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Second Argentine Prosecutor Shot

Two prosecutors are now dead in the investigation of an Iranian Bombing
Two prosecutors are now dead in the investigation of an Iranian Bombing

ARGENTINA —  Albert Nisman was shot dead by an unknown villain after he threatened to bring a case against Argentine President Cristina Fernandez for an alleged Iranian Bombing coverup.

Friday, Gerardo Pollitica took over the investigation and by Saturday evening he was also shot dead.

From his mobile prison in Texas, Barrett Brown told Anonymous, “Anons in Argeninta, Investigate! Anon took out Scientology, Anon took out ISIS. Project PM announces the formation of #OpJeSuisNisman, and we will bring Freedom to Argentina like we did to Tunisia. Anons, I cannot send out timely messages about the multitude of stories I miss while in Diesel Therapy. Remember! Never waste a good media event, and if it’s a slow day make one up.”



2 replies on “Second Argentine Prosecutor Shot”

It’s colder than a whore’s heart on payday up here. And wow fishfag you put everything in this ‘article’ except the kitchen sink. **hops on a plane to Argentina to laundry drug money**

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