INTERNET– Legendary cp forum chronicle.su was seized by authorities Thursday following an anonymous tip by John Tiessen. Tiessen told authorities he knew the mysterious chronicle leadership was trading non-nude jailbait photography around Twitter for some time, and has reason to believe sources might be holding out on him.
“Dey trade it around on da Twitta,” Tiessen lied. “Dey trade it around and dey won’t share none of it wid ME.”
Authorities hail the chronicle.su seizure as “the nation’s finest police work this side of Dallas,” and have placed the coveted Soviet Union domain in a sort of digital trophy room “to set an example for anyone who thinks it’s OK to abuse the freedom of speech we so generously allow you to keep.”
FBI Director Robert Mueller says he wants to let this serve “as a warning and an example” that the government can take anything you do and destroy it in a moment’s notice “at the slightest indication that you might enjoy the sweet, clean-smelling underage skin of exotic preteen girls,” adding, amidst hyperventilation, “Those sweet, sweet preteen girls.”
You will not find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than terrorist website chronicle.su. It is the lowest common denominator of “entertainment,” where “low-brow is the new high-brow,” according to investigators.
Chronicle.su is a cesspool of over-ripe spineless writers with nothing better to do than exhibit themselves masturbating before onlookers in Tinychat. If the website were deleted today, the Internet would be a better place tomorrow, for fans of sanctioned child porn star Selena Gomez, among other celebrity wonders as Lil Wayne, Kilgore Trout and Lady HaHa.
With the impending deletion and re-absorption of the chronicle.su domain into the available pool of domains, it is expected to be replaced by a chansite specializing in the trade and sale of actual underage sex workers as permitted by the CIA and enjoyed by their constituency of faceless traveling arms dealers with full security clearances and total freedom to molest human society at will.
WTF ? i think there is a clown at the bottom of this
omg frank mason was sandusky this whole time. it all makes sense now
Heard u liek teh mudkipz?!?
sandusky flops all around
naked black aases
pooped em.asses
Nick: beefrave
Name: Aaron S Pawlowski
Tele: (315) 487-4872
Addy: 203 Pine Hill Rd Syracuse, NY 13209-1747 (lives with mom and dad, lol)
Education (or lack thereof): Paul V Moore High School (class of 2002)
Age: 28, born in 1984
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cigarsex (lol @ fake name)
Rachel L Pawlowski
Susan C Pawlowski
Edward D Pawlowski
Now thats funny, and that black due works out i can tell.
Ric Veda loves You And so Do i
Time to Go To Work
John Poker In The Front Lick Her In The Back Tiessen
Beefrave was abducted by some big nigger (picture of his big black ass above) on streets NYC, sold his underage ass into a life of whoring. Actually the pedos, I mean customer$ complain he too old & ugly….#trueSTORY!
*teh streets
MOUTH RAEP JUST HAPPENS, OPEN WIDE, FATTY FUCKER! (we saw the pictures of your wife and noa we require eye bleach, she brings new meaning to word #FAILWHALE Aaron, oospy I mean shitrave).
need dat hot wet fat sex in my life. got a tattoo that says so. #johnttiessenspookerismspimpdaddyall-the same-person.@mouthrape=prison lol. if you just was a fat whore instead of diseased fat whore i would fuck you too. :) you just mad you aint getting none of this fatty filler. aka MY DICK aaaaaaannnnndddddd you never will, as you have cancer and aids plus cake crumbs in yer snatch<<<<=fyi-yeast infections are gross. lol.
Seriously Aaron, I mean shit4brains, is that best you got. Seriously if you’re gonna bring it remember your correct dox is all over doxbin. I bet you spent all day thinking that up while waiting for your disability check. Why would I be mad or jelly, you’re just another ChrisChan wannabe, with a wife literally the size of a whale (the bridal tent doubled as her wedding dress), and both of you still living with her parents. I bet u save snacks from Taco Bell in the folds of her fat. Here is a how to guide for your fat ass and her morbidly obese ass http://www.futurescopes.com/love-and-sex/750/sex-positions-fat-people-making-love-when-youre-obese
Oh and tuck tape, I have seen the size of her and it will cum in handy for holding it all back once you have located the wet spot.
Seriously Aaron, I mean shit4brains, is that best you got. Seriously if you’re gonna bring it remember your correct dox is all over doxbin. I bet you spent all day thinking that up while waiting for your disability check. Why would I be mad or jelly, you’re just another ChrisChan wannabe, with a wife literally the size of a whale (the bridal tent doubled as her wedding dress), and both of you still living with her parents. I bet u save snacks from Taco Bell in the folds of her fat.
I love doxbin!
Oh I forgot to mention beefrave has the maiden name of Aaron Scott Worley, see like huge alcoholic asspie faggot that he is, he took the hambeast, his wife Rachel’s last name, Pawlowski.