
Wikileaks releases ‘Deep State Files’ #DeepStateFiles

Julian Assange, after being banned twice from Twitter: “You can’t ban an idea”

INTERNET — Early Christmas morning, Julian Assange announced the release of 700 Terabytes in what’s being called the ‘Deep State Files’. Exclusive early analysis granted to by Wikileaks reveals the Deep State Files are the entirety of the CIA’s most classified and restricted database, detailing everything from extensive work in manipulating and controlling Russian elections to Bill Clinton providing nuclear assistance to Kim Jong Il in 2009.

Wikileaks founder and spokesperson Julian Assange told followers this knowledge would “change the world,” and may be the “biggest story in history.” Assange’s Twitter account was banned, and following this an alternate account was suspended.

The Deep State Files were attained by Barrett Brown’s Pursuance Project in its first effort since the embattled investigative journalist was released from prison. Brown spent five years in prison for his work against the Deep State as the spokesperson for the hacking collective Anonymous.

After Internet Chronicle staff scanned over the massive trove of classified information, Assange passed decryption keys to trustworthy real news outlets like Fox, Breitbart, and Wall Street Journal.

Dr. Angstrom H. Troubador, analyst for Lebal Drocer, Inc., told reporters the story details how the CIA’s activities ended communism, broke up the Soviet Union, and “appointed” Vladimir Putin as president of Russia, all while carrying out similar coups across the world, and even at home in the United States, proving once and for all that the CIA assassinated JFK.

Dr. Troubador said, “They show in startling detail a concerted effort by the Clinton Foundation to foster nuclear proliferation, as well as provide chemical weapons to regimes and nations around the world. Osama Bin Laden was on the Clinton Foundation’s payroll for most of his life, and Hillary even had a revenge affair with Bin Laden after her husband was impeached for sexual misconduct.”

181 replies on “Wikileaks releases ‘Deep State Files’ #DeepStateFiles”

Do you really think the democrats would allow this? You have got to be kidding. As far as those dem emails in 2016, I am THOROUGHLY CONVINCED that Seth Rich was the one that gave them to WIKILEAKS and that is why he is no longer living.

LMAO- I don’t think Bin Laden would touch that ugly hag without 2 bags. 1 on her head the other on his incase hers fell off…..

I am all for Assange but, i could have made it through the day without the visual of Bin laden and HRC doing the dirties…It is sure to replay all day, Release the Hounds.

LMAO- I don’t think Bin Laden would touch that ugly hag without 2 bags. 1 on her head the other on his incase hers fell off…..

We, The Deep State meet the first Thursday of the month. No need to bring refreshments. They will be supplied by Goerge Soros.

Why not to open obama’s documents. We still don’t know if he finished Harvard or he was put by deep state. We know that he is impostor but we, the people want to know now not after his death.

Definition of Conspiracy to a Snow Flake, When you have no facts , just call it a conspiracy. Only people that are afraid to know the truth are the ones that can’t except the truth.

This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day… “snowflake” completely out of context, no clue as to the difference between a “conspiracy theory” and real conspiracy…. and can’t spell ‘accept’.


You’re the conspiracy theory.
Now please disappear to the Djibouti Secret Rendition site. Turn fitbit loc. off

Your ignorant Ad Hominem attack on Tamara doesn’t hold any water you programmed fool. obama is a deep state puppet, never was born in this country, did his best to destroy America, and his wife has a bigger set of balls than you, you pathetic moron. You want to pick on someone with an opinion, I’m right here waiting for you. Come on! In want to embarrass you.


so you think because obama is no longer playing president he cant be held accountable for his crimes? obama will be a jailed felon by the time President Trump finishes his second Term

Actually Obama is part of the deep state. What don’t you understand about that? We had a man as first lady for 8 years so he could pass his lgbt agenda and men can pee in the women’s room. That’s all he was good for.

as high up on the wall as I can… it’s a game I play with some of my body guards …slowtimes …

Are you talking about the manufactured evidence done by the liberals and Democrats? All of the evidence I have seen has been the liberals and democrats doing corrupt law breaking treasonous crimes.

Damon straight. Just a matter of time before these liars and complete evildoers spend the rest their lives in prison.

This is very true,
Like Trump is likely infiltrated the Deep State and exposing things that could get himself “JFKed”

Trump is not the one who allowed cocaine to be brought into the US -Obummer is the guilty party there. So Obummer can now add Drug Czar to his accomplishments. Here we are fighting a huge drug problem and Obummer adds to it !

