 am my eyeballs are falling out of my head fishfag
From the “female” voices in the background of the streams and your today’s twitter-rant I conclude that you have coocked a fresh batch and swung yourself up to be the king of Roanoke’s sordid underbelly again. terrifying what a dildo-toting lowlife with an inflated ego can do to a small mountain community and history.
requiem for a lawnmower