INTERNET — WikiLeaks spokesperson Jolene Assange shocked the world, announcing, “Both Al-Qaeda and ISIS have their highest leadership positions infiltrated by Hindus who want to sow discord among monotheistic religions. It was not the United States government that engineered 9/11. It was India.”
A leaker shared documents with WikiLeaks which confirmed beyond a doubt that the attack on Charlie Hebdon in France was carried out by a special Muslim-to-Hindu convert militia known as the PakiHindus. The PakiHindu commando squad has framed Muslim terrorists for heinous acts both in India and abroad since their creation in the late 70s.
Angstrom H. Troubador, Wikileaks volunteer analyst, said, “Christian missionaries won over millions of Hindus in the past century and the Muslims are across their border with a finger on a nuclear trigger. You don’t think ISIS, Al-Qaeda, or the shooting at Charlie Hebdon would take the pressure off of them in a cost-effective manner?”
Troubador elaborated, “A moderately powerful nation such as India could easily afford a double false flag, leaving evidence that the CIA had perpetrated the 9/11 attacks while carrying them out with their already established commando squad. They see Islam, Christianity, and Judaism as a single entity — Devil Abraham — which must be provoked to self-immolate and usher in the maximum proliferation of polytheistic belief. I think it’s working incredibly well, it should have been obvious. But even though the monotheistic world finally has proof, I don’t think it will Matter. There won’t ever be an end to petty bickering over cartoons. Monotheistic religions won’t stick together, instead there will be a gradual erosion of faith through fear and competition. The Hindus will inherit the Earth.”
8 replies on “Wikileaks alleges Hindu Nationalists are behind false flag Islamist terror attack on Charlie Hebdon, 9/11”
**pokes u with a pencil** and torches, I mean touches your tinfoil.
This is my favourite one https://www.google.ca/search?q=%22It's+tough+to+be+loved+by+idiots.%22%C2%A0&biw=360&bih=592&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=M8euVMv1KpCyyATQhYCYBQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgrc=0U85DQctjMFirM%253A%3BUfFn7-JRV6OC7M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi1.tinypic.com%252Fnd7ll4.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.narutoforums.com%252Fshowthread.php%253Ft%253D180399%3B378%3B480
Lol at #opCharlieHebdo.
Expect propaganda!
Assanger will say anything to deflect blame away from our real enemy and destroy the West. I shouldn’t expect any better from the Chronicle because it’s apparently just another front for Wikileaks Organization.
Le vomits up a pic .. and wonders when censorship will come end here so us chronicle groupies can post pictures again http://i.imgur.com/9GTyPMM.jpg
Did you read this yet fishfag ..
#ReasonsObamaMissedFranceRally ’cause he’s a nigger.