Trump needs not to worry if has done nothing wrong Trump has been in the spot light for 30 year’s we know about Trump 1 year MULLER nothing about Russia and Trump if there was MULLER would have charged him

Manny , obama , Clintons and Bush all had ties to foreign governments and made deals to sell off America.. Trump had nothing to do with it and he is trying to expose them for what they did. You need to understand that this is much bigger than anyone.

What makes you think Trump is any different? He’s an elitist and screwed over the middle class just like they all have since Reagan. Even Obama caved in to oass a budget to give the same tax breaks to the wealthy just like W and now Trump! Nothing has changed sir! Social engineering 101. Keep us fighting and distracted while they go to the bank… “Meet the new boss same as the old boss… We won’t be fooled again…” -P Townsend

You are terribly misinformed, the middle class has huge tax breaks and in order to provide more jobs, corporations are given tax breaks, this is already working…..I know of not one poor person creating jobs……if the wealthy get wealthier, so what, they are taking the risks and creating good jobs……

What makes you think Trump is any different? He’s an elitist and screwed over the middle class just like they all have since Reagan. Even Obama caved in to oass a budget to give the same tax breaks to the wealthy just like W and now Trump! Nothing has changed sir! Social engineering 101. Keep us fighting and distracted while they go to the bank… “Meet the new boss same as the old boss… We won’t be fooled again…” -P Townsend

Now no name calling. Facts are facts. President Trump has nothing to worry about, he will do just fine as America’s best 2 term President. Next year when you have your taxes done and you end up getting back a few more thousand dollars due to our wonderful President, will you still be doing angry that the extra money you get back you will return it?

That money is URS anyway. U r a millionaire and a billionaire u just don’t know it all Americans are. If u went and collected ur money u wouldn’t have to worry about getting money back at the end of the year. You would have all u ever needed.

Unless you have a mouse in your pocket don’t say “we” I am not. I wouldn’t pray for anyone’s death, certainly not DT’s.

I do believe that # belongs to a dead man from the 1800’s, something like that. He has used three different #’s, and current one couldn’t be verified as his by E-Verify. That occurred during first election and was ignored by media.

Clinton was not impeached if you recall. So why are you pushing more division. If you wanted to talk about the Deep State, then you would talk about ALL of the corruption which includes both sides!!! Stop trying to divide us‼️

He was aquitted on all charges on the Senate as you need a 2/3 majority to remove him and no demorat voted guilty

The impeachment process of Bill Clinton was initiated by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, against Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, Dec 19, 1998 – Feb 12, 1999. It’s an absolute fact.

Well this NIGGA can Wkipedia like a boss, amirite. Not as good as the one time you killed off that other NIGGA in death hoax troll. 2nd base shit on the satire, first base on the troll here. Where the hatefag at, his fingers broken, his brain dead!?

Clinton was impeached. He was the 2nd president impeached the first was President Andrew Johnson February 24, 1868. Neither, was removed by the Senate.

Clinton WAS impeached, by the House; but he wasn’t convicted for perjury by the Senate. So he remained in office, the only POTUS whose DNA is in the Smithsonian, on Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress, as an exhibit in a criminal trial.

He was impeached mainstream media did not report it but when your read the files you will see he was impeached. He was also disbarred.

Yes, Congress did vote to impeach Clinton then the charges were overturned in a Federal appeals court. So, it depends on how you look at it. Clinton was certainly guilty of so much more than he was even impeached for, but that’s how the Deep State works….for both parties, by the way. Those who protect corporate interests are protected, in kind.

Bill Clinton was absolutely impeached for perjury. You are a moron. You don’t even know what the word means, let alone how the process works. Learn some history, Potato.

Bill Clinton was impeached.
A president could get charged (impeached) with an illegal act by the House. It takes simple majority. The president, then, is tried by the senate. If found guilty by the Senate, then, the president is removed from the office. It takes 2/3 majority in the Senate to find a president guilty.
Bill Clinton was impeached (charged) by the House. he was tried in the Senate. The charges could not gain 2/3 vote in the Senate and charges (impeachment) was dismissed.

See the facts my friend two presidents have been impeached Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Neither were removed from office. Nixon resigned before they could impeach him

Uh wasn’t it Andrew Jackson? Dont recall a President Andrew Johnson…did I miss that one in fifth grade when we had to memorize all the President’s names? ?

