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Special Interest

Goodbye Internet

Fuck off.

Hey folks. Media Mogul here.

I’ll be taking a long break from the Internet starting tomorrow morning and lasting until ????. I don’t give a shit about you and we won’t miss each other.

Enjoy your pornography, reddit and bitcoins.

This message is brought to you by Lebal Drocer, Inc.

Editor’s note: Media Mogul won’t be seeing this, then!

A man’s life in these parts often depends on a mere scrap of information.

By Hatesec

I am the hatest

3 replies on “Goodbye Internet”

its over when i fucking say its over timefag. i don’t need you , you need me. end-users are nothing but meme monkeys looking for butts to sniff.

I, for one, embrace and eagerly acknowledge our cyber-overlord and vow to faithfully serve its electronic needs. please think of me as a loyal servant, oh mighty inglip.

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