This is the shittiest website I have ever seen. What happened to the categories, did you get tired of having something people could actually relate to?
News, Sports, Weather and Reviews were just too much like something regular people were used to seeing so we got rid of that, because this is a terrible website you would never, ever want to read. EVER. Our advertisers have made this clear by reducing monthly funding to a paralyzing trickle.
Let me make this perfectly clear: The Internet Chronicle is a stain on the Internet: a cancerous, oily rag containing nothing but the kind of conspiratorial nonsense with which the sane would not dare pollute their pure, precious blood. Reading chronicle.su is like smoking cigarettes dipped in formaldehyde.
Do you know who used to read chronicle.su? Miley Cyrus read The Internet Chronicle back in 2008 and look what happened to her. But it was never about Miley, was it? It was about us, and what The Internet has done to our rotten brains.
I know from kilgoar, because I witnessed it personally, he might appear to be a broken, melted down mutant of a person. Barely a man anymore, kilgoar is however what we might call a “transhuman” whose personality has been transferred to a row of helium-cooled supercomputers located at an abandoned signal station in Povarovo, Russia. Kilgoar’s healthier than ever, though, and this is really not cause for concern. He is, afterall, a pretty good old boy. Just a regular dude like you or me, or the president.
This website is a despicable abomination, an affront to everything the human race has achieved up till now. The Chronicle’s insistence on hatred as a form of appreciation, progress, love, and explanation for the Internet is downright contradictory and a damn lie. The Internet Chronicle is cancer. They built Anonymous. They are the government. CHRONICLE.SU IS RUN BY SPOOKS! GOVERNMENT-FOR-HIRE FALLBOYS. The Internet Chronicle is a rotten abscess on humanity. Delete it.
Turn away, there is nothing positive here. Go back to Facebook and say hello to your fucking families for me.
HOME SWEET HOME FUCKERS! (chases a hit of terrormax with teh chroniclesu koolaid$. I use blackbook ftr. Now how about some Hate propaganda radio.
MI6 has withdrawn agents from active operations in wake of Russia’s alleged decryption of secret Snowden files http://thebea.st/1GCs82t
Fun Fact: Did you know in Oct 2013, after almost 3 yrs I was locked/kicked out of the opM account after being accused of being a tinfoil hat wearing spai for the chronicle.su. And those were exact words used when I was given the final b& hammer.
Ps- I blame the fishfag for turning me into a neo-nilhilist (at least as far OL goes).
Hermits don’t get laid fgt.
Ps-LMFAO (must be the mushrooms) listening to you suffer thru a solo show. Kill yourself <3
Excellent, what a blog it is! This web site provides valuable data to us, keep it up.