You really can’t be THAT dumb. Of course Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress! He got his law license stripped away because of it too. Don’t make a idiotic comment like that before at the very least checking in Internet. Geez, really? Are you 12 or younger, as that would be the only explanation.

Clinton was impeached by the house. An impeachment is the equivalent to an indictment by a grand jury. His trial was in the senate headed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The senate did not convict The senate was controlled by the democrats at the time and a no conviction was expected since Clinton was in control of the Democratic Party…… but he was impeached! (Indicted)

Clinton was impeached by the house. An impeachment is the equivalent to an indictment by a grand jury. His trial was in the senate headed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The senate did not convict The senate was controlled by the democrats at the time and a no conviction was expected since Clinton was in control of the Democratic Party…… but he was impeached! (Indicted)

Joe Blow, Clinton WAS Impeached, which is the act of Congress to call for the investigation… he was not convicted, but the Impeachment is real and documented.

Bill Clinton was impeached! He was, however, allowed to finish the term by one vote! It does note change the fact he was impeached!

Bill Klinton was impeached by the House of Representatives but not Convicted in trial by the Senate, >8th grade govt. class.

Clinton was indeed impeached. He just wasn’t thrown out of office. Nixon was not impeached, but had the dignity to resign rather than tarnish the office of the President any further.

Joe blow, Clinton WAS impeached. Impeachment is a series of proceedings that COULD lead to a president’s removal from office. Impeachment doesn’t mean removal from office.

The New York Times
How the Impeachment Process Works
MAY 17, 2017
…..The Constitution permits Congress to remove presidents before their term is up if enough lawmakers vote to say that they committed “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Only three presidents have been subjected to impeachment proceedings. Two were impeached but acquitted and stayed in office: Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998 and 1999. A third, Richard M. Nixon in 1974, resigned to avoid being impeached.

Clinton was impeached! They voted for him to remain in office because it was near then end of his term. Go back & verify historical records, you will see!!

Bill Clinton was infact impeached for lieing to the grand jury. Please do your research before calling people liars.

Joe Blow, “both sides” doesn’t exist, the talk is only intended to make you think there are two sides.

The Democrat and Republican establishment is ONE side.

The deep state consists of lifelong politicians who love being in power and don’t want to give up their power. The deep state consists of lifelong politicians who love being in power and don’t want to give up their power. JFK knew about the secret Society called the deep state can you see what happened to him, there was another president that also know that I can’t recall offhand who we was , The deep state is real, how do you think some of these politicians get some rich while in office and even richer once I leave…. Think about it .

True, the common man being either Republican or Democrat are closer to one another than they likely ever know. But, the behind the scenes power cabal (deep State if you will) wants infighting among all Americans thus to be able to manipulate the public. Happy people don’t rebel or even complain, they work and raise families and live in harmony. The deep State doesn’t want that.

Clinton was impeached by the House but the Senate (still controlled by the Democrats at the time) acquitted him of all charges.

Yes, but he was still impeached & really didn’t have the power to do much of anything important except being a figurehead until his term ended.

”…Assange passed decryption keys to trustworthy real news outlets like Fox, Breitbart, and Wall Street Journal.”…. The ENTIRE story is compromised by this statement !
In fact, this entire story is very likely – total BOLLOCKS !

What kind of deranged pedophile wrote this hoax ? @AltAssange shut down for faggot fakness! :-) Barret Brown doing heroin again? Neal Rauhauser & Brett kimberlin puling his sock puppets again? Barret Brown eating from the same mayonnaise jar as Bill Schmalfeldt? This whole little post is LOLCow worthy.


the fact that we have heard nothing about this from the news sources he allegedly released these files to means they should be re-released for public consumption. PS: I do not consider the WSJ part of anything but MSM. Fox is not much better.

So ready for the Bush’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s to totally humiliated for their deeds. I want that entire era of administrations brought to their knees. Death would be too easy. They all deserve much suffering for the pain they have caused for so many people.

The stupid burns so brightly, its ugly and needs to drink bleach wearing a pink tutu with a shoe on it’s head.

Whoever said Clinton wasn’t impeached wins the troll of the year award. I had to scroll for 48 minutes to make this comment, and now I’ve got a B.A. in Impeachment Process.

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